Money Pit Stop: I'm a retiring fireman who has built up £152k in investments and £183k in cash, can I get a good income and enjoy some holidays?

In our series Money Pit Stop, we ask an investing expert to give one of our readers a free portfolio makeover. 

This week, a 60-year-old fireman and former postman, who has built up a healthy portfolio, with £152,000 in investments, £183,000 in cash and some buy-to-lets, wants to boost his retirement income and fund future holidays. 

I am 60 and will soon retire. I am married and my wife still works part time. My works pensions total £14,000 per annum.

My wife will work for a couple of years and will receive a small pension. My investment goals are retirement income and holidays. My aim is just to enjoy holidays and time with my family and not have to worry about my finances.

I was a full-time postman for 40 years and have been a retained, part-time firefighter too for 15 years.

Wyn, 60, Wales

Looking to retirement: Fire service watch manager Wyn Pugh, pictured with grandson Alfie, aged four


Risk appetite: Low. I don't feel the need to take risks.

Shares: BT, Royal Mail, BAE Systems, Deutsche Post, DWAV, Standard life, Flowgroup, Barclays, RM Secured Direct Lending, Tavistock Investments, Lloyds and Santander.

Total £62,000. Held outside an Isa wrapper. Dividends are re-invested.

Funds: Aviva Investors Multi-Strategy Target Income, Lindsell Train UK Equity, Dodge & Cox Worldwide US Stock, Evenlode Income, Fidelity Emerging Markets, Fundsmith Equity, Invesco Perpetual Global Targeted Returns, JO Hambro CM UK Opportunities, JPM Global Macro Opportunities, Lindsell Train Global Equity, Liontrust Special Situations, M&G Feeder OF Property Portfolio, M&G Optimal Income, M&G UK Inflation Linked Corporate Bond, Majedie UK Equity, Schroder Tokyo, Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Leaders, Threadneedle European Select, Threadneedle UK Absolute Alpha, Trojan Fund and Trojan Income.

Total £90,000. Held in an Isa wrapper. Funds managed by a broker for a £750 annual charge.

Savings: £183,000.

Pension: £14,000 a year.

Mortgage: Mortgage free on own house and on two further properties, one part-owned. Rental income is £13,000 a year.

Premium Bonds: £1,000.

Brian Dennehy, managing director of, says:

Wyn and his wife are in good financial shape at a key time in their life, with Wyn just about to retire. Now they need a structure which will take them through the decades ahead. The start of retirement is a good time to simplify your investments.

Here are the key points:

Investor profile 

 Name: Wyn

Location: Ceredigion, Wales

Occupation: Soon to retire as retained watch manager at Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue after 15 years with the service; former postman, 40 years.

Age: 60

Wyn Pugh and wife Susan

Objective: Retirement income and holidays

Cashflow now: Outgoings £23,000, Incoming £32,000

Income mix: Works pension, rental income, part-time income

Asset mix:

* Cash £183,000

* Investments

Shares £62,000

Funds £90,000

* Rented property £185,000

Risk appetite: Low

There are two main questions. Are the assets appropriate through a long retirement? What income can be reasonably expected?

Are individual shares appropriate for you?

Approximately one-third of the investments are outside an Isa in individual shares, and income is being reinvested. The rest is in a portfolio of funds within an Isa wrapper managed by an adviser.

A good number of the shareholdings appear to have been accumulated through privatisations. As you have an adviser managing your Isa, I am presuming that you are not actively managing your shareholdings.

The risks are very high with individual shareholdings. In particular you should not be seduced by their big names. For example, a large part of the banking sector was effectively bust in 2008; and people even talked of BP going under after an oil spill a small number of years ago.

Brian Dennehy: 'Wyn and his wife are in good financial shape at a key time in their life'

Holding these also clashes with your attitude to risk, now low. I suggest you sell the shares. If you want to keep any, perhaps for sentimental reasons, reduce your holdings so they make up only a minimal part of your portfolio.

Focus your portfolio on income funds

You already have significant sums on deposit and I would not be inclined to increase these. Therefore I would recommend income-generating funds.

As well as being inherently diversified - not dependent on a small number of holdings - they have the advantage of being professionally managed.

