Sarah Palin's courtroom reality show gets the chop before making it to air as audiences say she's no Judge Judy and 'doesn't resonate' because she has no legal training 

  • Audiences did not respond well to pilot episodes of 'Palin Rules' - a reality courtroom show featuring the former Alaskan governor 
  • Palin does not have any legal experience unlike reigning TV judge Judy Sheindlin
  • Larry Lyttle, the TV executive who perfected the formula, said it didn't matter 
  • Viewers however said the politician didn't 'resonate' as a lawmaker  

Sarah Palin's courtroom reality TV show has been axed before ever making it to air 

Sarah Palin's courtroom reality show has been axed before even making it to air. 

The former governor of Alaska was due to star in the show as a Judge Judy-esque host, but failed to 'resonate' with test audiences because she has no legal training.

'Though Sarah has obvious talent as a commentator, she didn't resonate with the audience as a judge,' a production source told Radar Online. 

Palin was signed on to the show by Montana-based production company Warm Spring last year. 

The team behind it hoped it would be picked up by networks after the pilot phase but audiences' reactions to its star stopped the production in its tracks.

It is the second of Palin's reality TV shows to face the chop. Sarah Palin's Alaska was axed after just one season in 2011. 

Talks for the courtroom show began in 2015 when producers approached the controversial politician. 

There were plans for her to work alongside TV executive Larry Lyttle who helped perfect the Judge Judy formula. 

He wasn't phased by her lack of legal training, explaining that she would be presiding over the 'court of common sense'. 

The former governor of Alaska reared her head again last year to campaign on behalf of Donald Trump. While Palin has a colorful political past, she has no legal training 

'She's appointed judges and is well equipped as a former governor to preside over cases,' he told TMZ.

Producers were also unconcerned with her lack of legal experience and hoped her controversial personality would make for good TV.

'Palin’s telegenic personality, wide appeal and common sense wisdom make her a natural for this kind of format and she was Warm Springs’ top pick for this project,' a source told People. 

Reigning reality TV judge Judy Sheindlin was not worried about the threat of a possibly challenger. 

'It's open territory. You just have to use your common sense and know a little bit about the law,' she mischievously told TMZ in March last year.  

Reigning reality TV judge Judy Sheindlin was not worried about the threat of a possibly challenger

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