ASK TONY: My insurer is blaming me for an accident that I didn't have - even though the third party claimant has no evidence

On November  21, I parked in a multi-storey car park in Norwich. Three days later, I received a letter from my insurer, Hastings Direct, claiming I'd been in an accident.

I phoned to say this was not the case. On December 9, I received a further letter saying their review had found I was responsible. 

They supplied a photo of my car parked next to a Vauxhall and said they would pay the claim in full on December 22.

Car trouble: Hastings Direct found one of their own customers guilty of scratching a car without even hearing his side of the story

It seems the other driver had claimed I had hit their car while parking.

There were no witnesses or CCTV. The other driver only supplied a photo of damage on my front right bumper — but that was historical damage to my car.

They have not sent me an engineer's report or photographs, which I asked for, nor have they sent a copy of the car park report.

P. A., Gorleston, Norfolk.

Tony Hazell replies: I thought insurance companies were supposed to take their customer's part in a dispute rather than automatically accept the word of the other driver.

It strikes me that the simplest way to prove your case would be to provide Hastings with any photos of your car taken before the incident featuring the damage, but I suspect that, like most people, you wouldn't bother to take snapshots of your car.

Perhaps, however, there is CCTV of you entering this or another car park before the incident, which may show this historical damage and thus prove your innocence.

There could be any number of reasons for the damage to the other person's car. They may have scraped it on a bollard while driving in, another car may have caught it or it may be recent damage that they only happened to spot when returning to the car on this occasion.

Hastings now admits it may have been a little hasty in settling the blame on you.

Its difficulty is that experience shows that if a case like this goes to court, the person who makes the claim usually wins because it is decided on the balance of probability.

However, Hastings has not admitted fault to the third party. And it has decided to defend the case on your behalf.

Hastings says it based its original decision on an engineer's inspection of your car, which indicated the damage was consistent with light to moderate impact at slow speed.

Of course, that does not mean it happened on the day or at the place in question.

If court proceedings are issued by the other driver, then Hastings would expect you to co-operate fully and this may include you having to attend a civil court to give evidence.

Hastings has promised to keep you up to date with developments and a spokesman apologised for the frustration caused.


Every week, Money Mail receives hundreds of your letters and emails about our stories. 

Here are some from our recent story about how pensioners have been plunged into crippling debt after the Government axed plans to let savers cash in their annuities…

If you want to see what kind of Government you have just look at how it treats children and the elderly: we have the second highest child poverty rate among developed nations, and now this humiliation of pensioners. Shocking.

T. B., Leeds.

Annuities are a honey pot for insurance companies. They pay a pittance each month and keep the rest when you die. 

Why do you think they kicked up a storm in the first place and got the Government to cave in? They say an annuity is a guaranteed income for life; the only thing you're guaranteed is to be ripped off.

A. L., London.

As per usual the Government has overcomplicated the issue. All it had to do was ask insurers to buy back the annuity at the original price minus a reasonable fee.

M.L., Malta

While I feel sorry for the people now in debt off the back of trusting our Government, why did they spend the money before they were certain they could sell back their annuity? The saying 'don't count your chickens' springs to mind.

J. F., Horsham, W. Sussex.

My wife was offered a deal to have her pension investment as a lump sum because it was less than £10,000. 

She said yes because to get that money back from an annuity she would have to live until she was 89, by which time it would be worthless.

C. O., Northampton.

The real crime here is that you can save £60,000 for an annuity and only get a return of £45 a week. 

We're all slaves of successive governments who have failed to tackle the problem of good pension provision.

S. F., Gravesend, Kent.

Spending money you don't have is a high risk policy. You can never trust politicians. 

The hard fact is the two insurance companies in this piece were prepared to take part in the initiative and warned people they might get back a lot less than they might expect. The Government was wise to pull it.

A. T., London.

I don't think you can blame the Government here. Imagine if I'm told I'm getting a pay rise and I go on a spending spree before I have the money in my hand — and then I'm told I won't actually get the extra money. Who do I blame: the company or myself?

A. D., Pontefract, W. Yorks.

We put money into Isas for our adult children will this be hit by IHT?

I am preparing a manual covering my wife's and my finances to assist our children when they deal with our estates.

