Haynes revs up for bigger profit thanks to booming demand for car, motorcycle and novelty manuals

Booming demand for car and motorcycle manuals and a growing interest in online products boosted sales for publisher Haynes.

The company revealed rising sales in the six months to December, thanks to growing popularity of its key brands.

Sales in the six months to November 30 increased by 15 per cent to £14million – up from £12.2million the year before.

Digital products, which include the group's online titles, accounted for 36 per cent of the group's overall sales at £5.1million, an increase of 50 per cent year on year.

Profits rose 67 per cent to £500,000 from £300,000. Haynes said its non-car related titles had also performed strongly in the UK and its new humorous mini manual, 'Haynes Explains', lifted sales 47 per cent.

It added that its sales in the UK alone were up 17 per cent from the previous year.

The strong results follow the decision to close US and Swedish printing and distributing bases in May last year.

Haynes said falling print sales had made it 'no longer commercially viable' to keep the businesses, axing 41 jobs. 

The firm now outsources US distribution while Swedish customers are served by the UK. 

Haynes said the move allowed it accelerate the development and marketing of its digital platforms.


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