
How to use superannuation to make the world a better place

In 2010, oncologist Dr Bronwyn King was planning to buy her first home. She wanted to ensure that she would not be crippled by the associated debt and that all her other finances were in order, so she met with her accountant and a representative from her super fund.

As the consultation with her super adviser drew to a close, she asked about her investment options. The representative assured her she need not do anything as she had automatically been assigned to the "default" option when she had commenced work at her current employer, Melbourne's Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. However, as an after-thought he added that there was a "greenie" option which did not invest in tobacco and other nasties if she would prefer.

Many are unaware that they hold shares in tobacco companies through their superannuation investments.
Many are unaware that they hold shares in tobacco companies through their superannuation investments. Photo: LUKE SHARRETT

Dr King was dumbstruck. She was spending all her waking hours fighting to save the lives of cancer victims, a high proportion of whose illnesses were directly caused by smoking. However, the automatic allocation of her retirement savings, and all of her colleagues who had not made a specific investment choice, were being invested in the very companies that caused the ailments they treated. While she could have just changed her investment option and moved on, having witnessed the devastating effects of cancer firsthand, she could not accept that any Australians were unknowingly funding this social damage.

Through her intense lobbying over the last six years, King has contributed to 33 Australian superannuation funds, starting with her own fund First State Super, implementing tobacco-free investment mandates, with more than $1.5 billion in tobacco stocks divested. She was also key to global insurer and funds management company AXA deciding to divest all its tobacco holdings, valued at approximately €1.8 billion. She has managed all this while maintaining her clinical responsibilities, buying a house and having two children.

Dr Bronwyn King helped drive the tobacco divestment movement.
Dr Bronwyn King helped drive the tobacco divestment movement. Photo: Eddie Jim

Doctors have a reputation for being poor managers of their personal finances, but Dr King's story demonstrates that when you have a sufficiently compelling reason, huge achievements are possible.

Just like Dr King, many of us have no idea where our super money is invested. However, finding out is not hard, if you know where to look and ask the right questions.


Read your statements

Many of us don't even bother to open our super statements, which arrive in the mail once or twice a year. We can assume that it's so long before we can access our super that there is no point looking at it now. There can also be a bit of denial. If we are worried about not having enough for retirement, we avoid quantifying the problem, in the hope it will go away.

However, most super statements contain a wealth of information, and are generally written in easy to read language and charts. Take the time to read and understand the information about your investment and if you would like more detailed information explore your fund's website, which will often contain helpful tools and calculators.

Call your fund

Most super funds will have a dedicated member service line you can call to ask questions about your fund and representatives you can meet with free of charge. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and feel comfortable that you are on the right track.


If you don't feel that your fund meets your needs, use the tips on ASIC's Money Smart site to look for a new one. There are also helpful comparison sites like Canstar, Chant West and Morningstar that you can use to assist in defining the priorities which are important for you and the fund that best matches these.

Dr King's story proves that our finances can, and should, strongly align with the things we are most passionate about in life. While few of us will have the energy or commitment of the extraordinary Bronwyn King, all of us have a deep connection to something, whether it's family, community or the environment. Understanding our finances and taking action to ensure that our biggest liquid asset, superannuation, honours the things we value most, is a powerful way to make our lives happier and the world a better place.

Catherine Robson is a financial planner with Affinity Private. Twitter:@CatherineAtAff.
