

Wage fraud: Pizza Hut hit with fines

If there was any doubt that wage underpayment is thriving in the $170 billion franchise sector take a look at Pizza Hut, where delivery drivers have been forced into sham contracts and paid as little as $5.70 a delivery.

An investigation by the Fair Work Ombudsman has busted Pizza Hut - the country's second biggest pizza franchise network. The stores the ombudsman audited over the past year were riddled with non compliance and delivery were drivers the key victims.

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Caltex wage fraud: the system is broken

First it was 7-Eleven. Now, petrol station chain Caltex is under the spotlight for rampant wage fraud throughout its franchise network, as Fairfax's Adele Ferguson explains.

Pizza Hut drivers are generally young and vulnerable - many under 24 -forced to provide their own car, petrol, maintenance and insurance in return for peanuts. In some cases the pay amounts to $12 an hour before the various costs are deducted.

The FWO audited 34 franchisees, focusing on delivery drivers in November 2015, and found rampant abuse of vulnerable workers. In some cases the franchisees failed to issue pay slips or keep proper records.

It followed an expose by myself and colleague Sarah Danckert into Pizza Hut last year which found drivers were being put on sham contracts, which included them providing the car, petrol, maintenance and insurance for $6 or less a delivery, working out to less than $12 an hour in wages.

Thin margin

Private equity group Allegro Foods bought the Pizza Hut Australia chain in September last year, well after the FWO had launched its investigation. Allegro has since bought the collapsed Eagle Boys pizza chain, which went into administration last July, and folded a number of the stores into Pizza Hut.


But pizza is a tough business. The $4 billion pizza industry has faced savage competition in the past few years with low priced pizzas being introduced to the Australian market by the biggest pizza network Domino's, which was able to take market share from its rivals.

The increased competition led to Pizza Hut closing some of its restaurant stores to focus on home delivery and introducing steep discounts to win customers.

It also prompted 90 per cent of its franchisees to launch a class action, claiming unconscionable conduct, losses and business collapses as a direct consequence of orders that they slash the cost of pizzas up to 50 per cent to take market share from rivals. The franchisees lost the class action.

The widespread non compliance across Pizza Hut stores has prompted the FWO to instigate preliminary discussions with the new owners of Pizza Hut with a view to entering a "proactive compliance partnership" to try and stamp out wrongdoing among its franchisees.

Domino's has just finished its second proactive compliance partnership.

Widespread breaches

The FWO said of 26 completed audits of Pizza Hut stores, only two franchisees were doing the right thing.

Just imagine how painful it would be for someone who worked for 17 hours a day on average and got paid less than $10 per hour on average for years.

7-Eleven worker

The remaining 24 that it has so far audited were found to have breached the law. Seven had put delivery drivers on so-called independent contractors rather than classifying them as employees.

The FWO found that more than $12,000 in underpayments was owed to workers. For the franchisees that engaged in non compliance, it has issued three enforceable undertakings, 11 compliance notices, 11 infringement notices and 17 formal letters of caution.

Given the extent of non-compliance with respect to arrangements for delivery drivers, preliminary discussions relating to a proactive compliance partnership have been held with the owners of the Pizza Hut franchise.

The revelations follow a string of other franchise outfits that have been hit with wage fraud scandals, including systemic worker exploitation at 7-Eleven and Caltex.

It should be a call to arms to the Turnbull Government to change the law to clamp down on this national scourge. The government said before the election it would beef up the powers and penalties of Fair Work and increase its budget.

But the clock is ticking for this to happen.

Fines too low

When a franchisee gets fines of a few thousand dollars for getting caught doing the wrong thing, it acts as little if any deterrence. Eleven Infringement Notices were issued to 11 franchisees, totalling $6300 in penalties for failing to provide pay slips, failure to record the name and number of the super fund, and not keeping records for seven years (eg. recording start and finish times).

What is needed is legislative changes to make it easier for the ombudsman to establish accessorial liability under section 550 of the Fair Work Act, which would put the franchisor on the hook.

This is a hot political potato as the franchise industry is powerful and will fight tooth and nail to ensure this doesn't happen.

But if it can be established that a franchise chain has systemic non compliance issues then the only way to fix it is to make the franchisor culpable.

Wage underpayment has been going on for years, right under our noses. Not only does it hurt the country's reputation, undermine the award wage system but it challenges the very foundations of the economy and creates an uneven playing field for those companies that do pay the correct wages.

Worker petition

It comes as has launched a campaign to get convenience store giant 7-Eleven to reinstate an independent wage panel and repay workers in full.

"Just imagine how painful it would be for someone who worked for 17 hours a day on average and got paid less than $10 per hour on average for years," Muhammad Sarwar, wrote.

Last December 7-Eleven announced it would stop accepting new claims from the current 7-Eleven Wage Repayment Program and replace it with a new repayment system run by 7-Eleven from January 31.

The company has so far paid back almost $70 million to workers in underpayments, with estimates that it could reach more than $100 million.

But there is a lot to do in this country to clean up the mess.

An opinion piece written by the chairman of 7-Eleven, Mike Smith, in August made the point: "The extent of workplace compliance failure is leading many participants to believe such practices are the norm, resulting in low complaint levels that mask the breadth of the problem." Indeed.