North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un 'will launch a nuke at the US as soon as his power is threatened' says high-powered diplomat who defected 

  • Thae Yong Ho, former deputy ambassador in London, made the warning
  • He claims the leader will stop at nothing to develop a nuclear programme
  • He believes Kim Jong Un's regime 'one day would collapse by people's uprising' 

North Korea's most high profile defector has claimed Kim Jong Un would fire a suicidal nuclear weapons at Los Angeles if he felt his power was being threatened.

Thae Yong Ho, the former deputy ambassador in London, and North Korea's most senior defector said the dictator would be prepared to 'press the button' depite the inevitable consequences.

Mr Thae told the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire Show he believed the North Korean leader 'will press the button on these dangerous weapons when he thinks that his rule and his dynasty is threatened'.

Thae Yong Ho, the former deputy ambassador in London, said Kim Jong Un would be prepared to launch a nuclear strike

Kim Jong Un has warned that North Korea will conduct its next nuclear missile test 'anytime and anywhere'

However, the defector has also said that he believes Kim Jong Un's regime 'one day would collapse by people's uprising'.

When questioned as to whether he though Kim Jong Un would be prepared to launch a nuclear attack on the States even if meant his inevitable destriction, Mr Thae replied: 'Yes.'

Mr Thae has previously said country is aiming to complete its development of nuclear weapons by the end of this year.

Mr Thae claims the leader will stop at nothing to develop a nuclear programme

He claims the leader will stop at nothing to develop a nuclear programme - and would even turn down trillions of dollars if he was offered a pay-off to abandon the nuclear race.

He added: 'Kim Jong Un knows quite well that a nuclear weapon is the only guarantee for his rule. If he lose the power then it is his last day. He may do anything.'  

Pyongyang has warned it will conduct its next nuclear missile test 'anytime and anywhere'.

On the other side of the Pacific, President Trump has announced that the US is  developing a 'state-of-the-art' missile defence system to protect the the country from potential attacks from Iran and North Korea.

He made the announcement in a statement posted to the White House website just minutes after he was sworn into office.  


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