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No One is Coming to Save Us

category north america / mexico | anarchist movement | opinion / analysis author Saturday November 12, 2016 12:18author by M1AA - First of May Anarchist Allianceauthor email m1aa at riseup dot net Report this post to the editors

An Anarchist Response to the Election of Donald Trump

Across the US, from cities to rural areas, it is imperative that anarchists and anti-authoritarians strive to build organizations to battle the emboldened far right, to advocate through militant action the needs of working-class communities, and to combat state repression.

What Needs to Be Done:
1. No to National “healing”, working with, or a grace period for the Trump Regime
2. Take to the streets – build a militant resistance
3. Build working-class defense organizations that resist racist attacks, sexual assault, immigration and homeland security raids and deportations, police brutality and state repression
4. Agitate and organize for workers actions – including a general strike against Trump
5. No to containment of the struggle back into the Democratic Party, electoralism and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex


The surprise victory of Donald Trump this past Tuesday has quickly presented people in this country (and around the world) with a vastly different political landscape than we had expected. We are seeing a rise in right-wing attacks as the far right is emboldened by the victory, much like what happened earlier this year after the success of the Brexit referendum in the UK. The incompetence and capitulation of the Democratic Party has forced many of its former supporters to recognize that the fight against the far right cannot be won by liberal electoral politics. This new reality forces anti-authoritarians of all stripes to rise to the challenge of building strong movements for working class self-defense in this new atmosphere.

Much writing in the coming weeks will be dedicated to figuring out, from the Democratic perspective, “what went wrong.” Already many authors have argued that Trump’s success is solely the result of white nationalism and misogyny. Part of Trump’s appeal is that his ideas are a racist response to there currently being a black president. Trump’s open embrace of white supremacy and patriarchy was crucial to his victory, but we do not believe it can tell the whole story. It cannot, for example, explain why Trump received more votes than other recent Republicans from latinos, women, and black voters.

Another narrative states that in the rust belt as in Europe, the devastating effects of decades of austerity, neoliberal trade agreements, and an orientation towards multinational corporations have been challenged. That challenge in the U.S. and elsewhere has come in the form of xenophobic nationalism. There is a significant amount of truth to this as well, but it can’t explain much of Trump’s success without acknowledging the serious appeal that open white nationalism and misogyny has gained in this election.

trumpisthesymptomPerhaps the most revealing aspect of this moment is that after spending months describing Trump as a grave threat to the lives of women, people of color, queer and trans people and the disabled, the entire Democratic Party has immediately capitulated to him. They have made clear that they always held preserving their broken system to be far more important than our lives. Many among their base are for the first time seeing the party’s true colors, and are reaching out to radical organizations in the interest of carrying on the fight that the Democrats so quickly abandoned. Already we are seeing attacks on muslims, immigrants, people of every color besides white, queer and trans people. This is not abstract, it is already happening. We should expect more of this and must make organizing to oppose it a top priority.

For anti-authoritarians, this presents a fundamental challenge that we must rise to. Many on the left will continue to advocate for independent candidates, third parties, or “progressive” Democrats like Bernie Sanders. In response, we must not only articulate that this is a dead-end strategy but offer serious alternatives for people to engage in and understand what we mean by our watchword of Community Self-Defense.

Across the US, from cities to rural areas, it is imperative that anarchists and anti-authoritarians strive to build organizations to battle the emboldened far right, to advocate through militant action the needs of working-class communities, and to combat state repression. We must encourage broad participation from those who are now looking for an alternative to the failed strategy which has got us to this moment. Moving forward, we must be sure to resist the pull of nonprofits and electoralism which will surely return to stymie any radical activity once the Democratic Party recovers.

Trump is an opportunist who understood the frustration of mostly struggling white people and tapped into that anger. He is not currently a fascist but has fascist tendencies that emboldens fascists and authoritarians of many stripes. Calling him one can limit our understanding of fascism, which we need to develop in order to better oppose it.

We are encouraged that so many have taken to the streets across the country. We hope more will do the same. Trump’s attacks in the form of policy and his supporters physical attacks and intimidation, must be opposed from day one.

