Clementine Ford

Put down the bathrobe. This is what women really want this Mother's Day

Clementine Ford What does a mother want for Mother's Day? Don't ask. No, seriously, don't ask her damn thing, writes Clementine Ford.

Why women's mental illness deserves more attention

Women experience anxiety and depression at higher rates than men.

Clementine Ford I was 12 years old the first time I experienced my first significant struggles with anxiety, writes Clementine Ford.

Why 'Can you have it all?' is this century's dumbest question


Clementine Ford Clementine Ford on the middle class obsession of our time.

Comments 90

Clementine Ford

The real problem with the wellness industrial complex


Clementine Ford The rise of ostentatious wellness plays on people's self-loathing, and wallets, in furtive and damaging ways.

Comments 61


Being the punch line

Phil Dunphy

Clementine Ford Why are TV sitcom Dads always so helpless, hapless and useless? Introducing the man child (and crafty way he's designed to keep you in the kitchen).

Comments 6


The anti Mother's Day gift guide


Clementine Ford Because there are only so many irons you can fit in to a cupboard.

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