I'm kicking cancer's a**': Fitness model, 24, diagnosed with aggressive ovarian cancer shares photo showing her hair growing back after chemotherapy

  • Cheyann Clark, 24, was diagnosed with an aggressive ovarian cancer last year
  • She was previously an avid weightlifter who worked out every single day
  • The cancer made her drop to 47 kilograms, but she has responded to chemo well
  • Ms Clark posted an update on Instagram about her hair growing back slowly
  • 'God is good... Mondays don't always suck. I'm kicking cancer's a**,' she wrote 

She previously spoke about the fact that an aggressive ovarian cancer had not robbed her of her love for life.

And 24-year-old fitness model, Cheyann Clark's, infectious spirit is clear for all to see in her latest post on Instagram.

'Look at that hair grow! It's bittersweet at this point when it comes to my hair. I'm so excited that it's growing, but kinda sad because I got used to being bald and enjoyed not having to do my hair,' she wrote.

'All I can really say is: God is good all the time. Mondays don't always suck. I'm kicking cancer's a**.' 

Fitness model, Cheyann Clark, 24, from Seattle, posted on Instagram about her hair growing back (pictured) after she was diagnosed with an aggressive ovarian cancer 

'All I can really say is: God is good all the time. Mondays don't always suck. I'm kicking cancer's a**,' the 24-year-old posted (pictured in hospital)

Prior to her cancer diagnosis, Ms Clark (pictured) was an avid weightlifter and competed regularly in bikini body competitions; 'my life before getting cancer was pretty great,' she said

Ms Clark, from Seattle, was an avid weightlifter before she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last year. 

She regularly competed in bikini body competitions and worked out on a daily basis.

'My life before getting diagnosed with cancer was pretty great,' she said. 

'I lived in Florida with my now-husband and worked with him in the real estate industry. We went to the gym every day and were always very active.' 

However, when Ms Clark found out she had ovarian cancer, the cancer took a devastating toll on her body and lifestyle - she dropped down to just 47 kilograms (right)

'My life has done a complete 180 since being diagnosed,' she said - and was no longer able to pursue her love of fitness 

However, when Ms Clark found out she had ovarian cancer, the cancer took a devastating toll on her body and lifestyle.

The 24-year-old dropped down to just 47 kilos and was no longer able to pursue her love of fitness.

'My life has done a complete 180 since being diagnosed,' she said.

 It has been a crazy year and if asked if I would change anything I would say no

Since that point, Ms Clark has had several rounds of chemotherapy, and her sunny personality has prevailed. She said she has done 'really well' with the chemo and regularly shares upbeat messages from her Instagram profile.

'It has been a crazy year and if asked if I would change anything I would say no,' she posted on her 24th birthday just last week.

'23 has taught me so many beautiful life lessons and has taken me on a journey not many (but still far too many) have been on; but I still wouldn't do it over or trade it in.

'I am grateful and blessed to be where God has put me today. I know 24 has a tonne of success, love, faith and happiness in store for me.' 

Since that point, Ms Clark has had several rounds of chemotherapy, and her sunny personality has prevailed. She said she is doing 'really well' with chemo and regularly shares messages

'It has been a crazy year and if asked if I would change anything I would say no,' she posted on her 24th birthday just last week

Ms Clark has also just had clearance from her doctor to return to the gym 

'My goals for the future once I am cancer free is to compete in more fitness competitions and start a family,' Ms Clark said - she intends to adopt as 'they weren't able to save my eggs'

As well as this, Ms Clark has recently had the clearance from her doctor to go back to the gym.

'My goals for the future once I am cancer free is to compete in more fitness competitions and start a family,' she said.

'Unfortunately I am not able to carry a child and they weren't able to save my eggs, so we will either adopt or have an egg donor and surrogate.'  

Speaking to MailOnline, Ms Clark shared a message for other women going through the same thing: 

'Never stop thinking you are beautiful, because you are. Hair is hair. It grows back if you look at it like that. 

'Your hair can and will always grow back, so just enjoy each day and rock the bald head. Bold is beautiful.'

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