Why Malcolm Turnbull's digital transformation guru Paul Shetler had to quit

Paul Shetler says digitial transformation can't happen if the focus is on the service provider, not the user.
Paul Shetler says digitial transformation can't happen if the focus is on the service provider, not the user. Dominic Lorrimer

Lunch with Paul Shetler starts with a technological hitch. He doesn't receive the email I sent him changing our date to meet at Café Sydney. So I text to ask if I have the wrong address. He replies straight away. "No that's correct. Not sure why I didn't get it but thanks! Looking forward to it :)"

If anyone knows how to track down a missing email, it should be the self-described "technologist". The American was headhunted from his executive job in London with Britain's Government Digital Service in 2015 by Malcolm Turnbull – then communications minister – to run Australia's new Digital Transformation Office (DTO), which was set up with the laudable goal of making it easier for people to find and use government services online.

But Shetler was sidelined in October 2016 when the DTO was transmogrified into the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) under Angus Taylor, who became Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation early last year. Less than two months after being moved out of the chief executive role into the job of chief digital officer, he quit.

We've taken a table on the terrace, preferring to be outside even as Sydney Harbour shimmers in the summer heat, paper fans helpfully placed alongside the cutlery. The waitress suggests "a nice cold beer" to Shetler. "Maybe a glass of red wine," he replies.

Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation Angus Taylor. Shetler says the pair had fundamental ...
Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation Angus Taylor. Shetler says the pair had fundamental philosophical differences. Louise Kennerley

Shelter, who lives near the Harbour in Sydney's Elizabeth Bay, is in no hurry to leave Australia. "It's such a beautiful place, it just seems kind of crazy not to savour it," he tells me, gesturing to our view over Circular Quay, where a cruise ship, the Carnival Legend, nestles in front of the Harbour Bridge.

Talent shortage: 'it's a vicious circle'

But are there enough opportunities to tempt him to stay? Shetler grew up in Ohio's Cleveland Heights, a quiet university town, but has lived and worked in some of the world's greatest cities, including New York, Rome, London and Amsterdam, and has Russian and Lithuanian ancestry.

Yes, there's "definitely possibilities", although he agrees Australia does have difficulties retaining talent. When Shetler arrived in Sydney in mid-2015, it was hard to find skilled people working in digital product development. "It's sort of a vicious circle – there's not much talent, there's not much demand for it, so people don't go into it and those who do get the jobs get snapped up by a Google or by an Apple and then they go overseas."

For Australia to "thrive and not just survive" in a digital economy, it needs people with the skills to create products it can sell, Shetler explains as the sommelier comes over to discuss pinot noirs, recommending he tries a glass of the Moorooduc Estate from the Mornington Peninsula. A tempranillo rosé sounds more appealing to me as the temperature soars, and I choose La Linea from the Adelaide Hills.

Paul Shetler is adamant that giving handouts to start-ups is not the way to develop a modern, digital economy. ...
Paul Shetler is adamant that giving handouts to start-ups is not the way to develop a modern, digital economy. Competition is crucial, he says. Christopher Pearce

Trump country refugee

Shetler, 56, didn't get his first "proper job" until he was 33, when he joined the Republic National Bank of New York as a "Macintosh support guy" after spending several years in Italy, where he realised he could "make a bit of pocket money" by helping people out with their computers.

He was "obsessed' by computers from an early age and got his first one, an Atari 520 ST, in the mid-1980s when he was living on New York's Lower East Side, studying art history at Columbia University and playing electric bass guitar in post-punk bands.

Shetler loved the freedom of the Big Apple. "Being a young gay man it was like, whoa, I can do whatever I want. In my teenage years I got fag-bashed at high school for being openly gay." Shetler points to a faint scar on his chin. "They hurled me to the ground and kicked my face and my teeth went through."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull not only wanted the Digital Transformation Office to simplify online services, but also ...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull not only wanted the Digital Transformation Office to simplify online services, but also to set a good example for industry. Rick Rycroft/AP

Nor was New York "dying" like Ohio. "Michael Moore [the filmmaker] has a great phrase – 'the Brexit states' – and Ohio was one of them." While Cleveland Heights, part of Cuyahoga County, voted for Hillary Clinton in the US election, the rest of Ohio voted for Donald Trump.

"Ohio is like northern England in many ways, where they became completely de-industrialised and nothing really replaced it," Shetler says. (He was the only person in the DTA's office pool who bet on Trump winning.) "It's one of the reasons that I think industrial policy, or whatever euphemism you want to use for it, is so important here in Australia – you don't want to be left behind as the economy changes."

Canberra's change resistance

Our waitress returns with a list of the specials, including prosciutto with peach cream, goat's curd and grape must. "What's goat curd?" Shetler asks. The waitress explains. "Ok, that sounds nice," says Shetler, ordering it along with the beef tenderloin, cooked medium. I ask if he'd like a salad or vegetables. "Hmmm, not so much. But I wouldn't mind a sourdough roll." I go for half-a-dozen fresh oysters and goldband snapper cooked with squid and bacon.

Paul Shetler is making the most of the Sydney lifestyle as he ponders his next career move. "It's such a beautiful ...
Paul Shetler is making the most of the Sydney lifestyle as he ponders his next career move. "It's such a beautiful place, it just seems kind of crazy not to savour it." Dominic Lorrimer

Turnbull – whom Shetler describes as "extremely charming" during his interview process – not only wanted the DTO to simplify online services, but also to set a good example for industry.

