Supplied Editorial Alec Baldwin mercilessly mocked Donald Trump over the Russian golden shower scandal with a long l

Actor MIA Alec Baldwin’s Trump absent on SNL

DONALD Trump is in the White House, but Alec Baldwin’s piercing impersonation of the President was nowhere to be seen on Saturday Night Live.

Who is Trump’s media man?

Who is Trump’s media man?
HE stole President Trump’s thunder after launching into an attack on the media. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has just become the man of the moment.

Massive earthquake strikes off PNG

Massive earthquake strikes off PNG
A MAJOR 7.9 magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea, putting neighbouring countries on high alert after a tsunami warning was issued.

Trump’s media man blasts ‘false reporting’

Trump’s media man blasts ‘false reporting’
AFTER Donald Trump’s CIA speech, his White House press secretary accused the media of trying to minimise enthusiasm for the new President.

Heartfelt letters to restart MH370 search

Heartfelt letters to restart MH370 search
RELATIVES of those aboard MH370 have penned letters they plan to give the Malaysian transport minister in Australia, to get the search going again.

Madonna’s expletive-filled Trump rant

Madonna’s expletive-filled Trump rant
POP singer Madonna has dedicated several songs to Donald Trump at a Women’s March in Washington, telling the new President to ‘suck a d**k’.

Ex-CIA boss’ fury at President Trump

Ex-CIA boss’ fury at President Trump
US President Donald Trump has been savaged for his “despicable display of self-aggrandisement” as he attempts to mend his relationship with the CIA.

What Trump delivered on day one

What Trump delivered on day one
DONALD Trump had a long list of promises for day one of his presidency. Here is what he did and what he didn’t get around to doing.

What lies beneath Trump’s maiden speech

What lies beneath Trump’s maiden speech
ENGLISH language experts have broken down US President Donald Trump’s speech for its techniques and unconscious meaning. This is what they found.

Stewart: ‘Trump was obsessed’

Stewart: ‘Trump was obsessed’
MANY people have felt President Donald Trump’s wrath on Twitter, but few have been called out by him quite like Kristen Stewart.

Meet Geri’s new baby spice

Meet Geri’s new baby spice
FORMER Spice Girl Geri Horner has announced the arrival of her baby who now shares a birthday with one of her ex-band mates.

White House living suits the Trumps

White House living suits the Trumps
THE Trumps have taken to first family life, describing the White House as ‘incredible’ as they document their new lives with insider pictures on social media.

Trump lines up foreign power talks

Trump lines up foreign power talks
DONALD Trump has scheduled his first meetings as President with British PM Theresa May and Mexico’s President, Enrique Peña Nieto, to discuss trade and immigration.

Massive earthquake hits off PNG

Massive earthquake hits off PNG
BREAKING: An 8.0 magnitude earthquake has struck 47km west of Arawa on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. A tsunami warning has been issued.

Ivanka’s brother-in-law at anti-Trump protest

Ivanka’s brother-in-law at anti-Trump protest
THIS could make family dinners awkward. While President Trump ignored the Women’s March, Joshua Kushner was in the thick of it.

‘It was the floor coverings’: Trump disputes turnout

‘It was the floor coverings’: Trump disputes turnout
A TRUMP spokesman claims that the president’s inauguration crowd only looked sparse because of floor coverings on the lawn.

Melania flies flag for American style

Melania flies flag for American style
FIRST Lady Melania Trump has put her best foot forward for the US fashion industry, wearing Ralph Lauren to her husband’s inauguration.

President Trump does everything his way

President Trump does everything his way
THERE were no ring-in artists, A-list celebrities or star performers brought in for Trump’s presidential balls. And that’s exactly the way he wanted it.

Trump vows to strip power from elites

Trump vows to strip power from elites
ON the first day of his new role as leader of the free world, Donald Trump was already at work making changes to give power back to the people.

Stars turn up for Women’s March

Stars turn up for Women’s March
DONALD Trump may have had trouble getting celebrities to perform at his inauguration but they turned out in force for the Women’s March.

Stars unleash on Donald Trump

Stars unleash on Donald Trump
STARS shunned Donald Trump’s inauguration, but turned out in droves as millions joined the Women’s March worldwide.

How the world saw Trump’s first day

How the world saw Trump’s first day
PUBLICATIONS across the globe reacted in very different ways to the new leader of the free world taking office.

Violent protests illustrate great divide

Violent protests illustrate great divide
VEHICLES were set alight, rocks were thrown, arrests were made and a man was shot as thousands protested against incoming President Donald Trump.

Fox News plays Farage trump card

Fox News plays Farage trump card
FOX News has signed former UKIP leader Nigel Farage as a controversial new commentator, with the world’s media subdued by Trump’s swearing in.

What made Ivanka Trump lose her cool

What made Ivanka Trump lose her cool
THE elegant businesswoman is known for her effortless composure. But this ‘inappropriate’ question from a reporter did not sit well with her.

Inside Trump’s business empire

Inside Trump’s business empire
PRESIDENT Donald Trump has tried almost everything. As the world questions whether he can run America, we look back at his businesses successes and failures.