The epidemic of rape culture in schools can no longer be ignored

Clementine Ford.

Clementine Ford We are approaching a crisis point with the way masculinity is constructed and excused, especially in schools and online.

Comments 33

This is what equality looks like

Ted McMeekin.

Clementine Ford At a time when our male politicians are paying lip service to the f-word, this man is showing them what it actually takes to be a feminist.

Clementine Ford

Rape culture victimises all women, even those who support it

Brock Turner, right.

Clementine Ford The statement by Brock Turner's father was disgusting, but it's the defence of his childhood friend Leslie Rasmussen that I find most troubling.

Clementine Ford

Why sexist jokes are no laughing matter

Just because the jokes are online doesn't mean they don't have real-world consequences.

Clementine Ford There's a reason why many women find jokes about sexual violence decidedly unfunny, writes Clementine Ford.

Our campaign

I am taking a stand on domestic violence today


Clementine Ford Five things we can do to inspire change on domestic violence.

Comments 26