Could the FTSE 100 fall 40%? A look at previous peaks

The astonishing run for London's leading stock market saw the index of of Britain's 100 biggest companies climb higher for a record 14 days in a row. That came to an end on Monday when the FTSE 100 slipped from last Friday's record closing high of 7,337.8, as PM Theresa May's long-awaited Brexit plan speech loomed. So with the index having risen 7.2% since early December - is it now overvalued and ripe for a fall?

Banc de Binary, which has offices in Cyprus but is run from Israel, is notorious for using high-pressure sales calls to persuade ordinary investors to gamble saving.

Many fund managers are flying the flag for US shares following the election of Donald Trump, but Liontrust's John Husselbee doesn't share their enthusiasm.

Analyst Simon McGarry has picked companies he thinks could do well this year. Some are household names but others are less well known - and only one is a financial company.

Values of some of the most sought-after classic bikes have risen more than 300 per cent since 2010, according to website The Motorcycle Broker.

Where to invest for income and how to spot the best dividends: Investing Show

Picking dividend shares isn't just about opting for those with the highest yield. A dividend needs to be sustainable, robust, and preferably rise over time. Justin Urquhart Stewart, of Seven Investment Management joins the Investing Show to explain where to invest for the best dividends, looking at countries, sectors and individual companies.

Old Mutual boss Richard Buxton on how to run an 'active' fund patiently

In our series giving personal investors an insight into how the professionals do things, we spoke to Richard Buxton, manager of its Old Mutual UK Alpha fund. He says patience is the key to his approach, because once convinced of the case for investing in a stock he tends to hold it for a very long time.

I'm interested in investing in companies in sub-Saharan Africa. Are there any funds that focus on this region?

Since 1984 the FTSE 100 has gained in January in 19 out of 32 years, according to figures from Fidelity. In 15 of those 19 years, the market went on to finish the year higher than it began.

I first invested in food catering and service business Compass in 2005, just before Richard Cousins joined as chief executive from [building materials firm] BPB and shares were £2.34.

Savers tempted to put money into the stock market by the FTSE 100's record run could be investing just as the risk grows that shares will tank, experts warn.

I'm 38 now, how can I invest to retire at 55?

I have my own small business and want to be able to retire at 55 with a good income, and possibly a second home. I am in my late thirties and at this stage of my life I am prepared to take higher risk to see higher returns. In the second of our new series Money Pit Stop, we ask an investing expert to give one of our readers a portfolio makeover

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Pawnbroker H&T is branching out into loans

H&T; opened its first pawnbroking shop in London in 1897. Today it is the UK's largest pawnbroker, with 181 stores dotted up and down the country. Pawnbroking is a mature industry, but H&T; has recently branched into other fields, including personal loans and foreign exchange. The shares are 270p and should increase materially as these new businesses expand and develop. The sector went through several halcyon years after the financial crisis, when the gold price was rising and customer numbers soared.

Investment trust Witan is an unusual beast. Unlike rival global funds that are run by individual managers presiding over what companies to buy and sell, it operates more like an orchestra.

We round up the Sunday newspaper share tips. This week, Midas looks at H&T;, The Sunday Times' Inside the City at Cobham and the Sunday Telegraph's Questor at Pearson.

Pick the best (and cheapest) investment Isa platform

Choosing the right DIY platform is crucial but a wealth of choice and changes to charges have left many investors scratching their heads. We pick some of the best. We also highlight why investing in an Isa makes sense, as it should protect your hopefully growing investments from tax forever.

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Popular share buying is set for a comeback. But for newcomers, buying and selling may seem daunting. So here is our guide to getting started in the market

Tracking: Following an index is cheaper than an active fund and often more successful

Tracker funds are ideal for those who want to invest but don't want the hassle of picking shares or cost of a fund manager, who is unlikely to outperform the market.

The tortoise and the hare: Passive investors believe that slow and steady wins the race, while active investors chase market-beating returns.

Fund investing helps many small investors strike it rich. Find out what funds and investment trusts are, how to invest - and save money with a DIY investing platform.

Dip your toe into the stock market: Before you start, you need to ask yourself why you want to invest

Want to beat the interest paid out on many high street accounts - and turbo-charge your money for the future? Then it's time to dip your toe into the stock market.

