Clementine Ford

Johnny Depp's career will be fine, and that's part of the problem

Amber Heard.

Clementine Ford For those of us who work to raise awareness of men's violence against women, there are fewer things more demoralising than the constant tide of double standards that rises up to wash away any signs...

Anti-rape underwear

Is anti-rape underwear a step forward?

anti-rape underwear

Clementine Ford Three engineering students have developed anti-rape underwear in India. Does this signal change or more victim blaming?

Comments 36

Clementine Ford

Why are so few women awarded OAMs?

19 April 2013     Canberra Times Photo by LYN MILLS for SOCIALS       The Order of Australia awards ceremony       Brigadier Dianne Gallasch awardedd the Conspicuous Service Cross with Governor General Quentin Bryce

Clementine Ford Since their establishment over 90% of the awards across six categories have gone to men, Clementine Ford wants this to change.