The epidemic of rape culture in schools can no longer be ignored

Clementine Ford.

Clementine Ford We are approaching a crisis point with the way masculinity is constructed and excused, especially in schools and online.

Comments 33

Clementine Ford

Real change requires work - something not all men understand

If you really feel like it's not about you, stop making it about you.

Clementine Ford We have seen significant progress on violence against women, so it was disappointing to hear this dummy spit.

Clementine Ford

It's not 'just a joke' and it's okay not to laugh

Eddie McGuire.

Clementine Ford We're frequently told it's 'political correctness gone mad', but here's how you can tell when 'playful banter' has crossed the line.

Clementine Ford

What Australia can learn in the aftermath of the Brock Turner case

Clementine Ford

Clementine Ford We are at a point of real, possible change. But first we need to tackle Australia's blind spot, writes Clementine Ford.

This is what equality looks like

Ted McMeekin.

Clementine Ford At a time when our male politicians are paying lip service to the f-word, this man is showing them what it actually takes to be a feminist.

Clementine Ford

Clementine Ford: This is what a rapist really looks like

Clementine Ford

Clementine Ford Society has an insistence that a rapist is a foreboding man with a discernable air of violence. The reality is quite different.

Clementine Ford

Rape culture victimises all women, even those who support it

Brock Turner, right.

Clementine Ford The statement by Brock Turner's father was disgusting, but it's the defence of his childhood friend Leslie Rasmussen that I find most troubling.

Clementine Ford

Johnny Depp's career will be fine, and that's part of the problem

Amber Heard.

Clementine Ford For those of us who work to raise awareness of men's violence against women, there are fewer things more demoralising than the constant tide of double standards that rises up to wash away any signs...

Clementine Ford

The abortion statistic that might surprise you

Clementine Ford dinkus

Clementine Ford Once again, research has proven that when you give women control over their reproductive rights, abortion rates go down. It's time Australia caught up.

Clementine Ford

This is why we have women-only spaces, and why I don't want to hear your complaints

Clementine Ford Women grow up absorbing all of the 'rules' we're expected to follow for our own protection. Don't cry to me when we start making our own rules.

Clementine Ford

Put down the bathrobe. This is what women really want this Mother's Day

Clementine Ford What does a mother want for Mother's Day? Don't ask. No, seriously, don't ask her damn thing, writes Clementine Ford.

Clementine Ford

Why sexist jokes are no laughing matter

Just because the jokes are online doesn't mean they don't have real-world consequences.

Clementine Ford There's a reason why many women find jokes about sexual violence decidedly unfunny, writes Clementine Ford.

Male entitlement

Fantastic invention stops men weeing in the streets. It's a toilet.

Clementine Ford Why does masculinity still provide an Access All Areas pass when it comes to feeling entitlement over public space?

Clementine Ford

Why I didn't take part in Weekend Sunrise's debate about feminism

A farce from beginning to end.

Clementine Ford We are under no obligation to defend our feminist ideals from anybody, writes Clementine Ford.

Why women's mental illness deserves more attention

Women experience anxiety and depression at higher rates than men.

Clementine Ford I was 12 years old the first time I experienced my first significant struggles with anxiety, writes Clementine Ford.

How to approach girls without being creepy


Clementine Ford Clem Ford has a few tips for guys.

Comments 39

The women who deserve medals for their bravery

Clementine Ford There is no valour for women who survive violence. But here's why things should change.

Anti-rape underwear

Is anti-rape underwear a step forward?

anti-rape underwear

Clementine Ford Three engineering students have developed anti-rape underwear in India. Does this signal change or more victim blaming?

Comments 36

Why 'Can you have it all?' is this century's dumbest question


Clementine Ford Clementine Ford on the middle class obsession of our time.

Comments 90

Clementine Ford

How dangerous is it to be a woman on the internet with an opinion?

Jezebel writer Lindy West

Clementine Ford Why only one gender can joke about rape.

Comments 50