- PIERS MORGAN'S TRUMP MEMO TO THERESA MAY: 10 ways to win over the new President (and don't be afraid to call me in if it all goes sideways)
- Britain could limit the intelligence it shares with America if Donald Trump brings back torture, Theresa May warns
- At long last, an end to the era of Blair follies as Theresa May calls a halt to Anglo-American military adventures, writes DOMINIC SANDBROOK
In a decisive break with the Blair and Cameron eras, the Prime Minister said the days of the UK using military force to 'remake sovereign countries in our own image' were finished. Speaking to senior US politicians, she laid out a new set of rules which will see the UK intervene only when the 'threat is real' and it is in our own interests. The comments effectively bring an end to what have been dubbed 'wars of choice' and the so-called 'Chicago doctrine' established by Tony Blair. Mrs May also warned Donald Trump not to trust Russian president Vladimir Putin and chose to evoke the memory of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher during the Cold War. She said: 'When it comes to Russia, as so often it is wise to turn to the example of President Reagan who - during negotiations with his opposite number Mikhail Gorbachev - used to abide by the adage 'trust but verify'. With President Putin, my advice is to 'engage but beware'.