Media for
the Public Good
formerly WDFH Westchester Public Radio

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit
public media organization giving voice to perspectives and issues underrepresented in mainstream media

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Seeking students at Michigan State University:  OutCasting's MSU Bureau is looking for MSU students to join OutCasting.  More info »

Seeking youth participants in NY's lower Hudson valley:  OutCasting's main studio is looking for area youth to join OutCasting.  More info »

(November 1, 2016) OutCasting OffAir — Mark talks about bisexual erasure

(October 1, 2016)  OutCasting OffAir — OutCaster Adam disagrees with friends who think that being gay has no more effect on someone than having brown eyes.

(July 26, 2016)  In-depth three part seriesOutCasting youth participant Sydney discusses the anti-LGBTQ backlash against marriage equality, with guest Michelangelo Signorile, author, journalist, and LGBTQ activist.

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OutCastingOur groundbreaking LGBTQ youth program, heard on 40+ Pacifica network stations, iTunes, and here.

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support-banner-100pxAs a nonprofit, we rely on individual donations and foundation and corporate grants.

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