How to find the cheapest DIY model portfolios or online wealth manager

If you don't want to do all the legwork fund selection involves you can access model portfolios and digital wealth managers that find suitable products, but how do you weigh up their costs? We take a look a some of the most popular options and reveal the costs associated with letting a platform build and run a fund portfolio for you.

Passive investors have never had it so good. Costs are falling at the same time as the opportunity to tap into markets increases. But what does a good tracker look like?

These are ideas that I have gleaned magpie-fashion from investors whose wisdom seems to shine the brightest, says Simon Lambert.

What to watch in 2017: Brexit fallout, Trump and the bond market

The UK's negotiations to leave the EU will keep both financial players and politicians thoroughly absorbed in 2017, yet it is much too early to predict the impact of any deal. Donald Trump could cause global market ructions during his presidential term, which is likely to involve greater US belligerence on the world stage. Investing experts round up the likely big market drivers and offer some tips on what they expect to do best.

After the turbulence of 2016, many investors will be wondering what this year could possibly have in store for them. Here, three experts pick funds they believe could be winners.

The election of Donald Trump as next US president and his stimulus plan for the world's biggest economy dominate all discussion of investment prospects this year.

Vincent McEntegart, head of multi-asset at Kames Capital, argues that it's time to look beyond the UK to find sources of income - so long as you manage currency risk.

Among new services that claim to make investing simpler, consumer testing highlighted failures around charging and unclear distinctions between guidance and advice.

Favourite funds of 2016 revealed - with Woodford and Fundsmith top

Neil Woodford has lost pole position as the best-selling fund manager, one of the UK's biggest fund platforms Bestinvest has revealed, with another big name taking top spot. We take a look in detail at the ten biggest selling investment funds on the DIY investing platform this year.

There are so many fund supermarkets to choose from it can be hard to pick the right one. The fees depend on how much you have and whether you are investing in funds or stocks and shares.

The end of the year is a perfect time for savers to review their investments, revel in their successes, lament over their losses - and make some important changes.

Rightmove was one of the first companies to tap into the move in advertising away from shop windows and local newspapers to online.

With interest rates low and likely to stay low, we need to rethink the effect of compounding, and the relationship between 'saving' and 'investment', says Peter Westaway of Vanguard Europe.

A hacking attack on Tesco Bank last month left 9,000 customers out of pocket. Fraudsters are constantly developing new methods, so keeping up with them is a multi-billion pound industry.

Despite the rapidly rising cost of investing through an adviser, research from Schroders suggests that more than half of IFAs now outsource their clients' investment portfolios to fund managers.

Is it time to join the kings of wishful thinking and invest in the US?

Shares are on the up because Trump will lift spending, cut taxes and send company profits up - and you can't afford not to get involved. So where does that leave those of us who are not just dubious about the merits of a President Trump, but have been unconvinced for some time by the prospects for the US stock market, asks Simon Lambert in the Minor Investor column.

Vincent McEntegart, head of multi-asset at Kames Capital, argues that it's time to look beyond the UK to find sources of income - so long as you manage currency risk.

In the past week, sensor-maker E2V Technologies accepted a bid of £620m from US tech giant Teledyne while broadcaster 21st Century Fox has agreed an £18.5bn takeover of Sky.

Which? compared costs for someone transferring three pension pots into a Self-Invested Personal Pension, with £150,000 put into funds and £50,000 into stocks.

We have teamed up with comparison service Fundshare to make searching the market for the best peer-to-peer investments easier. Compare the best rates and providers here.

About 18 months ago, Anglo was one of the most disliked companies on the entire stock market. Analysts accused it of being incompetent and said it was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Vinyl sales for the first week of this month hit a new high at £2.5 million compared with the £2.1 million for digital, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.

‘I have no idea how I will pay off my credit card bill': Mother's agony after losing

Deanne Forrest (pictured) admits she was charmed into submission by Peter Parker - if that ever was his real name. The 50-year-old artist was looking for a way to boost her modest savings and support her teenage sons through university when a friend recommended Banc De Binary (inset) - a website that would let her trade on the stock market for instant returns of up to 60per cent. Peter, her smooth-talking Cypriot account manager, assured Deanne that the trades she was placing were 'absolutely zero-risk'. When she wavered, Peter became flirtatious, calling the divorcée 'beautiful' and 'glowing' and asking 'dear Deanne' if she would paint a portrait of him.

