What Jerry Seinfeld doesn't understand about political correctness

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld bemoans the boring, oppressive political correctness of US college campuses.

Clementine Ford Of course, he understands oppression in a way weird, niche people like chicks and coloureds and homos just don't.

Clementine Ford

Why attacking a transgender woman is not just another pub brawl

Stephanie McCarthy.

Clementine Ford As an Australian citizen, I am deeply ashamed of the hatred and violence perpetrated against LGBTI people.

Clem Ford

How not to let online abuse get to you

Clementine Ford Clementine Ford knows a thing or two about how to handle (and ignore) trolls.

Clementine Ford

Australian men are still using this defence to justify violence

Victoria Comrie Cullen was found dead in the car park of the St George and Sutherland Shire Angler's Club on January 22.

Clementine Ford Christopher Cullen, who was yesterday found guilty of murdering his wife Victoria Comrie Cullen, was the latest perpetrator to use the defence of provocation.


The five characters 'old' actresses are allowed to play

Clementine Ford If Hollywood has taught us anything, it's that old women are gross.

Clementine Ford

Equality means a loss to those in privilege, and that's okay

Clementine Ford:

Clementine Ford Clementine Ford: "If all you can think about when you think about equality is everything you stand to lose, then you're not trying hard enough."

Clementine Ford

The perfect winter reading list for boner killers

Foreboding, sinister and atmospheric, these novels both old and new are a thrilling change from Netflix.

Clementine Ford Foreboding, sinister and atmospheric, these novels both old and new are a thrilling change from Netflix.

Clem Ford

Why some sports should remain a women's game

Clementine Ford Women have built sports like netball and roller derby from the ground up. So shouldn't we be given some credit?

Women in NRL

We need more female board members in rugby league

Clementine Ford We should start talking about 'maximum quotas for men' rather than 'minimum quotas for women'.

The disturbing backlash on speaking out about violence against women

Clementine Ford "I have an entire folder of emails sent to me by men talking about me being raped, killed or just 'taught a lesson.'"

Clem Ford

Survivor: When sexist behaviour is sold as entertainment

Clementine Ford What happens when a sexist show becomes the golden goose of a TV network.

Clementine Ford

We need to stop making excuses for men like Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao

Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao pose at their final press conference.

Clementine Ford On Sunday afternoon, people cheered on while one man who beats women fought another man who denies them their reproductive rights.

Clementine Ford

Is this the official beer of rape culture?

a user posted photo on Reddit revealed the latest Bud Light slogan as 'The perfect beer for removing

Clementine Ford When Bud Light said it'll "remove 'no' from your vocabulary for the night", the social media backlash was immediate.

Clementine Ford

Caitlin Stasey and Brenna Harding: women are never each other's worst enemies

Clem Ford, Caitlin Stasey and Brenna Harding at the first of YWCA Victoria's Tina Talks.

Clementine Ford Five lessons from young feminists Caitlin Stasey and Brenna Harding.

Clementine Ford

How misandrists like to let their hair down

Clementine Ford Feminists are only mostly joyless. It doesn't mean we never have any downtime.

Teen family violence survivor: 'I didn't know what happened in my home was different'

Clementine Ford Why are programs addressing domestic violence awareness still failing to include the education of children?

Clementine Ford

Important questions tabloid editors have about women

Daily Mail

Clementine Ford Women. What even are they, and why are they always so disgusting while being it?

Rape should never be seen as a 'punishment' for sex crimes

Luke Lazarus leaves Downing Centre Court in Sydney after his sentencing hearing for raping a woman near his father's nightclub, was adjourned.

Clementine Ford Clem Ford on why we shouldn't succumb to the 'eye for an eye' mentality.

Clementine Ford

In praise of women only spaces

The magic of female friendships depicted in the film Frances Ha.

Clementine Ford I like the company of women. Given a choice, I probably value it more than the company of men.

The offensive Soho Club ad that appeared after Luke Lazarus' rape sentencing

Clementine Ford dinkus

Clementine Ford The photo depicts a young woman who appears to be passed out on the ground with her legs slightly spread.