Ssssssssh! Student completely SILENCES a rowdy crowd of chanting anti-Trump protesters by sternly saying 'This is library!'

  • The band of mostly female protesters were in the University of Washington campus library
  • They were chanting 'Who's got the power?' 'We've got the power!' to protest the Trump election
  • The young man quieted them down by firmly reminding them where they were 

Don't mess with the library guy.

Anti-Trump protesters at the University of Washington were firmly reminded that their shouting -in a library - was not appreciated.

About two dozen social justice warriors gathered in the normally quiet zone, a couple students wielding megaphones, and began to chant 'Who's got the power?' 'We've got the power!' 'What kind of power?' 'Equal power!'

Scroll down for video 

The mostly female students gathered in the library after the inauguration to protest Trump

They chanted 'Who's got the power?' 'We've got the power' and had megaphones 

The small protest took place about an hour after the inauguration, says the description on the YouTube video uploaded by KING 5's Alex Rozier.

But just as the momentum is getting louder, a lone voice calling 'Hey, hey ... hey!' interrupts the protest. Everyone quiets down as the camera dramatically pans to a young man in a dark-blue buttoned up shirt and glasses.

Things came to a screeching halt when a young man reminded them 'This is library!'

The man's bravery in the face of riled up anti-Trump protesters was generally lauded on the Interwebs 

'This is library!' he scolds them.

The protesters are stunned into silence for several moments, though a few feebly call out insults, including one woman who seems to ask if he's going to go back to Beijing. The man turns and leaves.

The video proved so popular it was widely parodied on YouTube and Twitter. 

It's unclear if the bold student worked at the library or was just trying to study in peace and quiet.  


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