Unfortunately, this is the problem with choosing a fund based on its past performance. No fund can always be top of the table.

The Brexit vote sent the pound tumbling and soon saw Japan's SoftBank takeover ARM. Now as Sky becomes a target again, broker AJ Bell has revealed five that could be next.

China has topped the table in terms of real estate - with four of its sprawling mega-cities making it into the top five of a fund manager's Global Cities Index of the best places to invest in property.

Investing guru Jack Bogle, founder of US tracker fund giant Vanguard, has sounded a warning about the 'sheer size and fragility in times of market stress' of the exchange-traded funds industry.

Top investment trusts of 2016: Gold, mining and commodities top pile

After years of rocky performance, gold, precious metals and oil made a comeback in 2016 as political uncertainty made nervous investors take refuge in 'safe haven' assets.The top performing investment trust sector is Commodities and Natural Resources, up a whopping 72% - rewarding brave value investors.

The Financial Conduct Authority said crowdfunding platforms needed 'additional rules' after it found it was difficult for investors to compare platforms and to assess risks and returns.

The age of Trump is almost upon us. The billionaire businessman will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States on January 20.

Britons are turning to investment sites as savings rates are dismally low

Picking the wrong investment website when you buy funds could cost you up to £900 in lost returns. Thousands of savers now use online investment supermarkets such as Hargreaves Lansdown, Charles Stanley Direct and Fidelity Personal Investing, to pick their own shares and funds. But if you pick one with higher charges it could leave you hundreds of pounds worse off, according to research by The Lang Cat, an investment consultancy.

The FTSE has risen in 26 of the past 32 Decembers - and if you add together the performance of every month over the last quarter of a century, December is the second best on average.

I have an Isa and a self-invested personal pension.Am I better off taking out any profit I make on my investments and putting it in a cash savings account, or should I leave it in the fund?

Any saver with cash to invest would think this troubled superpower is surely a place to avoid. But scratch beneath the surface and you'll find there's more to Mr Trump's plans than meet the eye.

I bought the multinational consumer goods firm Unilever when I launched the fund back in October 2009, when shares were around £17.73.

In a motion to parliament MPs slated the City watchdog for failing to protect investors who lost more than £100million after the fund was shut down in 2012.

One of my favourites has been Severfield - the largest structural steel specialist in the UK. Some of its renowned projects include The Shard, the Olympic Stadium and the Tate Modern.

How do government bonds work?

Global government bond markets are vast and affect everyone who pays tax, saves or invests. But it's often hard to tell what's going on when there's a surge in bond buying or a sell-off because the jargon used by industry insiders can be pretty impenetrable. We unscramble it here to help everyone else fathom what's going on.

Baby boomers are having a tough time trying to find stocks that pay a good dividend yield to sustain them in retirement. A broker has revealed nine shares it sees fitting the bill.

When I look at my investment fund documents it tells me that I pay an annual management charge of 0.74 per cent, but how is this money taken?

Two-thirds of people knew that the fall in the pound would mean holidays cost more, but 11 per cent realised it could boost UK company earnings due to the extent of FTSE 100 firm's overseas sales.

Retail fund sales slumped in October as nervous investors kept their powder dry ahead of the US election. Although net sales stayed positive, they were down by two thirds on the same time last year.

New robo-adviser claims its formula can shield you from economic shocks

Could the seismic market events of the past year have been predicted?   New robo-adviser Scalable Capital is built around the concept that while returns cannot be predicted, risks can - with reasonable accuracy.

Woodford Investment Management has teamed up with Legal & General and the British Business Bank to create the fund, called Accelerated Digital Ventures.

Donald Trump is investing in it, the UK Government has announced a raft of spending, and experts say it's what will keep global economies growing. Infrastructure has been the buzzword of recent weeks.

I got involved in Asos in January 2006 when shares were 85p. I sold the bulk of the holding for £47 a share. But in AIT, shares fell 80 per cent in a single day and two individuals were eventually jailed.

Weak sterling means that inflation could move as high as 4 per cent by the end of 2017, according to think tank NIESR. How can savers combat inflation and can investors use it to their advantage?

On Thanksgiving, a selection of UK fund managers reveal what their hopes and fears are for a Trump presidency - and how they intend to deal with the market moves it could bring.