Shetler wanted his team to concentrate on delivering services for "the user" – not the government agency they worked for, and encouraged them to watch people interact with websites. But everyone, Shetler says as we tuck into our entrees, "underestimated" what it would take to make change happen in Canberra.

When Turnbull replaced Tony Abbott as Prime Minister in September 2015, Shetler believes it became harder for him to push for a "strong digital change agenda" – partially because government agencies fought back against threats to their autonomy but also because "Malcolm the PM had a million other things to worry about".

The DTO was supposed to improve "the front end" of digital services – websites. But good websites depend on all kinds of other things, including back office systems, Shetler says.

"One of the lessons I'll certainly be taking with me wherever else I go is that it's not enough to own part of the service. You frankly have to own the service.

"I really wouldn't be interested in a role where they said, 'Hey, you be the digital guy, and you've got to do the lipstick, and we're going to have all this stuff back here which you can't touch.' Because it's not going to work."

The system is broken

At Britain's Ministry of Justice (MOJ), where Shetler was chief digital officer from 2014-2015, there is a "clear understanding" that internal systems serve the end users. One person, Tom Read, is in charge of both digital and information services.

But in Canberra, digital and IT services are "separate worlds". This stopped the DTO from getting involved in services provided by agencies such as Centrelink, Shetler says. "It was viewed as a different kind of service – and it's not really – but it was viewed that way, and so we were systematically locked out."

Shetler says Centrelink should return to collecting debts manually until it sorts out its automated welfare debt collection system, which has sent out 169,000 letters telling people they owe money. About 20 per cent of the people who received letters disputed Centrelink's claims.

"I don't care how many times somebody says 'this is how we meant it to work' – it's broken!" Shetler says. "It's not just an IT failure, it's a failure of management."

Shetler acknowledges his MOJ job was easier than his DTO job because he was "the delivery guy" who came in after the groundwork had been done.

Britain's former Cabinet Office minister, Francis Maude, slashed budgets for contracts and mandated development of digital services, despite resistance from the civil service.

(In late 2013, Britain's Telegraph newspaper ran a story with the headline "Francis Maude installs own Wifi after becoming frustrated with Whitehall IT systems".)

Maude succeeded because he had a "strong compelling vision" that wasn't partisan, Shetler explains as our beef and fish dishes are placed on the table.

"He didn't back down and he made huge changes that are still in effect even though he is no longer there … to do that in Canberra would have required something similar, and we didn't have that – as a result, the bureaucratic resistance became very difficult to overcome."

Irreconcilable differences

Government departments that have been around a long time – whether in Canberra or other countries – are culturally inclined to resist any breaking down of walls. "They are the ones who know really well how to deal with a problem because they understand," Shetler says sarcastically.

I ask him if he quit because he got tired of fighting. "Yes." He disagreed with the direction the digital transformation department was heading, explaining he "thinks differently" to Taylor, a former McKinsey partner and Rhodes Scholar. "He's very much a management consultant type, so he thinks in a certain theoretical manner – I'm not saying it's wrong, it just doesn't tally with my experience.

"If you have a basic philosophical disagreement, those aren't the kinds of things that you can resolve. If you realise it's not going to be resolved, there's no point in continuing so you may as well do something else." Shetler says he hasn't been contacted by Turnbull since resigning.

After ordering dessert – salted caramel with a chocolate peanut tart and banana fritter for Shetler and a passionfruit mousse with sorbet for me – I ask whether news reports of civil servants taking offence to Shetler coming to work in sneakers are true. "I have no idea," he says. "I think that's an urban legend … there were several times I showed up to work in my beautiful bespoke suit too!"

"Did you wear sneakers with the suit?" I ask, peering over the edge of the table to check out what footwear Shetler has paired with his faded black jeans and white shirt – blue Nike sneakers, with orange and green trim. "No, because I definitely go for the right look! I have four pairs of black Oxfords and very few sneakers."

'Innovation nation': reality or fantasy?

Over coffee we discuss whether Australia will ever achieve Turnbull's dream of being "an innovation nation". Shetler says one of the big impediments is our "oligarchic industrial structure" and obsession with collaboration. "It's not collaboration that drives innovation, it's competition."

Collaboration was "OK" when Australia had a protected industrial economy, but as the economy becomes digital, it faces greater international competition, he points out. And local companies will be "eaten alive" by global competitors such as retailers Aldi and Amazon if domestic competition is not encouraged.

Nor should start-ups get handouts. "Was Twitter funded with a grant, was Facebook started with a grant, did Steve Jobs get a grant? No!"

So does Australia's easygoing lifestyle condemn it to being complacent?

California combines a dynamic economy with great lifestyle, Shetler argues. "Big Sur is frickin' awesome; I'm not a New Age kind of guy at all but I loved it, it's totally chilled …and Australia reminds me more of California than any other place."

Café Sydney

Level 5, Customs House

31 Alfred Street, Sydney

1 Antipodes Sparkling Mineral Water, $14.50

1 La Linea Tempranillo Rose, $15

2 Moorooduc Estate Pinot Noir, $44

1 Richmond Grove Limited Release Riesling, $21

2 sourdough rolls, $6

6 mixed oysters, $31

1 prosciutto with peach cream and goat's curd, $32

1 goldband snapper with squid and bacon, $42

1 beef tenderloin with smoked mash, $39

1 green salad, $9

1 salted caramel and chocolate peanut tart, $19

1 passion miroir with caramelised passionfruit, $19

1 flat white, $4.50

1 short black, $4.50

Total: $300.50