- published: 08 Jun 2015
- views: 10716230
A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation". The first laser was built in 1960 by Theodore H. Maiman at Hughes Laboratories, based on theoretical work by Charles Hard Townes and Arthur Leonard Schawlow. A laser differs from other sources of light in that it emits light coherently. Spatial coherence allows a laser to be focused to a tight spot, enabling applications such as laser cutting and lithography. Spatial coherence also allows a laser beam to stay narrow over great distances (collimation), enabling applications such as laser pointers. Lasers can also have high temporal coherence, which allows them to emit light with a very narrow spectrum, i.e., they can emit a single color of light. Temporal coherence can be used to produce pulses of light as short as a femtosecond.
Among their many applications, lasers are used in optical disk drives, laser printers, and barcode scanners; fiber-optic and free-space optical communication; laser surgery and skin treatments; cutting and welding materials; military and law enforcement devices for marking targets and measuring range and speed; and laser lighting displays in entertainment.
Just finished building my 40W(!!!) laser shotgun!!! The output of this laser is complete insanity, and is made up of 8 parallel 5W laser beams totaling to 40W. The parallel beams are manipulated with lenses, sort of like how a choke modifies the spread of a shotgun blast. Follow me on Instagram to see some crazy stuff!! :D https://www.instagram.com/styro.drake/ The massive diode array is powered by a huge lithium polymer battery pack (capable up dumping 250A) and the laser array is regulated by a whopping 24 LM317 drivers. Follow me on FaceBook and see my video clips that don't get posted to YouTube!! https://www.facebook.com/diylaserguy For licensing/usage please email licensing@rumble.com. Check out http://laserpointerforums.com to learn more about laser pointers, lasers, and laser...
Wicked Lasers Arctic Spyder III 1W Blue Laser! Check out the Spyder III here: http://bit.ly/BuyWickedLasers GET A FREE DIY MINI-COURSE http://kipkay.com/DIY BUILD DIY STUFF EVERY MONTH http://kipkaykits.com Subscribe to Kipkay: http://bit.ly/SubscribetoKipkay LIKE on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KipkayVideos FOLLOW on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kipkayvideos Check out my other channel: http://www.youtube.com/gadgetvideoreviews\
►►SUBSCRIBE HERE►► https://www.youtube.com/c/gadgetjefftv?sub_confirmation=1 http://www.jetlasers.org - Large 1500mw Laser https://www.laserbeelpm.com - Laser Power Meter Episode 11 - Wicked Lasers | 1500mW High Power Blue Lasers!!! I did purchase four of these lasers to re sell but then figured out eBay does not allow it. If you are interested, I am trying to sell them for $80 a piece which includes shipping. Please message me if you are interested. Welcome back to Gadget Jeff TV. Today we will be quickly reviewing some crazy wicked lasers. These things are no joke. Rated at over 1500mw in power. These lasers have the ability to pop balloons, cut through tape and even strike matches. Unfortunately, they are quite dangerous. Severe eye damage can occur if proper handling and...
Bill shows how the three key characteristics of laser light - single wavelength, narrow beam, and high intensity - are made. He explains the operation of a ruby laser - the first laser ever made - showing how electronic transitions create stimulated emission to give coherent light, and then how the ends of the ruby cavity create a narrow wavelength highly collimated beam. You can learn more about laser in the EngineerGuy team's new book Eight Amazing Engineering Stories http://www.engineerguy.com/elements
Sponsored by Patch Products! The family embarks in a crazy mission to diffuse the #ChronoBomb game! For more information about #ChronoBomb, please check out the following link: http://www.patchproducts.com/content/Fun+with+Patch+.Chrono+Bomb.ChronoBomb/1725.0.1.1 --------------------------------------------------- Thanks For watching! Please SUBSCRIBE by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ehbeefamily?sub_confirmation=1 Check us out at http://www.EhBeeFamily.com *******Follow Us******* VINE - https://vine.co/EhBee TWITTER - http://twitter.com/EhBeeFamily FACEBOOK - http://facebook.com/EhBeeFamily INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/EhBeeFamily YOUTUBE - http://YouTube.com/EhBeeFamily TWITCH - http://twitch.tv/ehbeefamily Eh Bee Family Clothing: https://www.ehbeeshop.com
Check out these funny animals chasing lasers in this funny animal chasing laser pointer videos compilation.
