Daily Life

Football is for everyone - so when will the AFL start acting like it?

In Miriam Sved's fantastic novel Game Day, the Victorian writer explores a year in the life of a fictional AFL team. Sved narrates the evolution of the team through the eyes of its rookies, players, team management and fans. The most interesting chapters are those that deal with the team's female fans - women who love the game but who are forced by the circumstance of their gender to find some additional means to engage with it.

Sved's novel is fictional, but it's not far off the reality of women's perceived place in the AFL. Despite accounting for 40 per cent of spectators (which translates to a sizeable sum of money), women are still treated as peripheral to the Church of Football. The massive strides we've made in becoming umpires, board members and commentators have been often met not just with derision but outright hostility. Women don't know the game. Women can't fulfil the responsibilities of the job. Women don't know what they're talking about. Involving us at the men's level is just political correctness gone mad!

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Eddie McGuire in hot water

The Collingwood president has described his jibe about drowning Caroline Wilson as 'banter' and in the 'spirit of fun', but the Fairfax sports journalist says casual violent language is not acceptable.

There is an underlying hostility towards women's involvement in AFL, and ignorant, pig-headed behaviour from senior leaders like Eddie McGuire only compounds that. Over the weekend, a furore erupted over comments McGuire had made a few days before the launch of the new women's league. As sports journalist Erin Riley first reported, McGuire appeared on last Monday's episode of Triple M's 'The Rub' during the 'Big Freeze' event at the MCG. A fundraiser for research into Motor Neurone Disease, the event involved celebrities going down a slide and landing in a pool of ice water.

During the cross, McGuire 'joked' that not only would he put up $20,000 next year to send football journalist Caroline Wilson down on a solo slide, he would increase it to $50,000 if she "stayed under". James Brayshaw (who, like McGuire, is also a current AFL Club President) signalled his support and was quickly joined by Danny Frawley, who even went so far as to say he would jump in and "hold her under". As the interaction escalated, McGuire suggested charging onlookers $10,000 to stand around the outside and "bomb" her, while Brayshaw said you could grab bids from the seats too.

"It's all good for footy," McGuire concluded.

Caroline Wilson is a professional sports journalist. For all intents and purposes, she is one of Brayshaw, Frawley and McGuire's colleagues. She should not be immune from criticism or disagreement. But joking about drowning her is just completely unacceptable, particularly when women like Wilson are still perceived as interlopers in the world of football and its hallowed Bro Code.


This isn't the first time members of the football fraternity have held her up to a very specific kind of sexist ridicule. Sam Newman infamously wheeled a lingerie-clad mannequin out on to the floor of The Footy Show back in 2008 and claimed it was Wilson. She is regularly subjected to hostile abuse that goes far beyond mere professional disagreement. During this most recent incident, McGuire even called her a "Black Widow", telling Damien Barrett (who claimed to be on Wilson's side, but didn't seek to stop the segment) that, "She'll burn you like everyone else, mate. She's like the black widow. She just sucks you in and gets you and you start talking to her and then BANG! She gets you."

How Wilson is supposed to be "getting" all of these precious, delicate football men is yet to be proven - but Wilson herself thinks it might arise from a petulant childishness on McGuire's part. In an interview on 3AW today, she suggested McGuire was retaliating against a column she wrote discussing succession plans for his leadership at Collingwood Football Club. In other words, she was doing her job.

McGuire has since defended the comments as "jokes" simply made "in the spirit of the fun of the day". Because it's "fun" to joke about drowning someone on a day intended to raise money to find a cure for a debilitating neurological condition that progressively causes sufferers to lose control of their ability to move and breathe. Is McGuire just so wrapped up in his own buffoonery that he doesn't think before he opens his mouth? (See also: his comments from 2013 comparing Adam Goodes to King Kong.)

These are the powerful men who get to be the mouthpieces of one of Australia's largest sporting communities. And where do they find their platforms? On equally culpable radio stations like Triple M, where a sea of men find favour despite not only holding misogynist views but in some cases having documented histories of violence against women. Wayne Carey, for example, was also part of this noxious segment. And although he didn't get overly involved, it's necessary to ask who Triple M thinks they're fooling when they make a big show of being signatories to the White Ribbon Foundation while employing men with arrest records for assaulting at least two women, including the time he glassed his then-girlfriend in the face.

This isn't just "banter", as McGuire has since stubbornly claimed. And it's not even just about a very particular kind of sexism that's levelled at women who operate within so-called 'male' spheres like the AFL. It's about entitled, privileged men who are given chance after chance after chance to actually step up and be the role models the AFL claims to want, and yet who show no obvious signs of giving a damn about what that means.

When 40 per cent of your fan base are women, you've just launched a women's league and you're making a pretence of playing games in support of fighting men's violence against women, it's probably about time to accept that the Blokes World days of footy are (thankfully) long gone.
