Revealed: The 'vampire' horse farm where mares are made pregnant so their blood can be used to make hormones for British pigs

  • Farmers stick a large needle into the mares and extract potent fertility hormone
  • That blood is then pumped into other animals to help them have offspring faster
  • Meat produced using the powerful drug sold in UK as bacon and beef products
  • Shocking video shows horses being kicked and beaten on South American farms

Shocking footage has revealed how thousands of pregnant horses are having their blood drained on 'vampire' farms to be injected into pigs to boost reproduction.

Farmers stick a large needle into the mares and extract a potent fertility hormone, which is then pumped into other animals to help them have offspring.

The practice is carried out on South American farms, before the blood is injected into pigs slaughtered for meat products, such as bacon and sausages, that are sold in the UK.

The hormone, known as pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin (PMSG), allows pigs to become pregnant just two days after their piglets are taken away.

Shocking footage has revealed how thousands of pregnant horses are having their blood drained on 'vampire' farms to be injected into pigs to boost reproduction

Currently, supermarkets and producers are not obliged to disclose what meats were farmed through the use of the hormone, which is also injected into cows and sheep.

Animal campaign groups - such as the Animal Welfare Foundation, which released the footage - have joined politicians in calling for greater transparency over its use.

Labour MP Kerry McCarthy told the Mirror: 'Consumers quite rightly want to know what is going into the food that they eat, and it is wrong that such controversial practices can be kept secret.

'Many meat-eaters would not eat meat produced in this way by choice, but they are being kept in the dark.'

The newspaper was also told by the National Pig Association that it was aware of 'a small number of products containing PMSG' authorised for use in pigs in the UK.

Horses on the 'vampire farms' - mainly found in Uruguay and Argentina - are repeatedly forced into pregnancy to produce the hormone.

Horses on the 'vampire farms' are repeatedly forced into pregnancy to produce the hormone. Those that are unable to fall pregnant are killed for their meat

Currently, supermarkets and producers are not obliged to disclose what meats were farmed through the use of the hormone, which is also injected into cows and sheep

The footage shows them being kicked and beaten by farmers, with one frail mare struggling to stay upright.

Those that are unable to fall pregnant are killed for their meat, or left to die in pain.

A statement from animal welfare group Avaaz said: 'It’s straight out of a horror movie.

'Hundreds of pregnant horses are hooked up to blood-draining machines, some so weak they collapse and die. 

'The EU has said it’s considering action, but so far nothing has happened. No more horses need to die.'

The hormone, known as pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin (PMSG), allows pigs to become pregnant just two days after their piglets are taken away

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