The best long-term generator of income would be from a fund linked to stock markets. Your attitude to risk is stated as low, and by my definition this would exclude stock market investments being considered, at least not in any significant way.

However, I would recommend you focus on the predictability and regularity of the income generated, and avert your gaze from the day to day volatility of the capital value, which otherwise can be a distraction.

Using a broker to manage your fund portfolio

Precisely how you approach creating an income fund portfolio depends on how much you wish to be involved. As you have already got a broker-managed portfolio of funds, I am guessing that you would prefer this route again.

When you talk to your broker, I suggest you ask the following questions:

  • Are the income funds in their typical portfolio largely invested in the stock market? If not, growth in your income will be restricted.
  •  How often are these funds reviewed?
  • What are the key criteria with these reviews? The priority should be the funds' ability to grow the income in most years.

• What is your broker's track record managing income portfolios, both the income generated and underlying capital growth?

So as not to have all your eggs in one basket, also ask another adviser the same questions so you can compare. All of this will help you identify the pedigree of the adviser – and don’t be seduced by bigger name brands, as you might get a much more personal and bespoke service from a smaller adviser.

View from Constitution Hill: Wyn and his wife live in Aberystwyth, Wales

What level of income should you expect from your investments?

Your existing broker-managed Isa portfolio is not designed to generate income. 

You must ask your broker for a proposal for such a portfolio, focusing on funds linked to stock markets, as this is the best generator of growing income through a long retirement.

With the above adjustments to your portfolios of shares and funds you should be able to generate an extra £6,000 of income. 

This assumes a yield of 4 per cent on your new income portfolios.

Though the income which could be generated from your money on deposit is very low, these capital sums give you significant peace of mind day to day (bearing in mind your stated attitude to risk), and are also a significant source of capital as unexpected costs arise through a long retirement, such as medical or care fees.

What does a typical income fund portfolio look like?

The demand for income will grow for decades to come driven by ageing populations in wealthier economies. This demand will push this sector higher than other parts of the stock market, so even if you don’t need income now, you should buy into this strategy anyway, reinvesting the income.

With our model income portfolio we are looking to achieve growing income over many years, perhaps through a long retirement.

Think of the income portfolio like your heart pumping out blood - the heart continually changes shape as it pumps out a steady stream of blood. 

Similarly, the capital value of your income portfolio will also vary from day to day, but there will be a steady flow of income, growing income.

Income: The average yield from the above funds at present is 3.88 per cent, which would bring in about £5,897 from a portfolio worth £152,000. (Source:

Your buy-to-let properties, tax and the future

Keep an open mind on the rented properties in the years ahead. The Government is not over-keen on buy-to-let and has deliberately targeted this sector in the last couple of years by increasing taxes and regulation.

If this continues, and the rental yield does not compensate you adequately, be ready to sell. Similarly if the managing of one or both properties becomes too time-consuming or costly or both.

On other taxation, consider the tax position when Mrs Pugh stops working. For example, there might be advantage in switching more assets into the name of your wife to generate income gross, if she is going to be a nil rate taxpayer.

Do make sure you maximise your Isa contributions each year. Bear in mind that though a long retirement your potential, particularly for income but also for capital growth, is much greater in investment Isa than on deposit.

If you don’t already know, do check your state pension entitlement, both the timing and how much you will get. 

Portfolio asset allocation before and after


chart created with amCharts | amCharts


chart created with amCharts | amCharts

The information provided by our expert is for the purposes of this article and is not personal advice, if you are at all unsure of the suitability of an investment for your circumstances please seek advice.

Nothing in this response constitutes regulated financial advice. Published questions are sometimes edited for brevity or other reasons.


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About you 



City or County you live in

Occupation or former occupation if retired

Phone number not for publication

Your investment portfolio 

Investment goals: retirement income, university fees, housing deposit, holiday, second home

Risk appetite: Low, medium or high - and a short explanation why

Time horizon: one, three, five, 10 or 20 years 

Portfolio details: 

What you hold in the following categories:


Funds, investment trusts, or ETFs


Property (and any mortgages)

Other eg premium bonds   

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