Terrifying moment a masked crook holds a SAMURAI SWORD to a cashier's throat during a raid 

  • The robber entered a petrol station in Hanover on January 22 at around 9.25am
  • He then threatened the 35-year-old cashier while wielding the large sword
  • Hanover police released CCTV footage from the petrol station after their investigation during the first days after the attack did not lead to an arrest
  • The suspect is said to be about 30 to 40 years old, about 5' 8' tall, with dark hair 
  • The perpetrator also had a conspicuous red box with him during the robbery

This is the shocking moment a masked crook armed with a razor-sharp samurai sword robbed a terrified petrol station attendant.

The armed thug entered a petrol station in the Northern German city of Hanover on January 22 at around 9.25am.

Armed with the huge sword, he was easily able to lean over the counter to threaten the 35-year-old cashier by sticking the blade close to his throat.

The armed thug, dressed in camouflage and carrying a large samurai sword, entered a petrol station in the Northern German city of Hanover on January 22 at around 9.25am

He pointed the huge sword at the 35-year-old cashier's throat as he demanded money from the station

Hanover police released CCTV footage from the petrol station after their investigation during the first days after the attack did not lead to an arrest.

The perpetrator, dressed in a black, white and grey camouflage jacket and with a black balaclava on his head, is seen entering the petrol station demanding cash.

He points his giant sword towards the cashier, who seems too shell-shocked to do anything.

The samurai attacker then decides to walk behind the counter and inspect the till himself. 

The thief then comes behind the petrol station's counter and takes money from the cash register

The suspect is said to be about 30 to 40 years old, about 5' 8' tall, with dark hair and a light tint on his face

When he presses a few buttons and it is still not opening, he threatens the cashier more forcefully with his sword, sticking his other hand to the cashier's throat as well.

The cashier was finally forced to open the cash register, after which the robber quickly grabs the money and runs away.

The suspect is said to be about 30 to 40 years old, about 5' 8' tall, with dark hair and a light tint on his face.

Besides the camouflage jacket, he wore a normal pair of jeans and dark shoes. The perpetrator also had a conspicuous red box with him.

The suspect is said to be of 'Eastern European appearance'.  

Besides the camouflage jacket, he wore a normal pair of jeans and dark shoes. The perpetrator also had a conspicuous red box with him.

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