Are these the most hilarious come backs to chat up lines ever? Photos reveal the creative and occasionally VERY harsh ways people have been given the brush off online 

  • BoredPanda has compiled the most savage comebacks to chat up lines 
  • People have come up with ingenious ways to reject requests for nude photos 
  • Others have nailed the art of sarcasm in their replies to potential dates  

Anyone who has ever dabbled in online dating will know that the saying 'you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince' never rang more true.

However, while many of us will simply ignore a creepy message or unwanted attention other online daters bring more creative methods into play.

BoredPanda have compiled a collection of some of the best comebacks to chat up lines found online.

BoredPanda have compiled the most brutal comebacks people have responded with while online dating such as this girl who had the perfect responses to being asked for nudes

One of the most offensive messages that you can receive is one that requests naked photographs - however crafty singletons have come up with inventive comebacks.

In one case a woman was asked to send a photo of her in her bra. Taking it literally the woman placed a passport photo of herself in a bra cup and sent him a snap of that.

In another amusing exchange a man is asked to share a naked photo of him below the belt - at which point he lifts his belt above his head to avoid going nude.

Tinder users take note these harsh but effective come backs may just get you out of some seriously awkward situations.  

In another amusing exchange a man is asked to share a naked photo of him below the belt - at which point he lifts his belt above his head to avoid going nude

This person tried to warn their sender that it was too dark to take a picture and when they didn't listen they well and truly proved their point

Although this conversation started quite well it quickly took an inappropriate term calling for a savage comeback 

This innuendo was met with a witty reply from someone who is clearly not ready to settle down yet 

This singleton was left unimpressed by Bree's efforts at conversation so tried to offer them a little advice 

A classic chat up line fell flat when a potential date took it to inappropriate levels 

Although Kyle was hoping to meet his Juliet he appeared to be unfamiliar with the narrative of the Shakespeare play

Met with a series of lewd emojis this woman hinted that she had other plans 

This woman was clearly not available for a date judging by her brutal response 

Emily decided to take her match's introduction rather literally in this exchange 

When a woman claimed she was worried about his height this man responded with an equally offensive comeback 

This singleton was clearly not interested in this man's sexual proposition 

This online dater clearly tried to turn on the charm but their match was unimpressed 

This man was shocked when asked about his height and pointed out his date's double standards by asking her weight 

This man was unnerved by a proposition he received in the early hours of the morning 

Sadly this witty poet did not receive the response he was after when the recipient responded with a nursery rhyme 


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