December's Italian referendum could be a seismic event if, as predicted, political reforms are rejected, potentially leading to the anti-EU Five Star Movement coming to power.

Should I buy an airport car parking space offering 8% return a year

A firm has emailed me about buying an airport car parking space, which it says would give me a guaranteed minimum return of 8 per cent a year. It says that a RICS valuation has been done and the parking space is being sold below its market value. I'm wary as I know about stocks and funds but I've never held this type of investment. Is putting some of my savings in an airport car parking space a good idea?

In a major report last week, the Financial Conduct Authority found investment firms were raking in £5 billion a year from 11 million savers languishing in expensive and often poorly performing funds.

The FCA says fund managers should publish an 'all-in fee' so investors can see what they are paying after uncovering devastating evidence of rip-off charges and weak price competition.

Emerging market countries are those whose economies are still developing. They are attractive to investors because their economies tend to grow faster than those in the West.

A sell-off of UK gilts and US treasuries was already under way but has accelerated since last week's US election, leaving holders sitting on capital losses as prices fall.

Follow our seven-step guide to make your finances fit for the new Trump world

Donald Trump's triumphant march on the White House has ramifications across the globe, not just in the US. It also has implications for our finances. We look at what we should do to make our household finances fit for the new Trump world.

Some of my best investments have come from the High Street, which is surprising as it is not a sector I typically place a lot of money in.

Hargreaves Lansdown has launched a low-cost fund with an ongoing charge figure of 0.6%. The fund is cheaper to invest in than 90% of the IA All Companies Sector, it claims.

Opportunity knocks in times of uncertainty, and some assets, sectors and investing styles are being tipped to succeed under President Trump.

In recent years, increasing numbers of ordinary savers have been taking bets on everything from gold to more obscure metals such as palladium.

Some fear the rapid about-turn could finally burst the bond bubble which has been building up for years. Bonds have always been renowned as a safe haven and are typically favoured by pension funds.

Many income investors worry about the absence of 'blue chips' in Europe. But Liontrust's Olly Russ says UK star stocks have lost their status and investors should diversify into European income.

I have £40k invested in a bond linked to the FTSE due to mature December. I have read that if I don't advise the bank otherwise, then it will be invested automatically for another five years.

Analysis of the ten most popular funds in stocks and shares Junior Isas shows the best deal - Fundsmith Equity- would have netted £4,158 more than the weakest performer over five years.

What's the point in investing in cash - and do you hold too much?

We've been warned that inflation could hit 4% next year. Needless to say, if that happens it spells bad news for our money. The answer is to invest spare cash, says one expert, what we know about long-term financial history indicates it to be a wise suggestion. But what counts as spare cash and what's the point in holding cash at all?

So-called risk appetite is one of the first things you should decide before investing money - that means working out how much of your cash you can stomach losing. Premium bonds are a possible idea.

More than 1,200 people have pledged money to get The People's Trust off the ground. The trust is the brainchild of ex-Investment Association chief Daniel Godfrey, who wants to shake up investing.

Can ethical funds keep up with mainstream investing rivals?

Profits from funds that hold anything from arms firms to tobacco stocks may leave you feeling uncomfortable. So should you back a more ethical investing style? Good Money Week, campaigns to get people doing that, but research by Fund Expert that claims investors would be better off simply donating profits to an ethical cause.

Property bounced back in September, as it becoming the third best-selling fund sector just months after spooked investors were locked in by fund management giants.

Marmitegate - the pricing row between maker Unilever and supermarket Tesco - turned out to be a red flag that prices were rising. Inflation climbed to 1 per cent in September, its highest rate since 2014.

First and foremost you really shouldn't be making investment decisions based on whether a share offers some kind of reward, but what are the different things investors get offered?

in response to what he sees as a lack of opportunity for long-term investors, former fund industry boss Daniel Godfrey will launch the People's Trust.

Unlike their baby-boomer parents who typically liked to buy houses and fill them with stuff, Generation Y are increasingly spending their cash on eating and going out.

Binary trading allows investors to bet on whether shares, currencies, or commodities will rise or fall. It is extremely risky; any gains can quickly turn into devastating losses.

UK government bond yields have shown a marked recovery over the past few weeks, after spending years spiralling lower following the financial crisis.

Would you turn to one of the specialist investment trust sectors if it could pay you an income of more than 6 per cent?

