Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Jendea Guztiak ikusi

  2. urt. 22

    The only Chief Minister who is determined to make Uttar Pradesh best state of India

  3. urt. 20

    if fights alone in UP can win more seats then because voters r in favour of party should trust workers.

  4. urt. 17

    PR strategies activated Evil Uncle** Akhilesh as Hero** 😂😂 Everything is Planned

  5. urt. 20
  6. urt. 22
  7. urt. 24

    SP's election manifesto in India looks more like the supplies of a provision store.

  8. urt. 24

    Vote for if you would like to live in a state where, "Boys would occasionally Rape."

  9. urt. 23

    days are not far when will induce all members of the family from all 403 seat UP😂😂😂

  10. urt. 23
  11. urt. 23

    may fight 2019 national polls with with as PM Candidate & as Deputy PM candidate

  12. urt. 22

    Mamata extends 'full support' to & alliance for polls.

  13. urt. 22
  14. urt. 22
  15. urt. 22

    & likely to announce a pact this evening.

  16. urt. 21

    Possibility of alliance with for almost over: leader Naresh Agarwal

  17. urt. 21

    is 130 years old party,founded in 1885 ,it deserves at least 130 seats from , one seat for one year for its pride

  18. urt. 21

    has self respect & dignity since last 100 years,it won't accept less than 140 seats in from ,it is no beggar !

  19. urt. 21

    and not to join hands in elections: Sources

  20. urt. 21

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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