Our organizations must be effective. The sense of despair many are feeling is grounded in the reality of an ascendant far right. Right now, they face little resistance. The sense of urgency many of us have felt is a recognition of the need to build that resistance. It is time for us to take up that task, to find new comrades ready to fight, and to fight. No one is coming to save us–we cannot use the electoral system to fight the far right effectively. It’s time to stop waiting and defend each other in the streets!

What Needs to Be Done:
1. No to National “healing”, working with, or a grace period for the Trump Regime
2. Take to the streets – build a militant resistance
3. Build working-class defense organizations that resist racist attacks, sexual assault, immigration and homeland security raids and deportations, police brutality and state repression
4. Agitate and organize for workers actions – including a general strike against Trump
5. No to containment of the struggle back into the Democratic Party, electoralism and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex

Related Link:
author by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionalipublication date Tue Nov 15, 2016 05:24Report this post to the editors

Nessuno verrà a salvarci

Risposta anarchica all'elezione di Donald Trump

In tutti gli Stati Uniti, dalle città alle aree rurali, è imperativo che gli anarchici e gli anti-autoritari si impegnino a costruire organismi per combattere un'estrema destra imbaldanzita, per sostenere attraverso l'azione militante le esigenze della classe lavoratrice, per contrastare la repressione di Stato.

Cosa bisogna fare:
1. No a lavorare per un "lenimento" nazionale, no ad un periodo di grazia per il regime di Trump
2. Prendere le strade – costruire una resistenza militante
3. Costruire organizzazioni di difesa della classe lavoratrice che resistano agli attacchi razzisti, alle aggressioni sessuali, ai raid securitari ed alle deportazioni ai danni degli immigrati e dei senza tetto, alla violenza della polizia ed alla repressione di stato
4. Mobilitarsi ed organizzarsi per la lotta dei lavoratori – compreso uno sciopero generale contro Trump
5. No al contenimento della lotta interna al Partito Democratico, no all'elettoralismo ed al Complesso Industriale del Non-Profit

La vittoria a sorpresa di Donald Trump lo scorso martedì ha rapidamente mostrato alla gente di questo paese (e di tutto il mondo) un panorama politico molto diverso di quanto ci aspettassimo. Stiamo assistendo a un aumento degli attacchi da parte di una destra imbaldanzita dalla vittoria, in uno scenario molto simile a quello che è successo all'inizio di quest'anno dopo il successo del referendum sulla Brexit nel Regno Unito. L'incompetenza e la capitolazione del PD ha costretto molti dei suoi ex sostenitori a riconoscere che la lotta contro l'estrema destra non può essere vinta con una politica elettorale liberale. Questa nuova realtà obbliga gli anti-autoritari di ogni colore a raccogliere la sfida di costruire forti movimenti per la difesa della classe lavoratrice in questa nuova atmosfera.
Molto si scriverà nelle prossime settimane per capire, dal punto di vista democratico, "che cosa è andato storto." Già molti autori hanno sostenuto che il successo di Trump è solo il risultato del nazionalismo bianco e della misoginia. Parte del fascino di Trump sta nel fatto che le sue idee sono una risposta razzista all'attuale presidente nero. L'aperto abbraccio di Trump alla supremazia bianca e al patriarcato è stato cruciale per la sua vittoria, ma non crediamo che possa raccontare tutta la storia. Non può, per esempio, spiegare perché Trump ha ricevuto più di altri recenti candidati repubblicani, voti dai latinos, dalle donne e dagli elettori neri.

Un'altra narrazione afferma che nella rust-belt americana come in Europa, ci sia stato un voto di sfida agli effetti devastanti di decenni di austerità, di accordi commerciali neoliberisti e di orientamento verso le multinazionali. Questa sfida, negli Stati Uniti e altrove, si è espressa nella forma del nazionalismo xenofobo. Vi è una notevole quantità di verità anche in questo, ma non può spiegare molto del successo di Trump senza riconoscere il guadagno ottenuto in questa elezione da un grave richiamo esercitato da un aperto nazionalismo bianco e dalla misoginia.
sintomi trumpisti
Forse l'aspetto più rivelatore di questo momento è che dopo aver trascorso mesi nel descrivere Trump come una grave minaccia per la vita delle donne, per le persone di colore, per i queer, i trans e i disabili, l'intero PD ha subito capitolato davanti all'avversario. Hanno chiarito che per essi preservare questo sistema a pezzi è di gran lunga più importante delle nostre vite. Molti nella loro base stanno vedendo per la prima volta i veri colori del partito, e stanno aderendo al di fuori di esso a organizzazioni radicali allo scopo di portare avanti quella lotta che i democratici così rapidamente hanno abbandonato. Già stiamo assistendo ad attacchi contro i musulmani, contro gli immigrati, contro persone di ogni colore oltre il bianco, contro i queer e i trans. Questa non è astrazione, sta già accadendo. Dovremmo aspettarci un peggioramento e dobbiamo fare dell'organizzazione dell'opposizione una priorità assoluta.

