Why every unsolved rape case is another waiting to happen

Clementine Ford As many as a third of reported rapes are perpetrated by a serial offender. Here's how the police can make a difference.

Women shouldn't need 'forgiveness' for getting an abortion

Clementine Ford There is so much more the Catholic church can do than absolving women from their reproductive 'sins'.

Clementine Ford

The four words all sexual assault survivors dread hearing

Chrissie Hynde

Clementine Ford There are too many rape survivors who hold guilt, shame and a misguided sense of responsibility in their hearts. Chrissie Hynde is one of them.

How to make our cities more gender inclusive

When will we get better disability access to venues?

Clementine Ford There's one simple thing all venue owners can do to create a more transgender friendly space.

The one thing that changes the way a sexism complaint is received

Charlie Pickering answers the question everyone is struggling with over the Goodes booing saga: is it racial?

Clementine Ford Time and again, one thing proves to completely change the way a message on sexism is received.

Five films about female sexuality we're looking forward to this year

Diary tells the story of 15 year old Minnie Goetze, a girl growing up in 1970s San Francisco

Clementine Ford To say that female sexuality is every bit as complicated and desire driven as male sexuality is to state the obvious.

Why do smart, young actresses continue to work with Woody Allen?

Clementine Ford If only performers and creatives would start listening to themselves on matters of social justice.

How Mark Zuckerberg can make Facebook a better place for his daughter

Clementine Ford Dear Mr Zuckerberg, the business you created is not a safe place for women. But here's how things can change.

Sexual consent is more than someone saying 'yes'

Sexual consent isn't a one-off contract, which is why consent apps won't work.

Clementine Ford Sexual consent isn't a one-off contract, which is why consent apps won't work.

The power of seeing Bill Cosby's accusers together on a magazine cover

Beverly Johnson, 62, one of the women profiled in New York Magazine's Bill Cosby feature.

Clementine Ford New York Magazine said publicly to these women what so many have refused to: We believe you.

The best 80s 'movie night' films worth revisiting

Remember Blockbuster and Video Ezy? Ah the eighties. We hardly knew ye.

Clementine Ford Remember Blockbuster and Video Ezy? Ah the eighties. We hardly knew ye.

We need to honour other 'brave escapes from tragedy'

Clementine Ford It happens in homes all around the country. It is probably happening somewhere on your street.

Cilem Dogan: The woman being praised for killing her husband

Clementine Ford What this 28-year-old's deadly actions taught us about domestic violence survivors.

Clementine Ford

Would intervening with adult advertising actually stop sex trafficking?

Would intervening with adult advertising actually stop sex trafficking?

Clementine Ford There are larger questions about precedents set by the pick-and-choose 'morality' on display here.

Clementine Ford

It's time to ban the shaming analogies in sex ed


Clementine Ford Grossly offensive and inaccurate interpretations of sex aren't only unhelpful, but may irreversibly damage young women's self-esteem.

Support female talent

Five feminist crowdfunding projects to support right now

The Merindas Beijing Tour

Clementine Ford How to help independent female talent soar for less than the cost of a coffee.

How TV shows get away with humiliating women for entertainment

Clementine Ford Is there a particular pleasure that TV producers take in making a joke out of the supposed frivolous idiosyncrasies of women?

A refresher on etiquette tips for women through the ages

Thank goodness for these important community service announcements.

Clementine Ford Thank goodness for these important community service announcements.

Inside Out won't spark a 'young men crisis'

Clementine Ford Relax. The patriarchy is still intact.

Clem Ford

'He was just trying to be friendly': The many (invalid) excuses of manterrupting

Clementine Ford We don't have to laugh along when we're made to feel violable or small.