A closer look at Drake's new friend: Porn star-turned-artist Rosee Divine has a habit of stripping off for Instagram 

Drake was enjoying the company of a pretty brunette while in a dimly lit restaurant in Amsterdam on Monday.

And DailyMail.com has identified the woman as porn star Rosee Divine.

The beauty became famous as a woman of cinema who has plugged her work heavily with sexy images on Instagram. But she is also an artist who goes by the name Sophie B.

The temptress: Drake was enjoying the company of a pretty brunette while in a dimly lit restaurant in Amsterdam on Monday. And DailyMail.com has identified the woman as porn star Rosee Divine

There she is: The film star beamed at the singer, who has been linked to Jennifer Lopez

The star looked entranced with Drake, who has been linked to Jennifer Lopez since December.

The adult film actress laughed alongside him as they nibbled on food with other pals.

It is not known if they are romantic, but they seemed to be very happy during their alone time.

Lusty: The beauty became famous as a woman of cinema who has plugged her work heavily with sexy images on Instagram. But she is also an artist

Rosee has a habit of posing in skimpy lingerie for social media. In one image she wears only a skimpy pair of undies as she twerks.

She also seems to not be shy when rubbing her backside.

But the star calls herself 'retired' on Twitter. She also claims to be French.

Lovely: Rosee has a habit of posing in skimpy lingerie for social media. In one image she wears only a skimpy pair of undies as she twerks

These days she says she is an artist who goes by Sophie B.

In a bio for her website it is written: 'Sophie B. is a 27-year-old artist, born and raised in France.

'Since her younger years she’s been traveling and studying abroad, which greatly influenced her art. She exhibited in cities like NYC, Milan, and London.

'Her style is a mix of surrealism and symbolism with influences of pop art.

A woman of many talents: She also seems to not be shy when rubbing her backside. But the star calls herself 'retired' on Twitter. She also claims to be French

'She uses various media such as oil paint, acrylic, or pastels and mixes them together to express strong emotions.

'She likes to paint about what women of her generation go through. In a digital era where social media and communication reign, where love and money are often at conflict, where opportunity corrupts morals and intentions… it is not easy to be a woman!

'Above all, Sophie’s work reveals her deep concern for the human condition in society – and how she feels something needs to change.'

Sunny day for this one: In her bio it is said: 'She uses various media such as oil paint, acrylic, or pastels and mixes them together to express strong emotions'

She likes attention: Here the Parisian is seen in a green catsuit that leaves little to the imagination

She has something in common with J-Lo: The stunner shows off her generous backside here

She loves her work: Here the lady is seen under one of her paintings

Lopez and Drake have shared loving images on Instagram, suggesting they are an item.

But at the TCA panel for her cop drama Shades Of Blue, Lopez merely said they were working together.

She was last linked to Casper Smart and before that to Marc Anthony, the father of her twins Max and Emme. 

What will Jenny From The Block think? It seems as if Drake has been dating Lopez, but she said over the weekend that they are only working together Pictured December


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