Pockindo Travel Pillow: The 'face plant' pillow for a perfect mid-air sleep

I once met a man who could sleep standing up. He could snooze in the mosh-pit of musical festivals and nap in line for his morning coffee. I never thought I would meet a real life superhero. I was wrong.

Sleeping at the flick of a switch is a skill few people possess. Especially when it comes to long haul flights and road-trips. Trying to find a comfortable position and still escape a $500 chiropractor fee is not an easy task.

This struggle hasn't gone unnoticed. The travel pillow industry has long been competing to find the perfect solution to guarantee a flawless sleep. Take the "Nodpod''- the head hammock that claims to be the "solution to amazing sleep" . Or the HoodiePillow- a sleeping aid designed to replicate the cosiness of a hooded jumper. There are countless contraptions out there promising decent shut eye, comfort and support, but there is always room for more.

The Pockindo Travel Pillow has recently joined the line up of sleep accessories – founded on the belief that "sleeping well is a matter of good position". You can't really argue with that. The latest invention offers an inflatable, tubular, frontal pillow that supports the head and upper body by leaning into it. Just BYO tray table (for it to rest on) and start dreaming.

The Pockindo Travel Pillow comes in a range of colors and weighs the same as a smart phone.

The Pockindo Travel Pillow comes in a range of colours and weighs the same as a smart phone. Photo: Pockindo

This lightweight design was developed with the expertise from physicians and osteopaths. The original inspiration for the design was sourced from dissatisfaction with the upright travel pillows on the market. The Pockindo group decided to work with gravity, embracing the awkward head droop by creating a softer, kinder landing.

Unlike its pillow predecessors that have built their empire on recreating a natural sleep position, this product uses its surroundings to come up with a compromise.

Until we are able to get our hands on a Pockindo, our concern centre on the strain it may have on the neck and shoulder muscles due to the forward pull. This travel pillow isn't exactly Prada either. In terms of appearance, it still beats the Ostrich Pillow – a product that could double as a Halloween costume.

If you are are still trying to muster your commute sleeping super power the Pockindo is available for $133. Don't assume this can be a last minute travel purchase, shipping can take up to two months.
