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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
January 26, 2017 Disclaimer: Please read.

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Kathy Kmonicek / AP

Forced Marriage of Children Happens in America, Too

Between 2009 and 2011, at least 3,000 girls and young women from 47 states were forced into marriage—including many under the age of 18.


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Andrew Harnik / AP

Mainstream Media’s Wimpy Coverage of Inaugural Address Was No Surprise

Does the age of Trump signal a new era of McCarthyism—or worse, an American brand of fascism?
Bill Boyarsky / Truthdig

Women’s Marches Show That People Will Stand Up to an Intolerant ‘America First’ Vision

The demonstrations around the world are a first step toward resisting Donald Trump. But there is much more to do.
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In a segment of Monday’s show, host Cenk Uygur explained the need for a modern progressive wing in the Democratic Party.

In part one of a two-part conversation at his home in Hawaii, the musician tells Truthdig’s editor in chief that his upbringing during the Depression was an ideal childhood.

How to Cut Infrastructure Costs in Half

Americans could save $1 trillion over 10 years by financing infrastructure through publicly-owned banks like the one that has long been operating in North Dakota.

Standing Rock Sioux to Trump: ‘Creating a Second Flint Does Not Make America Great Again’

No longer just tweeting, President Donald J. Trump has been issuing a stream of executive orders and memoranda since his inauguration.

These Women Met at Saturday’s March to ‘Lay Down a Protest Anthem for the Ages’ (Video)

Samantha Bee invited a group to her show “Full Frontal” to play “I Can’t Keep Quiet,” a feminist song they’d rehearsed online before meeting at the Women’s March on Washington.

How Trump Is Endangering U.S. Troops in Iraq and Essentially Aiding Islamic State

Since his inauguration, Donald J. Trump has not been making a good impression in Iraq.



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Live at Truthdig: Analyzing President Trump’s First Few Days—and the Accompanying Protests

Millions globally walked in unity with Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington. Trump has been busy signing executive actions. What can be expected now? Join us Thursday for a discussion.

What It’s Like to Be Married at 7 Years Old

Despite high maternal and child mortality rates, Afghanistan maintains its custom of child marriage, subjecting victims to lives of poverty and misery.

Top Trump Adviser Stephen Bannon and Tiffany Trump Are Registered to Vote in Two States

Trump has called for a probe into voter fraud during the 2016 election, even as new evidence shows that one of his daughters and one of his top aides hold dual-state registration.

State Department 2014 Report: The Keystone XL Pipeline Will Create Only 50 Long-Term Jobs

Upon reviving construction of the oil pipeline project this week, President Trump’s administration claimed it would create 28,000 jobs.

Via Twitter, National Parks Service and NASA Defy Trump’s Gag on Climate Change Information

Many in the scientific community are also spreading word of an upcoming “Scientists March on Washington.”



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Trump to Order Mexico Wall and Ban on Middle East  Refugees

The president is expected to sign executive orders addressing both issues, and may be considering even more contentious initiatives.

Donald Trump Against the World

For all their international experience, the new president and his appointees care about the planet the way pornographers care about sex.

The Netherlands Is Starting a Fund to Counter Trump’s Global Anti-Choice Efforts

After a Trump order bans aid to groups that “offer abortion counseling” in developing nations, Dutch Trade and Development Minister Lilianne Ploumen, pictured, announces plans to “fill the gap.”

Loss of Wild Forest Continues to Accelerate, Study Shows

Almost 386,102 square miles of natural forest disappeared between 2000 and 2013, along with its ability to absorb carbon and reduce warming.

Naomi Klein: Expect ‘First Shocks of Trump’s Disaster Capitalism’

The writer uses the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe to suggest the upcoming economic, security and weather calamities that Donald Trump and Mike Pence could both cause and exploit.

Obama Gave Palestinian Authority $221 Million in Humanitarian Aid

The outgoing president granted the sum during his final hours in the White House, though it doesn’t approximate the billions in military aid pledged to Israel.

Trump’s Visa Ban Is About Anti-Muslim Bigotry, Not Security

If the president announces a policy to halt visas for citizens of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, Wednesday will be a day of ethnic hatred.

Teens Report Surge in Bullying in Wake of Divisive Election Campaign

In a survey of 50,000 teens, 70 percent reported abusive behavior largely targeting race, sexual orientation and immigration status.

Donald Trump Issues Media Blackout at Multiple Federal Agencies

The moves come amid growing concern that Trump and his appointees will suppress scientific innovation and research to advance their own ideological agenda.

Ending the Cycle of Shaming Afghan Women’s Bodies

The stigmatization of female sexuality in Afghan culture has lifelong consequences for girls and women who lack understanding of menstrual health hygiene.

Trump Signs Executive Order Pulling the U.S. Out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

When he was a candidate he promised that abandoning the trade deal—hailed as one of the major achievements of the Obama administration—would be one of his first actions as president.