'I loved eating tomatoes with you - I will miss you': School friend leaves heartbreaking note for six-year-old boy who died with his parents in cottage blaze 

  • Young couple and child found dead together on a double bed in Surrey fire said to have burned undetected
  • The victims have been named locally as Tiago and Adriana Nunes, and their son, also called Tiago, seven 
  • Deadly blaze raged all night at the isolated farm cottage on Trumpet Hill Road near Reigate  
  • Colleagues raised alarm at 11am yesterday when the unnamed male victim failed to appear at work 
  • Forensics teams are inside the shell and police are working with fire service to establish if it was deliberate

A school friend of a young boy who died in bed with his parents when a cottage fire ripped through their remote home has left a heart-breaking note to him.

Little Tiago Nunes was killed by the blaze, along with mother Adriana and dad Tiago.

One of the six-year-old’s school friends left a bunch of flowers against a tree just outside the police cordon at Little Santon Farm in Reigate, Surrey.

First picture: The victims have been named locally as Tiago, 30, and Adriana Nunes, 41, and their son, also called Tiago, seven

The note, which also included a picture of a stick man, said: 'To Tiago, I loved playing with you in school. I loved eating tomatoes with you. I will miss you. Love Chie x.'

One of young Tiago's friends left a floral tribute saying how he loved playing with him

Fire investigators and Surrey Police officers remain at the cottage with officers seen carrying away bags of evidence as police vans and cars came in and out of the cordon.

A blue tent was still erected just outside the burnt out cottage, which has completely lost its roof.

The remote home sits amongst large fields on all sides, some with horses grazing, and is surrounded by high trees.

A police probe was launched after the bodies of gardener Tiago and his family were discovered when his boss Adrian Smart, who owns Little Santon Farm went to investigate after he didn’t turn up for work.

Tiago Junior, due to turn seven in March, went to North Downs Primary School in nearby Leigh.

It emerged yesterday that cleaner Adriana who was found burned to death with her husband and their six-year-old son had texted the word 'Goodbye' to her sister-in-law in a series of cryptic messages sent just hours before she died. 

Reports in The Sun said Adriana sent Tiago’s sister Cecilia Nunes, 44, a series of bizarre messages in the hours before the blaze.

Cecilia said: 'She texted me. The message said "goodbye", but I deleted it because I was very upset. Another said "thank you very much family for my birthday".

According to her sister-in-law, Adriana, pictured with son Tiago Jr, sent her a text saying 'Goodbye' hours before the family were found dead

Family: Tiago, believed to be from Porto in Portugal, was a gardener and the family lived in the vast grounds of the farm he worked on. Adriana, left with her husband, originally from Chile, was a cleaner and her son Tiago Jr, pictured together right, is believed to have been a pupil at nearby North Downs Primary School

Another cryptic message sent by Adriana, pictured with her husband, reportedly said 'thank you very much family for my birthday'

The cleaner, pictured with her son, and her family were found in the cottage after it 'burnt down before anyone noticed'

'I think that’s strange because we didn’t send any birthday message. I can’t believe what happened.'

The major fire in one of the county's most affluent lanes was only discovered when Mr Nunes failed to arrive for work and colleagues went to check on him, a family friend said.

The farm at Little Santon Farm in Reigate, Surrey, where the burnt cottage sits is owned by Adrian and Sara Smart, according to the Surrey Advertiser.  

They called the emergency services who found the family in the destroyed cottage on a private road at around 11am yesterday morning. A blue tent was erected at the scene, suggesting their bodies were still inside.

Inferno: The family died together in this cottage on Trumpet Hill Road (pictured) near Reigate, Surrey

Investigation: A blue tent is erected at the entrance of the cottage, suggesting the bodies of the fire victims remain inside more than 24 hours after the blaze

Sealed off: Forensic officers at the scene put up a ladder to inspect the roof where the bodies of a man, woman and child have been found in a fire-ravaged farm cottage

Police presence: Forensics officers carry measuring tapes and other equipment as they try to piece together what happened in the fire and what started it

Investigation: Police are working with fire service to establish if the blaze was deliberate or just a tragic accident

Tiago, believed to be from Porto in Portugal, was a gardener and his family lived in the vast grounds of the farm he worked on.