After Tesco and Unilvever's Marmitegate should investors stick with supermarket shares?

Supermarket giant Tesco scored a PR victory last week in the Marmitegate spat with consumer brands titan Unilever, but investors need to weigh up just how the falling pound will hit supermarkets and other retailers, say experts. While the weak pound is good for some, the flip side is pressure on import prices and there will be more spats like Marmitegate. So what does that mean for investors in retailers?

Men are twice as likely to play the stock market as women, who blame a lack of knowledge or disposable income for their reluctance to invest.

We have teamed up with comparison service Fundshare to make searching the market for the best peer-to-peer investments easier. Compare the best rates and providers here.

Sterling has crashed to a 31-year low against the dollar. We identify the losers and winners. Michael Rimmer and Sophie Marchant bought dollars for their holiday before the referendum.

Hedge funds are hoping that rules forcing them to reveal short positions could be relaxed or even scrapped when Britain leaves the EU.

Fidelity Special Situations Alex Wright: I've bought firms with pension deficits

Would you invest in Sports Direct in the current environment, or buy into a company with a significant pension deficit? Many would steer clear of these scenarios for fear of getting their fingers burnt, but fund manager Alex Wright purposely looks for companies going through a tough time

Combined, Interactive Investor and TD Direct will have £18 billion of assets and 300,000 customers, meaning only Hargreaves Lansdown has more clout in the UK among DIY investors.

Holidaymakers at airports being offered parity against the euro and long-time lows against the dollar could be heard cheering from miles away. But not those watching their pensions and ISAs.

Five future fund stars who could make you rich

Investors who backed Neil Woodford - who now runs CF Woodford Equity Income - at the turn of the millennium could have turned £10,000 into £45,000 today. But to really rake in the returns you needed to get on board early. If you'd spotted Mr Woodford's potential when he started out at Invesco Perpetual in 1988, you could have turned £10,000 into £299,000 by now.

ETFs enjoyed record inflows in the first nine months of the year, as investors flocked to low-cost products. this was dominated by large flows to US equities.

In an ideal world dividend cover should work out at two times earnings or more, but latest research from shows many FTSE 100 firms have fallen short.

The traditional advice when you have a large sum of money is to get rid of debt - including credit cards, loans and your mortgage. But that dates back to a time when rates were much higher

Performance on some ethical or green funds has been diabolical as savers have missed out on some of the stellar from companies which green funds aren't allowed to invest in.

Fund outflows reversed in August - but investors appear to have drastically lowered their appetite for risk and are buying low-yielding bonds rather than shares.

Neil Woodford and Mark Barnett have invested in peer-to-peer, which connects investors with SMEs and consumers who want to borrow. But some trusts are now trading on big discounts.

Parents can make their children millionaires by the time they are 38 by making the most of Junior Isas, cash gifts and stakeholder pensions.

Zoopla has branched out with the launch of its 'invest' channel, which allows customers to put money into a property Isa or back buy-to-let mortgages through peer-to-peer lending.

How to build a buy-and-hold dividend portfolio - and the shares that made the cut

If you do want to build your own share portfolio - or just understand how people do it - how do you go about it? We asked our friends at Stockopedia to build a buy-and-hold DIY investing Isa share portfolio - and explain how it was done.

How to profit from property in the world's best cities: Investing Show:

Warren Buffet calls it a moat - the advantage great brands have over their rivals - but can cities command this effect too? Hugo Machin, Schroders co-head of Global Real Estate, joins us on the latest Investing Show to explain why he thinks they do and how investors can profit from the companies that own a slice of them.

Stock markets have confounded forecasts and risen on Donald Trump's election to US President, but will the Trumpflation trade run out of steam? The Investing Show takes a look.

VCTs offer generous tax relief and the chance to strike it rich with early stage companies, yet remain something of a mystery to many investors. We take a look at them

Emerging markets have bounced back, as sentiment has switched from pessimism to optimism. But is now a good time for UK investors to buy?

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You don't get much more unloved than banks. For a value investor like Nick Kirrage that makes them interesting. He explains why on the latest Investing Show.

In this Brexit special edition of the Investing Show, we look at what has been hit hardest, what has done well and where the best opportunities for the future lie.

Investors are regularly told that they need to asset allocate, build a balance portfolio and think long term - but how do you do that? Justin Urquhart Stewart gives us his tips.