Per gli anti-autoritari, questa è una sfida fondamentale da affrontare. Molti a sinistra continueranno a sostenere candidati indipendenti, terzi partiti, o democratici "progressisti" come Bernie Sanders. A costoro non solo dobbiamo rispondere che si tratta di una strategia senza via d'uscita, ma dobbiamo offrire serie alternative alle persone per impegnarsi e capire ciò che intendiamo con la nostra parola d'ordine di Comunità Auto-Difesa.

Attraverso gli Stati Uniti, dalle città alle aree rurali, è imperativo che gli anarchici e gli antiautoritari si sforzino di costruire organizzazioni per combattere una estrema destra imbaldanzita, di sostenere attraverso l'azione militante le esigenze delle comunità della classe operaia, di combattere la repressione di stato. Dobbiamo incoraggiare un'ampia partecipazione di quelli che sono ora alla ricerca di una alternativa alla strategia fallita che ci ha portato a questo momento. Andando avanti, dobbiamo essere sicuri di resistere alla forza del non profit e dell'elettoralismo che sicuramente torneranno ad ostacolare qualsiasi attività radicale una volta che il PD recuperi.

Trump è un opportunista che ha capito la frustrazione dei bianchi per lo più in difficoltà e rosi da quella rabbia. Egli non è un vero fascista, ma ha tendenze fasciste che incoraggiano fascisti e autoritari di tutte le risme. Dargli del fascista può limitare la nostra comprensione del fascismo, che abbiamo bisogno di sviluppare al fine di contrastarlo meglio.

Siamo incoraggiati dal fatto che in tanti sono scesi per le strade in tutto il paese. Speriamo che molti di più faranno lo stesso. Agli attacchi di Trump sotto forma di scelte politiche ed agli attacchi fisici ed alle intimidazioni dei suoi sostenitori, bisogna opporsi fin dal primo giorno.

Le nostre organizzazioni devono essere efficaci. Il senso di disperazione che molti avvertono è il frutto della realtà di un'ascesa dell'estrema destra, che in questo momento, si trova ad affrontare ben poca resistenza. Il senso di urgenza che molti di noi avvertono è un riconoscimento della necessità di costruire questa resistenza. E' tempo per noi di assumerci tale compito, per trovare nuovi compagni pronti a combattere, e combattere. Nessuno verrà a salvarci, non possiamo usare il sistema elettorale per la lotta contro l'estrema destra in modo efficace. E' ora di smettere di aspettare e di difenderci reciprocamente per le strade!

Cosa bisogna fare:
1. No a lavorare per un "lenimento" nazionale, no ad un periodo di grazia per il regime di Trump
2. Prendere le strade – costruire una resistenza militante
3. Costruire organizzazioni di difesa della classe lavoratrice che resistano agli attacchi razzisti, alle aggressioni sessuali, ai raid securitari ed alle deportazioni ai danni degli immigrati e dei senza tetto, alla violenza della polizia ed alla repressione di stato
4. Mobilitarsi ed organizzarsi per la lotta dei lavoratori – compreso uno sciopero generale contro Trump
5. No al contenimento della lotta interna al Partito Democratico, no all'elettoralismo ed al Complesso Industriale del Non-Profit

First of May Anarchist Alliance

(traduzione a cura di AL/fdca - Ufficio Relazioni Interazionali)
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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

North America / Mexico | Anarchist movement | en

Tue 15 Nov, 21:18

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textPress Advisory- N.Y. City Anarchist Bookfair Apr 16, 2016 05:42 Mon 04 Jan by Edward Saroyan 1 comments

NYC ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR - 10th anniversary
What: 2016 Annual NYC Anarchist BookFair
Where: Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, in Manhattan
When: Book Fair—Sat., April 16, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Art Festival—Fri., April 15, 7 p.m. - 5 a.m.
Film Festival—Sat., April 16, 7 p.m. - 1 a.m.

