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38m ago

Georgia Special Election Polls: Race remains tight, but Dem. Jon Ossoff is looking good

Democrat Jon Ossoff's lead has narrowed, but Republican Karen Handel hasn't led a poll since May.

Sean Spicer is interviewing for his own replacement, report says

Sean Spicer may no longer be seen behind the White House briefing room podium.

The GOP left a giant database containing personal information of almost every voter unprotected

The DNC email hack is looking pretty mild in comparison.

Bernie Sanders is quietly building one of the most powerful progressive media outfits in America

The former presidential candidate looks to online media companies to inspire how he can best communicate his message.

6 members of Trump's HIV/AIDS advisory board resign in protest

One former member says Trump "simply does not care" about the HIV epidemic.
5h ago

GOP Rep. Chris Collins responds to the Alexandria shooting with a vow to carry a gun everywhere

Rep. Chris Collins thinks the solution to Wednesday's shooting is more guns.

Right-wing activists repeatedly rush the stage at Public Theater's final 'Julius Caesar' performance

"Liberal hate kills," one of the protesters shouted.

Health care reform: A make-or-break week for the Republican health care bill

Even some Republicans are raising doubts about the secretive process.

Local GOP chair sees political opportunity in Scalise shooting 

"I’ll tell you what: I think the shooting is going to win this election for us," local GOP chair Brad Carver said, referring to Karen Handel.

Emmanuel Macron smashes opposition in French parliamentary elections

Macron seems to have nearly single-handedly destroyed the Socialist party and closed the door on far-right leader Marine Le Pen's ambitions.
June 18, 2017

Bernie Sanders says Alexandria shooting seems to be tied to suppression of free speech

"Every American has got to stand up against any form of violence," Sanders said on CBS News' 'Face the Nation.'

Steve Wozniak: "Access to a free internet should be an American principle"

"It shouldn't be ... those at the top and already in position can control what you have access to."

Donald Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow continues to insist he's not under investigation

Methinks you doth protest too much.

Sheriff David Clarke reportedly won't accept position at Dept. of Homeland Security

The controversial sheriff rescinded his acceptance of a role at the Department of Homeland Security.

Trump decries "witch hunt," claims 50% approval rating in early morning tweetstorm

Despite the so-called "witch hunt" against him, the president claims his "Make America Great Again agenda" is doing well.
June 17, 2017

Report: Donald Trump's White House may seek to water down Russia sanctions

Sen. Sherrod Brown told 'Politico' he had heard the White House was seeking to "slow it, block it."

Democrats may drag Senate to a halt over GOP's secret ACA repeal bill

The move could spook some Republican senators.

Betsy DeVos' education department moves to reduce civil rights investigations in schools

Schools will no longer be required to conduct systemic reviews after allegations of discrimination or mishandling of sexual assault.

Report: Trump is so mad at the media he's literally yelling at his television

This was a particularly angry Friday for Trump.

Georgia's 6th heads to the polls on Tuesday for a special election. Here's what you need to know.

This could be the first test of the electoral strength of the resistance to Trump.