The best pregnancy announcements of 2016

The Modern Mumma
The Modern Mumma 

Announcing a new pregnancy is definitely the time to get creative and we just love what people come up with. Here are some of the best we have seen this year. 

1. The note on the current youngest's cot

Giving the youngest child advance warning of the future loss of her current status in the family, Mel Watts of The Modern Mumma pinned an hilarious note to the cot. "You have until June 2017 to get used to the idea - until then we'd appreciate it if you learned to sleep through the night," the note began. Watts continued: "I know this may come as a shock, feel lucky you're the first to know out of your siblings and everyone else. Though we think they'll take it better." Read the full article here.

2. The announcement that was not all it seemed to be

Expecting triplets!

It was a pretty funny pregnancy announcement to begin with; husband holding a chalkboard with 'We're pregnant!' written on it and his wife with her head over the toilet bowl, in the background. But for friends and family, that was only part one. A second photo with the couple's positions reversed revealed they were also expecting triplets. See the full article to see the pictures - now that is one great surprise announcement.

3. Husband tells wife she is pregnant

The Brummel Family

It's not often a man who gets to tell his wife she is pregnant, but that's exactly what happened when Tim Brummel noticed some telling changes in his wife's behaviour, followed by the news his vasectomy had failed. Already parents to three boys, it's a good thing it was happy news for both parents, who learned they were expected a fourth blue bundle of joy. Read the whole story here.

4. A man finds out he'll be a dad via plane announcement

Eric and Lisa

No-one ever boards a plane thinking they will hear life-changing news from the pilot, but that's exactly what happened to Eric Sadiwnyk. The announcement began routinely enough, but Eric got the surprise of his life when the pilot turned his attentions to "seat 29E, where you'll find Eric who's travelling with his wife Lisa." Lisa had arranged for the pilot to share her revelation over the plane's in-flight announcement system and we think it's one of the most original of the year. Read the full article here.