pso.jpg imagePrairie Struggle is Dead and the Struggle Continues 13:47 Wed 03 Jun by Prairie Struggle Organization 1 comments

As much as this pains those who have participated in the anarchist communist experience between 2011 and 2014 in the Canadian prairies, today, Prairie Struggle announces its official secession and subsequent disbandment. To this day, Prairie Struggle was the only specific platformist organization in the Canadians prairies. Though some may recall the existence of an anarchist communist group in Regina affiliated to the ACF (Anarchist Communist Federation of North America) in the 80s, organized anarchism in the prairies has had many difficulties, some of which the Prairie Struggle Project has failed to overcome. Despite its downfall, Prairie Struggle, for one last time, offers a look into the organization, its failures and its small victories.

textCommuniqué of the Mexican Anarchist Black Cross following the declarations of the FD Govt. 23:15 Tue 18 Dec by Mexico ABC 0 comments

In recent days, following the events of the demonstrations on December 1st for the presidential inauguration of Enrique Peña Nieto, during which the police forces, both of the Federal [national] and Federal District [Mexico City] forces, brutally repressed demonstrators - officials of the Federal District government, amongst whom were the head of government of the FD and the capital's attorney, have made statements declaring that those responsible for the clashes are anarchist groups.[Castellano] [Français] [Deutsch]

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A post-conference report from the Workers Solidarity Alliance's 2012 Gathering in St. Louis MO

pso.jpg imageThe creation of Prairie Struggle Organization, its politics and its goals 16:00 Tue 05 Jun by Prairie Struggle Organization 0 comments

In the last 5 months, some anarchists from Regina have been engaged in the difficult process of creating a revolutionary anarchist organization and debating its political influences. As a result of these meetings and debates, we are proud to finally announce the existence of Prairie Struggle Organization based in Regina. To hopefully start a dialogue with anarchists in the west of Canada and beyond, we feel it important to let you know why anarchist politics in Regina are taking this direction.

textM1 Mayday Statement 21:54 Mon 30 Apr by Chris Alexander 0 comments

Since May 1, 2006 we have seen a slow opening up of mass struggles on a scale not seen in recent memory, amplified by the silent economic crash in 2008. From the massive day without an immigrant to the historic Arab Spring; the Wisconsin workers uprising to the prisoners strikes in Georgia and California; Occupy Wall Street to the rallies for Justice for Trayvon Martin; General strikes of students in Chile and Quebec and of workers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. People committed to real change cannot help but feel the wind in our sails. People are rising and refusing, struggles are igniting, common ground is revealing itself, we are beginning to feel and take back our power, everywhere.

Despite the rise of new fighting forces, pain is growing not decreasing. Symbolic changes at the peak of empire—codename Obama—have only served to further entrench the direction of decline, with Democrats bringing the stick when the Republicans aren’t there to make their bad cop look good. Deportations have increased, prisons are overflowing, the local face of a global war given new legitimacy, while organized racist violence dares to seize an ever greater public stage. Cutbacks and the destruction of public safety nets pay for corporate welfare and bankers’ bailouts. Ecological destruction continues apace: tar sands mining, fracking, nuclear power, and the daily grind of a system that cannot long coexist with dignified human life on earth.

textlast call for NYC Anarchist Book Fair workshop Proposals 13:58 Thu 15 Mar by NYC Anarchist Book Fair Collective 0 comments

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Cover of Northeastern Anarchist #15 imageNortheastern Anarchist #15 available now! 23:54 Thu 05 May by Flint 0 comments

This issue is on Ecology, Industry, Crisis and Alternatives: bell hooks on Intersectionalism, Transit Organizing in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and New York City; Indoor Fish Farms, Solar Power, Green Building, "The Vegetarian Myth", Ecological & Economic Crisis, and more...

