Pennsylvania priest who weighs 230lbs apologizes after sharing meme making fun of 'fat women' protesting in DC

  • The Rev. Patrick McDowell says he impulsively shared the meme
  • It showed marchers with the caption, 'In one day, Trump got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in 8 years' 
  • The 74-year-old pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, in Weston, stands 5-foot-6 and weighs 230 pounds
  • McDowell says: 'I'm not in a position to criticize people who are overweight'
  • The Diocese of Scranton says it doesn't condone 'commentary that is politically motivated or socially irresponsible or insensitive' 

The Rev. Patrick McDowell is apologizing for sharing a meme mocking 'fat women' 

A Pennsylvania priest is apologizing for sharing a Facebook meme mocking 'fat women' who participated in Saturday's post-inauguration march in Washington, D.C.

The Rev. Patrick McDowell says he impulsively shared the meme.

It showed marchers with the caption, 'In one day, Trump got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in 8 years.'

The 74-year-old pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, in Weston, stands 5-foot-6 and weighs 230 pounds.

He told The Times Tribune: 'It didn't click when I did it. I'm 5-foot-6 and 230 pounds so I'm not in a position to criticize people who are overweight.'

He added that he 'made a massive mistake here'.

McDowell told the newspaper: 'It was impulsive. You know how these things work. It doesn't take much to hit that button that says "share" and that's it.'

McDowell says he's Republican because of one issue — abortion — and deleted the meme once complaints rolled in.

The Rev. Patrick McDowell says he impulsively shared the meme (pictured) 

The Diocese of Scranton says it doesn't condone 'commentary that is politically motivated or socially irresponsible or insensitive'.

It said in a statement to the newspaper: 'Members of the clergy are encouraged to be judicious in their postings and to use prudence when engaging in any form of communication.

'This matter has been addressed in accordance with the personnel protocol for clergy.'

The 74-year-old pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, in Weston, says: 'I'm 5-foot-6 and 230 pounds so I'm not in a position to criticize people who are overweight'


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