Here I compare blue lasers with green lasers found on the hobby market today. I explain the pros and cons of each and demonstrate their features. BLUE LASER used in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rJNVTgqAcg I got a lot of requests for this video after I posted my video comparing red lasers to green lasers. I made the blue laser in the video. Check out http://laserpointerforums.com to learn more about laser pointers, lasers, and laser pointer companies! I have been a member there for 8 years, and have received a bunch of help from the knowledgeable members there!
How does a laser really work? It's Bose - Einstein statistics! (photons are bosons) Check out Smarter Every Day's video showing lasers in real life: http://bit.ly/uBwhU2 Trying out a new feature: English Transcript! Let me know how it works Tweet it - http://bit.ly/uZchvb Facebook it - http://on.fb.me/u4Yfvr minutephysics is now on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6 And facebook - http://facebook.com/minutephysics And twitter - @minutephysics Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute! Music by Nathaniel Schroeder youtube: http://bit.ly/pakJLE myspace: http://mysp.ac/qtmZQj Created by Henry Reich
Hack a cheap butane lighter and make the world's first "flick-style" burning laser lighter! Detailed instructions to build one on http://www.kipkay.com LASERDIY is no longer in business. Get Early Access to my videos for 30 days FREE by checking out Vessel: http://vessel.com/kipkay Get the parts to build your own: http://kipkay.com/parts/ Subscribe to Kipkay: http://bit.ly/SubscribetoKipkay ►More Laser Videos: http://bit.ly/KipkayLaserVideos ►Easy Projects: http://bit.ly/KipkayEasyProjects ►Pranks & Jokes: http://bit.ly/KipkayPranks ►Hacks & Mods: http://bit.ly/KipkayHacks ►Spy Gadgets & Devices: http://bit.ly/KipkaySpy ►Explosions & Loud Things: http://bit.ly/KipkayExplosions CAUTION!! Lasers can be dangerous! Do not point them at any living thing! DO NOT look into the beam ...
Topics Covered: Why the interest in lasers; Unique characteristics of lasers; How such characteristics come about. Instructor: Shaoul Ezekiel View the complete course at: http://ocw.mit.edu/res-6-005S08 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
Standalone test lasers
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Se ligue nos varios links aqui nessa descrição!!! ME APOIE SENDO UM PADRIM!!! https://www.padrim.com.br/jerseyrebox NOSSO DISCORD: https://discord.gg/QmYpMUq Um Copo Meio Vazio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEj91b33OLQZylautaecIVQ Grupo ReBoXaNoS: https://www.facebook.com/groups/236481240077714/ Link de doações para o canal: https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/jerseyrebox ================================================ SnapChat: jezpimenta Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jerseyrebox Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jezpimenta Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/jesse_pimenta Email de contato: jesse_pimenta@hotmail.com ================================================ ================================================ Seja meu Patrão: http://www.patreon.com/jerseyrebox Extensão d...
but i want the tama beam -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/eggrole7
Just 2 weeks before the premier of the new Star Wars movie, the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, said that star wars weaponry will be coming to Air Force Special Operations aircraft by 2020. According to Kelly Hammett, chief engineer for the lab’s Directed Energy Directorate: "We see the technology evolving and maturing to the stage where it really can be used." For many years, the Air Force has had a giant 747 for a laser testbed, but arming fighter jets will be much more difficult because of the vibration, g-forces and much smaller size that must be involved. But, Hammet thinks most of, if not all those hurdles can be overcome within 5 years. Air Force Special Operations is already planning to install offensive laser weapons on 4 or 5 of its C-130 gunships used for special operation...
