MONEYSAVER - Back to School

How to beat the back-to-school spend

SCHOOL costs are through the roof these days, but there are some measures savvy parents can take to ease the pain to the hip pocket.

Five credit card traps to avoid

Five credit card traps to avoid
MANY Aussies enter the New Year buried in credit card debt. But before the situation escalates, there are five plastic traps that could be catching you out.

How to ace your finances in 2017

How to ace your finances in 2017
THE aggressive baseliner. The serve and volleyer. A new guide that likens the spending habits of Aussies to tennis styles has some surprising insights.

How to get a better broadband deal

How to get a better broadband deal
AS we continue to gobble up masses of data at home each month, Aussie telcos are battling it out to offer more competitive deals we often miss.

How to live like rich people

How to live like rich people
MONEY can’t buy you happiness, but it can certainly improve your way of life. David Koch explains how wealthy people get rich.

Free beer, but there’s a catch

Free beer, but there’s a catch
THE phrase “free beer” sounds too good to be true. But in this case, the company is prepared to give customers their money back under one condition.

The hidden ways to save money

The hidden ways to save money
YOU don’t have to give up your morning coffee if you want to save money. There are other ways you can save without sacrificing the little luxuries.

Divorce more costly the later it hits

Divorce more costly the later it hits
ONE in three marriages end in divorce, and the financial outcomes can be bad for both parties. Here’s how to avoid making a bad situation worse.

Grab your gift cards and buy now

Grab your gift cards and buy now
GIFT cards were a popular Christmas present last month, and anyone yet to use theirs is being urged to think about spending up soon.

Simple tricks to save a packet

Simple tricks to save a packet
COULD you do with an extra $1000, $5000 or even $10,000 without making overly drastic changes this year? Here’s some simple steps to fine tune your finances in 2017.

How millennials would spend $100k

How millennials would spend $100k
MILLENNIALS are often accused of being frivolous as they scoff down smashed avocado. But a recent study revealed young Aussies have matured financially.

Turning your finances around in 2017

Turning your finances around in 2017
AUSSIES don’t need to be tight with their money, they need to be smarter, experts say. Taking control of your spending might not be as hard as you think.

Rush to wipe Christmas card debt

Rush to wipe Christmas card debt
CARDHOLDERS looking to wipe post-Christmas debts at a fast pace will be rushing to sign up to balance-transfer interest free deals in the coming months.

Kochie’s 2017 financial predictions

Kochie’s 2017 financial predictions
ARE we headed for financial disaster or prosperity? David and Libby Koch take a look at the year ahead in finance — a moment of ‘truth and dare’.

Should super be used to buy property?

Should super be used to buy property?
BREAKING into superannuation savings early is the answer for many younger Australians hoping to make the home ownership dream come true, new findings have revealed.

How the face of fitness is changing

How the face of fitness is changing
GYM memberships have deterred many from getting fit in the new year, but competition and more free facilities are changing how we exercise.

Aussies to send $3bn overseas in 2017

Aussies to send $3bn overseas in 2017
ROUGHLY 10 per cent of Australians send money overseas every year — and it adds up to $3.1bn. So which countries will recieve the lion’s share?

‘Debt lag’ leaves Aussies financially sluggish

‘Debt lag’ leaves Aussies financially sluggish
AUSSIES are up to $7.5 billion in the red, thanks to holiday credit card debt, which could mean big trouble for those unable to pay off the plastic in the short term.

Avoid doubling up on insurance

Avoid doubling up on insurance
BUYING insurance for that rental car? You may not need it. Consumers are being warned not to fork out for policies for which they are already covered.

Aussies choose holidays over homes

Aussies choose holidays over homes
THE Christmas break will not be enough for holiday hungry Australians, with travel plans trumping home ownership as a chief financial goal for many of us.

Kochie’s top Christmas savings tips

Kochie’s top Christmas savings tips
DAVID Koch shares 12 expert tips with Aussies on how to avoid fiscal follies and get off to a flying start in the New Year.

Big change coming to Boxing Day sales

Big change coming to Boxing Day sales
SHOPPING centres can resemble a war zone on Boxing Day as bargain hunters collide, but record numbers are expected to score deals from home this year.

Card limits hit hard at Christmas

Card limits hit hard at Christmas
INCREASING your credit limit or signing up for new plastic are tempting at this time of year — but experts warn shoppers to think twice before doing either.

Why it’s time to lock home loan rates

Why it’s time to lock home loan rates
FLUCTUATIONS in both the fixed and variable home loan markets have prompted a spike in borrowers looking to lock in their interest rate.

Charities call for help as donations plunge

Charities call for help as donations plunge
IT’S the season of giving, and a growing number of charities are seeking your help after a year in which donations to the needy fell.

Millennials supercharged for future

Millennials supercharged for future
YOUNG Australians are rushing to take charge of their superannuation funds, with new, user friendly platforms seeing membership numbers double in just one year.

Get the longest interest-free card

Get the longest interest-free card
A MAJORITY of credit cards have an interest-free period but they can vary far and wide which means consumers can get stung hard if they don’t pay attention.

When life insurers don’t pay up

When life insurers don’t pay up
LIFE insurance is vital for protecting a family’s finances, but if you are not careful, your insurers may not pay. Here are the reasons why.

Gift overload makes us present tense

Gift overload makes us present tense
AUSTRALIAN kids are bored because they get given too many Christmas presents and, according to one expert, grandparents may be to blame.

The most expensive Christmas items

The most expensive Christmas items
A MAJORITY of Australians admit they have a problem with overspending, particularly at Christmas. But these are the things we burn the most cash on.