Julie Bishop in talks with US vice president Mike Pence

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop: "no indication at all that the administration is looking to re-negotiate the Australia US ...
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop: "no indication at all that the administration is looking to re-negotiate the Australia US free trade agreement." Andrew Meares

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says she has been given no indication Donald Trump would impose a 20 per cent tax on Australian imports following the first high-level discussions between Australia and the new US administration.

Ms Bishop, who spoke with the new US vice president Mike Pence, on Thursday (US time), would not say whether the discussions included potential changes to a US visa waiver scheme or whether the new administration would wind back a deal to take refugees from Australian detention centres.

Asked about the US administration's suggestions that a 20 per cent tax imposed on Mexican imports could be extended to every country, Ms Bishop said that issue was not raised in the talks with Mr Pence. She also did not believe the existing US-Australia free trade deal was threatened.

"This is not a matter that has been raised with any member of the new Trump administration. It is early days. We are obviously listening to the policy pronouncements as they are made and obviously the detail will be important," Ms Bishop told reporters in Los Angeles.

"The Australia US free trade agreement works very much in the US's favour in the sense there is a significant trade surplus. We have a trade deficit with the United States and there has been no indication at all that the administration is looking to re-negotiate the Australia US free trade agreement."

Ms Bishop, who is in the United States for a series of G'day USA events promoting Australia's American trade and cultural ties, said she had a "warm and engaging discussion about a whole range of issues" with Mr Pence. She said the phone call focused on global and regional challenges both countries faced and a number of bilateral issues.

She would not comment on suggestions the US could tighten up visa requirements for visiting Australians or on the refugee issue except to say: "I believe that the United states and Australia will continue to work together to assist each other in implementing our strong border protection policies."

The Foreign Minister earlier told a G'day USA panel discussions she remained confident Australia would have constructive trade talks with the Trump administration once "things settle down" following the president's inauguration last week.

Ms Bishop, who spoke with the Mexican foreign minister this week, also said she believed there were opportunities from a potential bilateral trade agreement with Mexico.

In a speech in Los Angeles, Bishop urged Trump to "go beyond" its current engagement in the region and personally attend this year's East Asia Summit in the Philippines.

The Trump administration's foreign policies are an unknown for the Coalition which is now focused on how it can encourage Trump to deepen US engagement in the region and protect Australia's interests.

Malcolm Turnbull's deal with Barack Obama for the United States to accept potentially more than 1000 refugees held in Australian offshore detention centres is at risk of unravelling, with Trump looking to temporarily ban immigrants from some countries deemed to be dangerous.

Malcolm Turnbull has promised to push ahead with a reworked Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal after the Trump administration this week formally walked away from the trade agreement.


Michael travelled to Los Angeles as a guest of Qantas.