Browse the full report @ http://www.orbisresearch.com/reports/index/europe-industrial-fiber-lasers-market-2016-industry-trend-and-forecast-2021 . The report, ‘Europe Industrial Fiber Lasers Market’, also contains detailed information on clientele, applications and contact information. Accurate forecasts by credible experts on critical matters such as production, price, and profit are also found in this brilliant study. It also provides, wherever applicable and relevant, technical data of products, and sheds useful light on expected commercial production dates and current R&D; status. Request a sample of this report @ http://www.orbisresearch.com/contacts/request-sample/130569 .
This is gameplay of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare on the PS4, with live commentary. Want to save some money with a new LootCrate subscription? Visit http://www.lootcrate.com/darksydephil and use discount code "saveme10dsp" to save 10%! You can also use the code for LootGaming, LootAnime or ANY kind of LootCrate subscription you'd like by using the drop-down menu on the page! http://www.thekingofhate.com is the source for ALL of my content Become a Patron of my work! http://www.patreon.com/darksydephil http://www.youtube.com/DSPGaming for game playthroughs http://www.youtube.com/KOGaming1 for edited montages, best/worst of compilations, detailed game reviews and more http://www.thekingofhate.com/stream for live streaming gameplay daily http://www.youtube.com/thekingofhatevlogs for my vl...
Quel est donc le mystère de cette révolution technique qui trouve régulièrement de nouveaux domaines d'application ? Fred et Jamy sont bien décidés à percer les secrets de la lumière « laser » et nous emmènent sur des lieux - du secteur industriel à l'univers du spectacle... - où le laser est utilisé de façons très différentes... D'où vient la lumière ? Comment s'opère sa décomposition en couleurs ? Comment fabrique-t-on un faisceau laser ? Quelle est la différence entre la lumière cohérente et la lumière incohérente ? Quel est le principe de la lecture CD ?
Store: http://epicpants.com, Music: http://bit.ly/Trk2ik Win a Corsair K65 RGB: https://gleam.io/competitions/0heID-support-crit-tv-and-earn-a-chance-to-win-a-corsair-k65-rgb Game & Hardware Deals: https://crit.tv/deals Website: https://crit.tv/ Forum: https://forum.crit.tv/ 0:00 - Welcome to the first episode of the Crit Show! 0:20 - Squarespace ad 0:50 - EVGA cards on FIRE?! 3:30 - Zen benchmarks leaked? 5:22 - Qualcomm swallows another company 5:40 - Amazon wants cops to have personal drones 8:35 - Justin and Logan take over 8:51 - Bought CoD on another platform and want to play with your friends? HA! 10:38 - Steam Store requiring only screenshots in previews 12:05 - New Tomb Raider in the works 14:11 - Analog Time with Justin OMG JUSTIN SAYS WILLAMETTE WRONG -Hutch 18:29 - get.tech a...
The most powerful lasers in the world can be used to make some of the most extreme conditions possible on earth, and are revolutionising science. Dr Kate Lancaster leads you through this extreme world with demonstrations along the way. http://bit.ly/RiSubscRibe When lasers were invented over half a century ago they were hailed as a “solution looking for a problem”. Since then lasers have come to revolutionise our lives through their practical applications such as data transport and CD/ DVD players, and as a tool for industry and science. The largest and most powerful lasers in the world can be used to make some of the most extreme conditions possible on earth. Scientists around the globe are using these lasers to try to miniaturise particle accelerators, make astrophysical conditions in...
Les Mardis de l'Espace des sciences avec Philippe Balcou, Physicien, Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications (université de Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA). Depuis plus de 50 ans, physiciens et ingénieurs mettent au point des lasers de plus en plus rapides, de plus en plus puissants, aujourd'hui capables de mettre toute matière à l'état de plasma chaud en quelques millionièmes de milliardièmes de secondes. Nous verrons comment une véritable ingénierie de la lumière donne ainsi accès à des états de la matière n'existant qu'au cœur des étoiles ; à des sources de rayonnements d'une brièveté inouïe ; et des applications allant de procédés industriels bien actuels jusqu'aux rêves futuristes de nouvelles radiothérapies ou de source d'énergie de fusion. En lien avec l'année internationale de la lumière E...
