Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Jendea Guztiak ikusi

  2. urt. 21

    's master stroke kicked Rahul Gandhi, Ajit Singh, Lalu, JD(U) with one leg, suspense on alliance & ditched 🤖

  3. urt. 17

    Son Prateek Yadav Drives a Lamborghini Huracan Worth Rs 5 Crore And other son after Cycle 😁

  4. urt. 19

    Ji ,Youth icon of India.

  5. urt. 17

    says Muslims contribute more in Indian economy. Yes ! And even more in your birth

  6. urt. 18
  7. urt. 25
  8. urt. 24

    पिता को त्यागने से मुख्यमंत्री पद मिलता है... और पत्नी को त्यागने से प्रधानमन्त्री पद.. इसे या से ना जोडे। 😝

  9. urt. 23
  10. urt. 22

    One thing is for sure... Rahul Gandhi & has better understanding than Shiv Sena & PDP has with Modi 😂😂😂

  11. urt. 22

    क्या घोषणापत्र एफिडेविड पर लिए जाएं? आश्वासनों की धोखेबाजी कब तक? वादे पूरे न होने पर क्या हो कार्रवाई?

  12. urt. 22
  13. urt. 22

    There is such a tremendous goodwill for , such a wave that he had to give 105 seats to moribund congress :)

  14. urt. 22
  15. urt. 22
  16. urt. 22

    UP CM promises free smartphones in manifesto

  17. urt. 22
  18. urt. 22
  19. urt. 22

    We are dedicated to work more than what is mentioned in menifesto, says CM at manifesto event

  20. urt. 21

    Now can better understand pain of as she is duped by cunning foxy arrogant ,a clone of !

  21. urt. 19

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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