SMALL CAP IDEAS: Four lesser-known pharma companies that could have their breakthrough this year

For drug developers, AIM is seen as the seed investment ground for companies at the pre-clinical or the early clinical stage of development.

Recently, however, a handful of hopefuls have pushed drugs into the final, make-or-break phase.

They include GW Pharma, whose stock more than doubled in value last year, boosted by its phase-III success with a cannabis-derived treatment for an acute form of childhood epilepsy.

New drugs: Some junior firms have drugs in phase-III and are looking to 2017 as a pivotal year

Sadly, GW cancelled its listing on the UK’s growth market effective December 5 and is now quoted solely on the NASDAQ market for tech and biotech stocks.

Here we look at four lesser-known juniors companies that have drugs in phase-III that are looking to 2017 as a pivotal year.

Motif Bio

It is fair to say 2016 hasn’t been the easiest of years for Motif Bio. However, financially and operationally the company actually made progress and next 12 months.

Late November was the turning point for the developer of iclaprim, a next generation antibiotic.

It successfully raised $25million via a transatlantic placing of shares and warrants and listed on NASDAQ.

The firm will receive a net $21.4million that will be used to complete its REVIVE-1 phase III clinical study of its lead drug.

'iclaprim is set to fill a major market void in the wake of a global public health crisis driven by rampant antibiotic resistance,' said Northland Capital analyst Vadim Alexandre.

The results of the REVIVE-1 study are expected in the second quarter, while data from a separate clinical trial, called REVIVE-2, will be published at some point in the final six months of 2017.

Amryt Pharma

Here’s another junior druggie that has been very busy but doesn’t seem to have garnered the market plaudits it deserves.

In 18 months it has it has made two acquisitions, managed two stock market listings and raised €43million.

Oh, and it has put a heavy-hitting team together that supports a very ambitious growth strategy.

In December it landed a €20million European Investment Bank debt facility that will help fund a late stage clinical study of a potentially breakthrough treatment called Episalvan for a rare skin disease.

The cash will pay for a phase-III trial to demonstrate efficacy and safety, which is expected to get underway in the first-quarter of 2017.

Early data from patients with Epidermolysis Bullosa will be available by mid-2018 with full commercial launch of the product expected the year after.

EB is an inherited disorder where the skin becomes very fragile. The market for the new treatment is thought to be worth $1.5billion a year.


Last month the company confirmed it has completed patient recruitment for its phase-III clinical trial of Lupuzor, a potentially breakthrough treatment for lupus.

It has delivered on its plan to have 200 sufferers of the life-threatening auto-immune disease taking part in the study by the end of the year.

In regulatory terms, Lupuzor is in a strong position, already having received fast-track status from the all-powerful US Food & Drug Administration, which speeds up the approval process by shortening review periods.

Solutions: ImmuPharma is hoping to get approval for Lupuzor, a potentially breakthrough treatment for lupus

ImmuPharma has also received regulatory approval to complete its trials under what’s known as a special protocol assessment.

This effectively guarantees the FDA will accept the trial results if they meet or exceed certain criteria.

Only one treatment - Glaxo's Benlysta - has been approved over the last 50 years. And, according to analysts, the product has proven a disappointment, in that it is only marginally effective while having side-effects.

That said, it still generates sales of around $400million, a figure that is predicted to grow to $1billion by 2020.

Faron Pharmaceuticals

The Finnish company recently embarked on a final phase clinical study in Japan for a condition called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

ARDS is a disease with a reported mortality rate of around 30-45 per cent for which there is currently no approved pharmacological treatment.

It is characterised by widespread capillary leakage and inflammation in the lungs, most often as a result of pneumonia for example, following a pandemic influenza, sepsis (organ failure), or significant trauma.

It is an orphan disease, which means that any treatments designed to treat it generally get fast-tracked by the regulatory authorities as an inducement to target a disease that otherwise would not be cost effective for the drugs companies to address.

Traumakine is Faron’s flagship drug candidate and it is attracting a lot of interest.

The treatment is already in phase-III trials in Europe and licences have been picked up by three companies in Asia, including a deal with Korean firm Pharmbio. 


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