Melania Trump is hiring a team to help her fight back against social media attacks from the likes of Chelsea Handler 

  • White House insiders said Melania Trump is finalizing a team to combat attacks
  • It comes after Chelsea Handler said Melania Trump 'can barely speak English'
  • The First Lady is actually fluent in French, Italian, German, Slovene and English
  • It's believed that former Vogue staffer and Met Ball organizer Stephanie Winston Wolkoff has been tapped to be Melania's chief strategist
  • Wolkoff is reportedly helping interview candidates for Melania's chief of staff, communications chief and social secretary 

Melania Trump is hiring a team of staffers to help her fight back against social media attacks after Chelsea Handler was accused of immigrant-shaming her.

The comedian said that she wouldn't interview the First Lady because 'she can barely speak English', despite the fact that 46-year-old Slovenian native being fluent in French, Italian, German, Slovene and English.

White House insiders said that the First Lady is close to finalizing a team to manage the attacks against her and her ten-year-old son Barron.

White House insiders said that Melania Trump is close to finalizing a team to manage the social media attacks against her and her ten-year-old son Barron 

Chelsea Handler (above on Saturday at Sundance Women's March) is being accused of immigrant shaming First Lady Melania Trump after saying that she can barely speak English despite the fact she is actually fluent in five languages

It's believed that former Vogue staffer and Met Ball organizer Stephanie Winston Wolkoff has been tapped to as Melania's chief strategist

It's believed that former Vogue staffer and Met Ball organizer Stephanie Winston Wolkoff - who also planned Trump's inauguration events alongside Tom Barrack - has been tapped to be Melania's chief strategist, according to Page Six.

Wolkoff is reportedly helping interview candidates for Melania's chief of staff, communications chief and social secretary.

Melania has remained silent about comments made about her and Barron following President Donald Trump's inauguration.

President Donald Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, however, slammed Handler after the comments.

'Shame on Chelsea Handler for attacking our first lady in such a despicable manner,' he told Page Six. 

On July 19, 2016, Handler tweeted the above message about Melania in relation to her husband

A Twitter user responded (above) to Handler's initial tweet saying that her joke wasn't funny and how she 'will bring beauty and grace back to The White House'

He added: 'Don't be fooled by her accent. Melania is bright and articulate. To be clear, our first lady speaks multiple languages, I believe five. How many languages do you speak, Chelsea?'

Handler made comments about Handler in a video to Variety after leading the Women's March at the Sundance Film Festival on Saturday.

President Donald Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, slammed Handler's comment

The 41-year-old actress also said she wouldn't book the former model or President Donald Trump on her Netflix show because she doesn't 'respect either one' of them.

She then launched into a speech about how 'divisiveness' is not 'the answer'.

'Divisiveness is not the answer,' Handler explained. 'And I think to get that message, we have to reach across party lines, forget your party. 

After the row on Tuesday, Handler shared this teary Instagram photograph on Instagram, writing alongside it: 'I stand with Planned Parenthood. It's time to action' 

Handler responded back and wrote: '@karen_snowdy @MELANIATRUMP just as soon as she learns how to speak English'

Handler wrote the above message about Melania to her Twitter on November 4 in reference to a campaign speech Tim Kaine delivered in Spanish

Handler wrote the above message to Twitter on October 28 after Trump shared that Melania would have a more public speaking engagements during a sit down interview with ABC News

'I'm registering as an Independent. I'm not gonna be a Democrat anymore because it's too divisive. This isn't working, this two-party system.'

When asked if she saw the president at Sundance, what would she say, Handler replied, 'F*** off. I mean, gross.'

This isn't the first time Handler has criticized the president or his wife of 12 years.

Since at least July 2016, Handler has written several messages over the course of the election campaign about Melania on Twitter.

On July 19, 2016, Handler tweeted: 'I wonder if @MELANIATRUMP is enjoying her wheaties (sic) this morning or if she's too busy pitching Donald state of the union speech ideas.'

Handler wrote the above message about Melania to her Twitter on October 19 in an apparent  reference to how her husband pronounces the country 'China'

Handler wrote the above message about Melania to Twitter on  October 9 during the presidential debate

A Twitter user responded to Handler's initial tweet saying that her joke wasn't funny and how she 'will bring beauty and grace back to The White House'.

Handler responded back and wrote: '@karen_snowdy @MELANIATRUMP just as soon as she learns how to speak English'.

In another tweet from October 28, Handler wrote: 'Trump said Melania will give two or three more speeches… Hopefully an interpreter will be present.'

On November 4, she took to Twitter again and wrote: 'Tim Kaine delivered a speech entirely in Spanish. Still easier to understand than Melania.p (sic)'

A representative for Handler could not be reached by

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