Women are not responsible for fixing the world's problems. But they do it anyway

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This was published 8 years ago

Women are not responsible for fixing the world's problems. But they do it anyway

By Clementine Ford

Feminists can list any number of by-ROTE responses to our activism, but high up on the list is the demand we "do more" to help men. If we are truly invested in equality, we are told, we would be equally as interested in addressing the ways in which men are disadvantaged in the world. There seems to be no question that women (and feminists in particular) should perform this labour. Instead, we're berated for "hypocrisy" because the battle to liberate women from gendered oppression is apparently empty unless we first ensure that men experience no detrimental outcomes from that mission.

But the question isn't necessarily why so many people seem to think it's the job of feminists to fix everything for everyone else. The question is why so many people fail to see the extraordinary amount of work women already do to bring about peace and liberty for all people.

Consider the ongoing economic crisis spawned by the Robert Mugabe dictatorship in Zimbabwe. Thousands of women throughout the country have launched rolling protests and marches to call for change. A contingent of them gathered in Bulawayo over the weekend in a protest organised by the country's opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change.

Black Lives Matter founders Opall Tometi and Alicia Garza.

Black Lives Matter founders Opall Tometi and Alicia Garza.Credit: Gilbert Carrasquillo

The #BeatThePot campaign called for the women of Zimbabwe to 'beat their pots' to symbolise how the financial crisis has resulted in a lack of food for the country's citizens. MDC Vice President Thokazani Khupe told protesters, "These pots we are beating are no longer cooking anything at home. This is why we brought them to say we no longer have anything to cook. We are starving." Khupe declared the women of Zimbabwe were "putting more fire on a pot that is already boiling," saying they wouldn't stop until Mugabe abandoned the leadership.

Very little has been reported about this action in Zimbabwe. Indeed, political protest movements spearheaded and led by women (particularly women of colour) are either rarely given the attention they deserve or, if those movements prove too big to ignore, the women behind them are conveniently sidelined. The #BlackLivesMatter movement in America, launched after George Zimmerman escaped conviction for murdering 17 year old Trayvon Martin, has made international headlines for the incredible work it's done in calling attention to systemic racism, institutional injustice and police brutality against Black people in America, but less public awareness exists about its founders' names: Alicia Garza, Opal Tometti and Patrisse Cullors, three queer Black women.

Similarly, it was four young Black women who organised a massive silent protest in Chicago last week to support the #BlackLivesMatter movement and "break the divide between communities". Maxine Wint, Sophia Byrd, Natalie Braye and Eva Lewis used social media to draw a crowd of more than 1000 people to Chicago's Millennium Park, hosting a silent sit-in that was then followed by a march towards Federal Plaza.


Women as the driving force of political change have always existed, but history has done a very good job of erasing them from its books. Until the rise of social media and citizen journalism made it possible for women to not only document their activism but also rally others to participate in it, little thought was given to the ways women in particular have challenged the structures of power that have kept people subjugated by war, poor governance, inequality and indentured work.

It was women in Liberia who, sick of the dilly dallying and time wasting of the male-led leadership groups, worked together to bring an end to the Liberian Civil War. The women were led by Leymah Gbowee (the joint recipient of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize), whose many accomplishments include training as a trauma counsellor to help former child soldiers (the vast majority of whom are boys).

This commitment to political liberation for everybody makes it especially grating when anti-feminist men berate feminist women for 'failing' to address the ways in which these men feel oppressed. Why do feminists not advocate for better health outcomes for men? Why do feminists not focus more on improving men's mental stability? Why do feminists not care about all the men who've fought and died in wars to preserve 'democracy'?

(This last claim is particularly egregious for Australians, given it was women who overwhelmingly led protests to end conscription because they were heartbroken at losing their sons, husbands, brothers, fathers and friends to mindless wars and military conflict - conflict, it should be noted, that has never been instigated by female dominated governments or warmongers. Women were also very much present as activists and fighters throughout the Eureka Stockade, one of modern Australia's favourite bedtime stories - yet all acknowledgement of them was essentially ignored until the publication of Dr. Clare Wright's Stella award winning book, 'The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka'.)

And yet, despite the ongoing labour women devote towards this change, where is the reciprocity? Instead of widespread support and in-kind activism, we hear "not all men" and "what about the…" whenever our activism specifically focuses on the problems and issues affecting women.


Women, for example, continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with men on the front lines of workplace strikes, yet unionist women still report feeling undermined and marginalised within these structures. Consider how the Socialist Workers Party in Britain handled (separate) rape allegations against one of its senior figureheads back in 2013 - instead of supporting the female member alleged to have been assaulted, a party of seven SWP officials held their own version of a tribunal, asking probing questions about her alcohol use and previous sexual history. They ultimately determined the allegations were untrue, later pleading with members to "trust in the committee's verdict and [remember that] the party had 'no faith in the bourgeois court system to deliver justice'."

It's galling to see women's political fire continually reduced to merely a 'contribution' and a footnote in history. But it's even more galling for feminists to see all of that dismissed while still being pressed to 'do more' to help liberate men. Women work every day to make the world a better place for everybody, starting in their own communities. If that's not enough for you, maybe it's time for you to learn to muck in and start helping.

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