Laser Fundamentals III | MIT Understanding Lasers and Fiberoptics Topics Covered: What determines the laser's power, intensity, energy, wavelength, spot size, collimation, tuning range, spectral width, efficiency, size and weight (continued); Generation of very short pulses; What are the problems with lasers such as amplifier limitations and how to handle them. Instructor: Shaoul Ezekiel View the complete course at: http://ocw.mit.edu/res-6-005S08 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
Les lasers sont partout. En etiez vous convaincus. Daniel Hennequin, chercheur CNRS, nous explique ce qu'est un laser et toutes ses applications. testez aussi vos connaissances avec un quizz ludique sur les lasers sur http://kezako.unisciel.fr/amusez-vous
Wicked Lasers Spyder 3 (S3) 1Watt Arctic G2 Burning Tests and Full Review! End of 2012 purchase - 1171mW measured output. *The lens is AR coated, not for IR (as stated in vid) - direct diodes don't output IR. The video is slightly long, so here are some links if you need to quickly watch parts: 1:45 - All my lasers in my collection currently 4:45 - Macro shot segment of the Spyder 3 Arctic 6:55 - Spyder 3 Arctic Battery metering 9:38 - Dangers of Blue and Violet lasers 10:35 - Spyder 3 Arctic SmartSwitch v2 technology & Beam shots 12:02 - 'Burn' testing: 13:15 - CD Case, 14:25 - Match, 15:45 - White paper, 17:20 - Sparkler, 18:22 - Balloon 18:33 - Outside night-time shots Music used is by Parallel View - on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/parallel-view-music If there...
Fiberoptics Fundamentals | MIT Understanding Lasers and Fiberoptics Topics Covered: Why the interest in fiberoptics; How light propagates in an optical fiber; What determines the loss in a fiber; Single mode and multimode propagation; Single polarization fiber; Fiber amplifier operation; Fiberoptics applications in sensors and communications; Future developments. Instructor: Shaoul Ezekiel View the complete course at: http://ocw.mit.edu/res-6-005S08 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
there's only two ways out of here
you wait too late, you'll be trapped here forever
there's only two ways out of here
one's through the door
the other is through me
sometimes living in a world like this
is pretty hard not to go insane
not pretty if you don't comply
pretty easy if you don't complain
stand there like you don't feel pain
no tears in the face of defeat
pretend to the end that you don't feel change
don't admit that your faith is weak
don't say that you feel like dying
lifes hard and it feels like diamonds
going homes just far too gone
much too late to even feel like trying
cant understand what I'm saying
cant figure out what I'm implying
if you feel you don't wanna be alive
you feel just how I am
I'm on the dark side
and you cant come find him
how when its light all around you
yeah but its dark all inside him
no winner when its me against me
one of us aint gon survive
my heart been broke for a while
yours been the one keeping me alive
there's only two ways out of here
you're ain't late, you'll be trapped here forever
there's only two ways out of here
one's through the door
the other is through me
this world is such a fucked up place
my minds such a fucked up shape
everything down here sucks
maybe whats up there is great
we all gotta go one day
I just wanna cut to the chase
I wanna stop these nightmares
I just wanna touch your face
all you see is all my feats
all I see is all my flaws
all I hear is all my deamons
even through your applause
all you see is all my flights
well all I see is all my falls
all you see is all my rights
all I see is all my wrongs
Lord keep telling me to fight
gun on my table telling me to come on
telling me to put him inside my hand
then put it up right next to my dome
Lord keep telling me to find a reason
anything to keep me from squeezing
simplest things yeah you really like summer
you really like music, you really like reading
I cant win if its me against me
one of us aint gon survive
and my heart been broke for a while
yours been the one keeping me alive
yours been the one keeping me alive
yours been the one keeping me alive
there's only two ways out of here
if you're too late, you'll be trapped here forever
there's only two ways out of here
one's through the door
the other is through me
the other is through me