City of London investment trust has raised its dividend payout for 50 years in a row, manager Job Curtis discusses income investing and his best ideas.

The start of 2016 has been a rocky ride for investors, but should they worry or ride out the storm? We look at what's happening on the latest Investing Show.

Against a backdrop of bad headlines, contrarian investor Tim Price explains where he is looking for good news in the latest episode of the Investing Show.

It's been a year of political upheaval and for investors that has meant plenty to think about - but how worried should they be? We take a look on the latest Investing Show.

Investors need to be bold to hold banks right now, but experienced fund manager Richard Buxton is sticking to his guns.

Many experienced investors will have their own favourite measures of a company but there are a handful of important terms that crop up more often than not, we explain why they matter.

Fidelity Moneybuilder Dividend fund manager Michael Clark joins Simon Lambert and Richard Hunter to discuss the best dividend shares.

Investors have been hammered at the start of 2016 and the bears are out in force but are there opportunities out there for the brave?


Hector McNeil, of ETF specialist Wisdom Tree, joins Simon Lambert to explain index investing, exchange traded funds and why some investors prefer to tilt these to try and deliver better returns.

In the latest Investing Show, we look at two questions investors face. Are beaten down bank shares a buy yet and how do you find a good fund to profit from opportunities in the market storm?

Jeremy Lang, of Ardevora, reveals how he doesn't meet company bosses and plans for bad news to last longer than expected to avoid mistakes and deliver market-beating returns.

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Adam Ryan, manager of the BlackRock Income Strategies investment trust, joins the Investing Show to explain what he thinks retirement and income investors should consider.

How to invest tax-free from gold to classic cars and wine

You can enjoy great tax breaks with alternative investments - putting money into fine wine, classic cars, gold or perhaps even stamps. But before you take the plunge, you need to realise that while they can be rewarding, alternative investments can also prove volatile and illiquid. We explain what you need to know

US investors may be worrying about a Trump presidency but Grant Bowers is confident he has identified themes that can continue to grow against an uncertain backdrop.

Start early: How to save and invest for children

We take a look at the ways you can save and invest for your children, how the schemes work and provide tips and guidance.

Coins falling into a piggy bank. Image shot 2005. Exact date unknown.

It seems bigger isn't always better as the top three funds for income all came from smaller firms, according to research. Most of those relegated to the Black List were high profile names.


Self-investing via an online fund supermarket is growing in popularity, despite recent stock market falls. But choosing a provider can prove a minefield.

The City oddball who loves bosses who make rotten decisions (because they're what help him

Jeremy Lang doesn't like meeting company bosses. He doesn't believe in investing for the long term. And for several years, he didn't really like being a fund manager. Pretty unusual characteristics for one of the country's most successful investors. But then, Jeremy Lang is an oddball.

There are fears investors might be going overboard in the hope of a swift transformation in India's fortunes, and more big investing gains.

The gold price has risen 5% since the start of the year, fuelled by investors' nervousness over volatile markets. But what are the long term prospects for the yellow metal?

Personal finance...Charlotte Maylin in her Beauty Salon, Venus...Charlotte has taught herself about investment trusts...Letchworth, Herts...8-12-2015 Pic by Ian McIlgorm

We identify six investment trusts that have enough income in their tanks to continue their record of delivering investors with all-important dividend growth - plus the potential for generating tidy profits.

For those investors who believe the retail giants will rise again, the key is to drip-feed your money in if you are buying shares to minimise the effects of any dips in the share price.

INVESTMENT EXTRA: Inflation rate rise isn’t necessarily bad for savers

Marmitegate - the pricing row between maker Unilever and supermarket Tesco - turned out to be a red flag that prices were rising. Inflation climbed to 1 per cent in September, its highest rate since November 2014. Because inflation erodes the value of cash, it means what £1 bought a year ago, it cannot buy today. So savings that may have been safe sitting in the bank earning negligible interest are now losing buying power.


Investing: don't miss


Which shares will deliver the best return for investors over the next five years?

Which shares will deliver the best return for investors over the next five years?