Primary school's grief after death of pupil, 7

The school of a young boy who died in a house fire alongside his parents have described the incident as 'tragic'.

Named locally as Tiago and Adriana Nunes, and their son, also called Tiago, are thought to be the man, woman and child, discovered in bed together after a blaze raged.

They were found at a cottage in Little Santon Farm in Reigate, Surrey, where the burnt cottage was discovered by owners Adrian and Sara Smart.

Parents of pupils at North Downs Primary School where the youngster attended are being sent a letter by the school's head teacher, Jane Douglass, informing them of the devastating news.

The letter said: 'It is with huge sadness and regret that I write to inform you that we have received information from the police regarding a tragic incident, which we believe involves one of our Leigh pupils.

'There has been a house fire in Reigate in which two adults and a child have died. However, police are not in a position yet to confirm their names.

'As a school we have only just received this information and we will not, therefore, speak with the children today about what has happened.

'We think it is very important that we all take the time to talk with and reassure the children about what has happened and all of the staff will be here to support the children with any questions they may have.

'This is very likely to be a difficult time for us as a school and a community and we will all need to support each other, and particularly those most closely affected.' 

The mother killed in the blaze is understood to have been cleaner Adriana Nunes, originally from Chile, who worked in the village of Betchworth. 

Their son Tiago is believed to have been a pupil at nearby North Downs Primary School.

A neighbour said: 'Mr and Mrs Smart live at Little Santon Farm. The gardener lives in the cottage on the grounds and that was the building that was on fire.

'Betchworth is a small village, they were very well known and lovely people.. I'm in shock.

'I was supposed to be picking Mrs Smart up and got to the farm at around 10.45am yesterday. Mrs Smart had just found out.

'The fire was out by then, it was very strange. It looked like it had happened weeks ago. It was smouldering slightly but there was no sign of a fire and there wasn't loads of smoke in the air.

'It must have happened quietly during the night. The cottage is far away from the farmhouse which is over a mound.

'Looking at the cottage I don't think there were many houses that would have seen it.'

The resident, who asked not to be named, added that because the gardener hadn't turned up for work Adrian went down to see where he was and discovered the scene of devastation.

She added: 'Adrian called the police, I was with Sara and the police arrived whilst I was there. The family have been there for a few years, maybe four or five.' 

The smouldering remains went unnoticed by builders working on a nearby multi-million pound mansion who said they were unaware of the fire 'until the wind changed and they smelled something'. 

No attempt had been made to raise the alarm by the family inside.

Police and the fire service are investigating if it was arson or a tragic accident and forensics teams were inspecting the rented property's shell and its roof.

David Ball, who lives just a short distance up the road away from the house, said he had no idea about the blaze until he saw the police the next day.

'We had the police here yesterday' he said, adding: 'It would appear it started in the early hours of the morning because it was burned to the ground by the time people noticed and the fire brigade got there'.

Blaze: The bodies were discovered when a man who lived at the house failed to arrive for work and worried colleagues went to check on him

Tragedy: The bodies were discovered when a man who lived at the house on Trumpet Hill Road failed to arrive for work and worried colleagues went to check on him

Ladder: The emergency services who found three bodies in the destroyed cottage on a private road at around 11am yesterday morning

Cordon: Police are piecing together how the fire started - but they have not ruled out that it was suspicious

The cottage, which is surrounded by fields and next to a llama farm, has been completely gutted.

The three bodies were found lying on a double bed when fire crews entered the smouldering building.  

Resident Christine Beard said police had spoken to her to ask whether she was aware of the incident.

