Why 2015 has been a year of pushing back

Clementine Ford Australian feminists who have shown "women can do anything and we can beat the world."

Clementine Ford

Clementine Ford: Why I reported hotel supervisor Michael Nolan's abusive comment to his employer

Clementine Ford:

Clementine Ford "I'm sick and tired of women being held responsible for the actions men choose to take."

When police prey on victims of family violence

Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton was recently briefed on the issue.

Clementine Ford These allegations speak to the abuse of power that has the potential to occur in situations where one person is automatically given more authority than another.

Clementine Ford

Let's call the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood attack what it is: terrorism

Colorado Springs locals held a candlelight vigil for those killed in Friday's deadly shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic.

Clementine Ford "Every time we fail to call these people by their real name, we make it easier for them to hide. And that means we make it easier for other people to die," writes Clementine Ford.

Clementine Ford

A handy guide to the best feminist teaching tools online

Clementine Ford Clementine Ford shares some helpful go-to lessons for those moments when you need to explain gender inequality, consent or how privilege works.

A letter to the women who didn't ask to live by the rules

This is a letter to the women we don't know but whose lives we do, because we live them too.

Clementine Ford This is a letter to the women we don't know but whose lives we do, because we live them too.

We shouldn't teach kids that liking 'girly things' is a source of shame

Clementine Ford We shouldn't be instilling in kids the idea that creativity is reserved for toys that live in the 'boy' aisle of the market.

Survivor stories

Stop telling sexual assault survivors 'it's not that bad'

The subconscious ranking of particular assaults into a 'hierarchy of damage' isn't just wrong, but destructive.

Clementine Ford The subconscious ranking of particular assaults into a 'hierarchy of damage' isn't just wrong, but destructive.

If every contradictory argument about rape culture was rolled into one

Clementine Ford "Women, Be careful! But there's no excuse to make normal, kind-hearted men feel bad just because they want to talk to you."

Clementine Ford

Why 'cashless welfare' will hit women the hardest

Clementine Ford There are parallels between the government's proposed trial program and the manifestation of financial abuse.

The lesson that could stop young people from saying 'what did she expect'

Clementine Ford There are no mandates in Australia to teach affirmative consent in schools, but here's we should follow California's example.

In praise of feminist newsletters

Clementine Ford Why more women are gravitating towards writing in the newsletter format.

How to help the children of Syrian refugees

Did you know that every second Syrian refugee is a child?

Clementine Ford Did you know that every second Syrian refugee is a child? If you could do something practical to help, would you?

Why we need to hold young men accountable for their sexist outbursts

Misogyny isn't caused by drunk young men. It's fuelled by the bond of infallible brotherhood.

Clementine Ford Misogyny isn't caused by drunk young men. It's fuelled by the bond of infallible brotherhood.

Clementine Ford

Five things every 'menstruation toolkit' should have

'Menstruation packs' for adolescent women are a great idea. But what would one for seasoned bleeders look like?

Clementine Ford 'Menstruation packs' for adolescent women are a great idea. But what would one for seasoned bleeders look like?

It's time to radically change the way we address the violence of 'real men' against women

Malcolm Turnbull.

Clementine Ford The question is: do we have the real leadership to do it?

#ShoutYourAbortion: If you've had an abortion, you have nothing to apologise for

Clementine Ford The narrative that all abortions are traumatic, agonising decisions is false. Some are, of course. But not all.

Size Diversity

Fashion's 'body positive' messages are pointless without real size diversity

Women do not come out of the Woman Factory in five different sizes of the same shape, and it's time clothes reflected that.

Clementine Ford Women do not come out of the Woman Factory in five different sizes of the same shape, and it's time clothes reflected that.

Clementine Ford

Australian women deserve legal protection from revenge porn

Clementine Ford:

Clementine Ford Taking and sending nude photos is simply a reality of how relationships function in 2015. It's time the law caught up.

Domestic Violence

The passive language used in reporting to disguise domestic violence

The alleged savage bashing of Tara Brown, 24, by her estranged partner Lionel Patea, also 24, came less than a week after she sought police help to protect her from him.

Clementine Ford The death of Tara Brown was described variously as a "road rage incident" and a "traffic accident".