1mayoe.jpg imageMayday Greetings from the First of May Anarchist Alliance 23:11 Mon 02 May by C. Alexander 0 comments

Mayday is not only a time to remember the sacrifices of so many before us who fought against all authority – capitalism and the state, patriarchy and white supremacy, empire and ecocide – but also a time to reflect on and celebrate the achievements of our movements today. In recent months the world has again been changed by the actions of masses of ordinary people.

more >>

imageSocial Struggle in the Coming Period Oct 29 by First of May Anarchist Alliance 0 comments

The following points represent a brief statement of priorities, an outline of some of the perspectives our organization has decided on to help guide our thinking and actions in the coming period. We do not want to overstate where our organization is at in our analysis and organizing, nor are these points a substitute for the hard discussions our organization still must have. These points developed out of reviews and discussions of the nature of the current period, the continuing wave of social protest domestically and abroad, and how we as a small and specific group of anarchist revolutionaries can participate in and help build those movements for dignity, justice and freedom.
by First of May Anarchist Alliance, Autumn 2015

imageAnarchism and the Philosophy of Pragmatism May 06 by Wayne Price 1 comments

Anarchism and the philosophy of pragmatism can add to each other. Pragmatism is explained as a philosophy of active experience and experimental naturalism. Pragmatism advocates radical, decentrlized democracy and industrial self-management, which is very close to anarchism. However pragmatists have often opposed reformist perspectives to revolution. The case for revolution is presented.

imageShould Anarchists Raise a Program of Demands? Jan 21 by Wayne Price 4 comments

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textFighting for the Future Apr 17 by Adam Weaver and SN Nappalos 0 comments

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imageBuilding Power and Advancing: For Reforms, Not Reformism Mar 03 by By Thomas 0 comments

"We shall carry out all possible reforms in the spirit in which an army advances ever forwards by snatching the enemy-occupied territory in its path." - Errico Malatesta(1)

more >>

textPress Advisory- N.Y. City Anarchist Bookfair Apr 16, 2016 Jan 04 NYC Anarchist Bookfair Collective 1 comments

NYC ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR - 10th anniversary
What: 2016 Annual NYC Anarchist BookFair
Where: Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, in Manhattan
When: Book Fair—Sat., April 16, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Art Festival—Fri., April 15, 7 p.m. - 5 a.m.
Film Festival—Sat., April 16, 7 p.m. - 1 a.m.

imagePrairie Struggle is Dead and the Struggle Continues Jun 03 Regina Collective 1 comments

As much as this pains those who have participated in the anarchist communist experience between 2011 and 2014 in the Canadian prairies, today, Prairie Struggle announces its official secession and subsequent disbandment. To this day, Prairie Struggle was the only specific platformist organization in the Canadians prairies. Though some may recall the existence of an anarchist communist group in Regina affiliated to the ACF (Anarchist Communist Federation of North America) in the 80s, organized anarchism in the prairies has had many difficulties, some of which the Prairie Struggle Project has failed to overcome. Despite its downfall, Prairie Struggle, for one last time, offers a look into the organization, its failures and its small victories.

textNew Atlanta Anarchist Blog Nov 13 Heat Index 0 comments

Announcing the Heat Index blog at

textWorkers Solidarity Alliance Holds 2012 Continental Conference Aug 22 Workers Solidarity Alliance 0 comments

A post-conference report from the Workers Solidarity Alliance's 2012 Gathering in St. Louis MO

textM1 Mayday Statement Apr 30 First of May Anarchist Alliance 0 comments

Since May 1, 2006 we have seen a slow opening up of mass struggles on a scale not seen in recent memory, amplified by the silent economic crash in 2008. From the massive day without an immigrant to the historic Arab Spring; the Wisconsin workers uprising to the prisoners strikes in Georgia and California; Occupy Wall Street to the rallies for Justice for Trayvon Martin; General strikes of students in Chile and Quebec and of workers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. People committed to real change cannot help but feel the wind in our sails. People are rising and refusing, struggles are igniting, common ground is revealing itself, we are beginning to feel and take back our power, everywhere.

Despite the rise of new fighting forces, pain is growing not decreasing. Symbolic changes at the peak of empire—codename Obama—have only served to further entrench the direction of decline, with Democrats bringing the stick when the Republicans aren’t there to make their bad cop look good. Deportations have increased, prisons are overflowing, the local face of a global war given new legitimacy, while organized racist violence dares to seize an ever greater public stage. Cutbacks and the destruction of public safety nets pay for corporate welfare and bankers’ bailouts. Ecological destruction continues apace: tar sands mining, fracking, nuclear power, and the daily grind of a system that cannot long coexist with dignified human life on earth.

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