Toilet Training



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Ask an expert: How do we start toilet training?

The first step to toilet training success is preparation - preparation for both adult and child. Here, Dr Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett outlines how to get ready for the change.

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When will my child be ready to toilet train?

In order for your child to succeed, they need to be physically, emotionally and mentally ready. Here are some of the signs of readiness. If your child is showing many of these signs, it’s probably time to start thinking about toilet training.

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Toilet training boy

Potty humour

Leaving the house for shopping trips with a recently toilet-trained child can be pretty testing – especially when the child is prone to wandering off to do dirty deeds, as Melanie Hearse experienced.

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Toilet-training your toddler

Potty training by days

It’s happening all over the country. Fortified by the excesses of the waning party season and grabbing the last of summer, many parents are tackling toilet training.

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