
Olivia Maragna

Olivia Maragna is the co-founder of Aspire Retire Financial Services and is a respected and independent financial expert.

The excitement of a lottery win can be shortlived if the windfall isn't managed carefully.

Don't spend it all at once: What to do if you win the lottery

Some can only wonder what it's like to win $55 million dollars but for Queensland's newest millionaires, it's been nearly a week for the news to sink in.  Twenty-one Government staff shared a $55 million Powerball jackpot win last Thursday, pocketing more than $2.6 million each but all twenty one winners will deal with this win differently. 

On average, a divorced mother has 37 per cent less super than a divorced father.

The financial cost of divorce

One in three marriages are likely to end in divorce, with new research released yesterday indicating that 97,000 Australians are still divorcing each year.  A total of nearly 1.5 million Australians aged 25–64 years are currently separated or divorced, representing one in every eight adults in this age group.

The end of the Christmas period often brings the end of relationships.

Divorce tips for the festive season

The festive season is near and while we all like to be cheerful, the reality of added pressure and expectation means that it can also put strain on personal relationships.

If you haven't considered changing your grocery or credit card provider or your home loan lender, you could be ...

Are you just too lazy to save money?

Australians are self-confessed penny pinchers, with research identifying three-quarters of Australians as tightwads who limit their spending and hunt for the best deals.  

Formal meetings are a good idea, even if you talk about the family business around the kitchen table.

How to keep your business in the family

The number of actively trading businesses in Australia has increased for the second year in a row, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.