Did Donald get snubbed? Footage appears to show President Trump being given the cold shoulder by a black clergyman refusing to shake his hand after service 

  • The president was in attendance at the Washington National Cathedral Saturday 
  • Video inside the church appeared to show him being snubbed by a verger
  • The minister switched his scepter to his right hand before Trump could shake it
  • He also continued to stare straight ahead, not even looking at the president 
  • The cathedral said the man did not snub Trump, and insisted he was doing his job

Donald Trump was in a feisty mood over the weekend after his inauguration, and a new video may help explain why. 

Just one day after he was sworn in, Trump made the traditional post-inauguration trip to the Washington National Cathedral for a prayer service on Saturday morning.

At the end of the service, the president appeared to be given the cold shoulder by a verger working at the event who refused to acknowledge him as he walked past.

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President Donald Trump (pictured with his wife, Melania, and Mike and Karen Pence) was snubbed by a verger at the Washington National Cathedral on Saturday

Trump was shaking hands with the various religious figures as they left the church, when the verger in question, who was black, quickly shifted his scepter to his right hand.

He then walked past the president while staring straight ahead and refusing to make eye contact.

Trump initially began to reach his hand forward as the man approached, however when he saw the shake would not be reciprocated, he quickly pulled his arm back down by his side. 

After the awkward exchange, the president shook hands with the next verger in the line.

A spokesman for the cathedral told DailyMail.com the verger, a sort of 'ceremonial MC' for events, did not ignore the president and instead he was following protocol.

'His job is to make sure whatever event he is working or assisting with happens,' the spokesman said. 'He is focused on getting people in and out.' 

As the verger walked into the shot (left) the scepter could be seen in his left hand, but he quickly moved it to his right (right) - meaning that he did not have a free hand to shake with

Donald Trump appeared to initially be saying something to the verger, who did not even glance at him

The verger did not look at Trump as he walked past, instead staring straight ahead as the left the cathedral

Donald Trump shook hands with other members of the clergy as the service was finishing on Saturday

The prayer service was attended by Trump's family, as well as Mike Pence's.

The national prayer service is an inauguration tradition that dates back to George Washington.  

Its mission statement declares its dedication to 'serving the country and its many faith traditions.' 

After a welcome to the service, attendees, including Trump, sang the Star Spangled Banner, before the service moved on.

At one point, Trump led those in attendance in delivering a standing ovation after a rendition of 'How Great Thou Art' was played.

President Donald Trump greets a member of the clergy while he is accompanied by his wife Melania during a prayer service at Washington National Cathedral

President Donald Trump is seen arriving for a prayer service with Melania Trump at Washington National Cathedral the morning after his inauguration

The first and second families are seen during the traditional service in DC on Saturday morning

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