Strangers and Enemies

Strangers in Their Own Land elicits sympathy for white workers but fails to identify the class forces responsible for their plight.

The Anti-Inauguration

Watch Jacobin‘s “The Anti-Inauguration,” featuring Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and more.

The Rebel Girl

As we build a movement to thwart Trump and win genuine social change, the activist life of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is instructive.

On the Market

New York governor Andrew Cuomo wants to be loved by the people but paid by the developers.

Assessing Obama

With Donald Trump set to enter the Oval Office, we look back on what Barack Obama’s presidency meant for the Left.

The Party We Need

Imagine a different inauguration. If we had a working-class party, what would it fight for?