  • US 684 votes
  • UK 2075 votes
  • Europe 298 votes
  • Emerging markets 592 votes
  • Japan 259 votes
  • China 213 votes
  • India 482 votes
  • Smaller companies 399 votes

Now share your opinion

The investment industry's world of abbreviations...
Acc: Accumulation - any income generated by the fund like dividends or interest is automatically reinvested.
Inc: Income - any income generated is distributed by the fund instead of being reinvested.
Dis: Distribution - any income generated is distributed by the fund instead of being reinvested.
R: Retail - the fund is aimed at ordinary investors.
I/Inst: Institutional - the fund is aimed at corporate investors like pension funds.
A, B, M, X etc: Different fund houses use letters for different things. Check with them what they stand for.
NT/No trail: Some fund houses use this name on clean funds which carry no commissions for financial advisers, supermarkets or brokers, just the fee levied by the fund manager. But other fund houses use different letters - I, D or Y, for example - so you need to find out for yourself which are clean funds.
Gr: Stands for gross.
GBP/£: Fund denominated in pounds.
EUR: Fund denominated in euros.
USD/$: Fund denominated in US dollars.
Compiled with online stockbroker The Share Centre

Monthly Or Lump Sum Savings Calculator

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The best DIY investing platforms for four different types of investor

Investors are pouring record amounts of money into funds and trusts - but have you chosen the best broker to help you buy your investments? The easiest way to invest is through an online platform. These are essentially one-stop shops for buying funds, investments trusts and shares, and are generally much cheaper than buying directly from the fund companies themselves.But which one you choose will depend on what type of investor you are. We explain what to consider.

Want to dabble in the stock market? Kames investment chief Stephen Jones explains how to build a portfolio that covers all the bases - and reveals which stocks look promising for 2016

A bond market wobble is causing concern that a far bigger shock is imminent. So should people be looking for other places to put their money, and if so what are the best options?

Can you explain how to 'read' the figures on a balance sheet - and how do I use them to judge the health or a company?

Bill Gross, founder of bond giant PIMCO, is pictured at the offices of PIMCO in Newport Beach, California, U.S. 
Bill Gross has left his post as chief investment officer at the company and joined mutual fund management firm Janus Capital. 
PICTURED: July 16, 2007 - Newport Beach, California, U.S.- BILL GROSS, known as the ''king of bonds'' His bonds forecast has taken a recent shift to a more bearish stand on bonds, which some blame at least in part for the recent market turmoil. 

26 Sep 2014, Newport Beach, California, USA --- Sept. 26, 2014 - Photographed at the offices of PIMCO, his company. (Credit Image: © Jonathan Alcorn) --- Image by © Jonathan Alcorn/ZUMA Press/Corbis

Bond king Bill Gross has railed again at 'the less than commonsensical notion that a global debt crisis can be cured with more and more debt.' We would be wise to at least consider his words.

Invest around the world at low cost: Reasons to add ETFs to your investment portfolio

While market performance is outside of an investor's control, the amount they pay is firmly in their hands and many are looking to lower cost alternatives offered by either exchange traded funds. Why are more investors buying into ETFs and what can they do for you? We reveal five reasons to add ETFs to your portfolio.

I have invested in tracker funds in the past but now find that I am increasingly reading about ETFs. What is the difference between the two?

Trackers and exchange traded funds are hugely popular because they are a simple and cheap way to invest in stock markets and other assets like bonds and commodities.

Dumb tracker, cheap do-it-all fund, or smart beta?How to invest in trackers

Passive investors have never had it so good. Costs are falling at the same time as their opportunity to tap into markets increases. But it's not just about tracking a market anymore, smart beta combines passive approaches with active allocation and ready-made passive portfolios are also being snapped up. So what does a good tracker look like?

Fund and trust ideas for first time and cautious investors

If you are new to investing then the huge number of funds and investment trusts on offer can be confusing. Fortunately, This is Money's experts have some ideas to get you started.

On the up: Emerging markets such as Brazil are where much of the world's growth is expected to be over future years.

If you're looking to add some flair to your investing Isa with emerging markets, This is Money's experts have some ideas to get you started

Income investing: Dividends can deliver both a healthy boost to long-term growth and a way to earn from your investments.

Income investing can let you draw on your portfolio or reinvest dividends to build solid growth over time. Our experts give their fund and investment trust recommendations.

Uk equities have delivered 1,433 per cent growth during the past three decades, or 9.9 per cent each year - but only if you steadily reinvested all your dividends.

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We highlight the world's cheapest and most expensive stock markets, measured on three popular valuation tools and where the UK sits.