We have two adult children living with us who pay monthly sums from their taxed income as housekeeping. This was paid into a joint account, but is now paid into my wife's. She uses the money to buy Isas on behalf of the children.

The combined sums are about the amount allowed as tax-free lodging income. My wife is not a taxpayer. 

We are in our 80s, so inheritance tax considerations loom large. Could a valid claim be made that, as all the money is invested in the names of the children, there is no parental income tax or IHT interest?

R. D., Warwick.

You asked a number of complex tax questions in your letter. I am addressing the most straight- forward, but for the rest you really need to get professional advice.

Patricia Mock, tax director at Deloitte, has considered the main issue: will housekeeping contributions be treated as income?

If money from your children is simply to defray expenses rather than provide profit, this would be an argument against it being 'income'. 

Also, she says, there will be no tax to pay as long as the sums are below the £7,500 lodging limit.

Now, to the Isas. It's not entirely clear whose name these are in.

However, if they are in your children's, then they are likely to escape IHT.

Initially, it appears you were making the contributions from a joint account. This would mean you could each claim your £3,000 annual exemption for gifts.

However, as more recently all of the money has been paid from your wife's account, only her £3,000 exemption would apply.

But there is a further exemption for normal gifts made out of surplus income that do not reduce the donor's standard of living.

If this money was not required to maintain your standard of living, it should fall under this heading.

In the unlikely event that the Isas are in your names, they would remain in your estates for the purposes of IHT.


John Lewis promised I would be sent a £5 gift voucher by email if I spent more than £50 in store. But it never arrived. 

When I contacted the company, it said there was no record I was entitled to one.

A. R., Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan.

John Lewis admits it is to blame for this oversight after failing to update its database when you recently changed your email address. It is sending you a £10 gift card as an apology.


I bought my son an annual Tastecard subscription on December 16, but he doesn't want it. 

When I called to cancel the order on December 28, Tastecard refused to give me a refund. I thought that under consumer law, you have two weeks to return goods bought online if you don't want them.

S. T., by email

A spokeswoman for Tastecard confirmed that new customers are entitled to a refund if they contact its call centre within 14 days of making an order.

She says you were initially refused a refund because you were given a voucher for a free case of wine when you applied for the card. The firm needed to check it had not been redeemed before issuing the refund. You have now got your money back.


I want to rent a garage and use it as a workshop. 

My tools are currently stored at my parents' house, so I'm covered under their home insurance policy even though my name is not on the documents. Will I still be covered if I keep the kit in the workshop?

S. B., Kent.

You need to buy a new policy. Look for commercial rather than personal insurance if this is more than just a hobby.

For independent advice, call the British Insurance Brokers' Association on 0370 950 1790 or visit


I'm about to go on maternity leave. I earn £50,000 a year, but while I'm off work this will gradually reduce to statutory maternity pay of £139.58 a week.

That means my total annual income will be under the £11,000 personal allowance. Will my tax code be adjusted so I don't have to pay tax?

L. L., Borehamwood, Hertfordshire.

If your employer continues to pay you each month, your tax code should be adjusted automatically as your income reduces, says HMRC. If you're concerned, you can check you are paying the correct online.

Register for a personal tax account at

Is Avis allowed to take money for jumping a red light? 

We were shocked to get a call from Halifax telling us it had refused a request from Avis (USA) for £150 from our bank account.

We rented a car from Avis in Tampa, Florida, from September 1 to 30. When I contacted Avis I was told I had jumped a red light on September 15. 

Of course I will pay, but I can't understand why it's taken so long to hear anything and why the fine is so costly.

I am a careful driver and have been renting from Avis for years.

B.W., London.

I asked Avis for more information and I'm afraid you did jump a red light while on holiday, so you do owe the money.

Avis's UK office has collected the photographic evidence.

It seems that you were sent a letter in October warning you of the fine, but you did not receive it — hence your surprise.

The standard fine for jumping a red light in Florida is $158 (about £125). Avis paid the fine to prevent it escalating and added a $30 administration fee, which does not seem unreasonable. So, the total came to $188 (about £150).

Avis has made contact with you directly to resolve the issue.


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