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Let's have a wine: Constance Hall challenges rival on The Project to sort things

Perth blogger Constance Hall reckons she and online rival Lisa Shearon need to sit down and have a wine together to patch up their differences.

Ms Hall and Ms Shearon – aka The Notorious M.U.M – became mired in an accidental online war after Ms Shearon raised concerns with Ms Hall's "queen" movement, where women are urged to embrace their parenting, bodies and relationships – warts and all.

"Constance Hall and her many queens offer a f---ing lifeline. They are a good thing. They are an important thing,' Ms Shearon wrote. 

"But they are not my thing. Because I am not a queen."

Pretty tame words really,but they ignited an online spat when Hall posted on her own Facebook page that the comments had hurt her and triggered a panic attack.

Hall's legions of followers then took up keyboard arms against Ms Shearon, bombarding her Facebook page with abuse.


Appearing on Channel 10's The Project on Tuesday night, Ms Hall said the dispute was unfortunate.

"I don't actually know what inspired her to write that post – it's really hard for me to tell," Ms Hall said.

"I guess a lot of people want to keep that really high standard of parenting and it's probably their love for children that makes them want to do that.

"They're probably scared that the more people like me who go around and say that it's OKnot tofail occasionally, to not be 100 per cent all the time. Maybe these people are scared that's going to encourage not the best for our kids, whereas I still encourage the best for our children."

Ms Hall said she was open to meeting Ms Shearon so they could patch things up.

"I like to think that my kids are doing alright so I think that maybe if me and her sat down and had a wine we'd probably get on.

"Sometimes the internet just changes things and you just sort of go 'no, no, no that's not my thing' and I actually challenge her to that; if you're out there let's have a wine and see if we can get on."