And they call it puppy love! Adorable monkey adopts a stray dog after finding it abandoned on a city's streets

  • The macaque monkey discovered a stray dog while walking in Allahbad, India
  • It picked up the black and tan puppy and carried it around while running
  • Stunned locals gathered to watch the unusual scene and took photographs  

A macaque monkey attentively held a stray dog in its arms after discovering it was abandoned on a city's busy streets. 

The primate adopted the puppy after finding it was on its own in the neighbourhood of Kareli in Allahbad, India. 

It could be seen picking up the black and tan dog and carrying it through the streets, before stopping as people gathered to watch the unusual sight.

After pausing in the middle of a walkway, the monkey then picked up the puppy and continued to walk a bit further. 

The adorable macaque monkey held the black and tan puppy after finding it on the streets 

During the video, the monkey could be seen jumping up onto a table and sitting there with the dog

Local people stood and watched the two animals together and started to take photographs of them.

The pair were given food and plenty of attention by the people who had stopped. 

And it seems holding the puppy while moving did not prevent the monkey from acting in its usual manner.

It was able to jump up on tables and sit back down with the puppy close to its body.  

It attentively held onto the animal after discovering it on its own in a busy Indian city 

After pausing in the middle of a walkway, the monkey then picked up the puppy and continued to walk a bit further


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