She said: 'The houses are few and far between here so we weren't aware of anything.

'The police have been round but I don't think they know how the fire started or what time it started.

'It's terrible news. We had seen comings and goings from there with horses, and had taken in the odd parcel for them, but that's it.' 

The fire completely destroyed the building's roof but the walls of the building are still standing.

Witness Mark Wigmore told the Surrey Mirror: 'I had traffic behind so couldn't stop or get a good look.

'There were lots of emergency vehicles on the road and at the property. The house had lost its roof but the walls are still standing.'

Police are working with the fire service to try to establish if the cause of the devastating blaze was suspicious or a tragic accident.

Police are working with the fire service to try to establish if the cause of the devastating blaze was suspicious or a tragic accident. A private ambulance is pictured at the scene this afternoon 

Six police vehicles were parked in front of the cordoned off road to the farm cottage, while a private ambulance arrived this afternoon, apparently to take the bodies away.

Inspector Richard Hamlin from Surrey Police's Mole Valley neighbourhood police team said at the scene: 'At approximately 11 am yesterday emergency services were called to a property here to reports of a fire.

Inspector Richard Hamlin from Surrey Police's Mole Valley neighbourhood police team said his officers were working with the fire service to established what had caused the blaze

'Surrey Police and Surrey Fire and Rescue are now joint investigating following the discovery of three bodies which have not been formally identified.

'The occupiers next of kin have been informed and our thoughts remain with the friends and families of those people at this time.

'Fire officers have been working hard to ensure the scene and the structure of the building are safe to enter and will continue working with them to maintain this scene.

'We are still investigating the cause with the fire service and remained determined to find the cause at this time.'

Christopher Whinney, a councillor for Reigate Central, has visited the scene with his wife and had a brief discussion with police.

He said: 'It is obviously a great tragedy.

'I have met the man who I think was living there at that is the first point of being here.

'The second point is the cause and whether we will find out what the causes are to make sure that everyone is aware what the causes are and therefore it won't happen in their own home.

'It is a tragedy but there is a lesson to be learnt.'

The cottage has no immediate neighbours and is set back from the narrow country lane leading to it. It was engulfed in dense fog but the remains of the building were just visible with only a shell appearing to remain.

A specialist forensic science police van arrived with a team to investigate the cause of the killer blaze. 

Police officers stood guard in front of a cordon blocking off the driveway leading up to the house as the large team of forensic investigators moved equipment onto the site of the incident.

Neighbours speculated on whether the family had simply been overcome by the smoke and flames in their sleep or whether someone else was involved in their deaths. 

One woman driving past the police cordon said she was in shock when she saw the ruins of the cottage.

'I used to live there,' she said. 'I feel ill, it's horrible'. 

Another neighbour, who did not want to be named and also lived just a short distance away, did not notice the fire until the fire brigade arrived.

'I don't know another other than the house burned down,' he said.

Probe: Forensics teams are poring over the cottage, which has been completely gutted

Past: The cottage, which is surrounded by fields and next to a lama farm (pictured before the fire), has been completely gutted

A spokesman for Surrey Police said that investigations into the fire, which broke out in the early hours of Tuesday morning, were at a very early stage and detectives were waiting for specialist fire investigators from the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service to give them guidance on whether the cause was suspicious.

'Surrey Police was called to an address in Trumpet Hill Road, Reigate, yesterday morning following concerns for the safety of occupants at the location,' said the spokesman.

'Officers arrived at the location at around 11.10am. A property was found to have suffered serious fire damage and three people, including two adults and a child, were found deceased. Their next of kin has been informed.

'A joint investigation between Surrey Police and Surrey Fire and Rescue Service is underway into the cause of the fire.' 

A police spokesman said that efforts were being made to make the ruins structurally safe before any investigation began. It was expected that the efforts to make the house stable could take several days.

A spokesman for Surrey Fire and Rescue Service said it sent three appliances to the rural location at 11.10am. 

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