Baby and toddler dinnerware roundup for stylish mini-foodies

For most families, non-breakable dinnerware is a fact of life. Having your ceramic dishes thrown on the floor by an enthusiastic or resistant baby is not ideal, so it's best that hard-to-break dinnerware is used in the early years.

It does depend on the individual child, but by about age three or four, your child will be more aware of whether something is breakable or not. 

Luckily, before this age, there are many BPA-free plastic and metal options for your baby or toddler to eat from.

You may want to consider bento-style metal boxes that can later be used as lunchboxes, if longevity and avoidance of plastic is what you'd prefer. 

Babies and toddlers often love their food to be separately partitioned so we have included dinnerware that enables this.

Otherwise there are the more usual dinner plate sets that come with a co-ordinating bowl, plate and cup.

Click through our gallery above - each product has a link so you can click to buy or read more detail about the product.