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The Fall of Aleppo

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | imperialism / war | feature author Monday January 16, 2017 13:55author by BD - First of May Anarchist Alliance – Detroit Collective Report this post to the editors

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On January 3, 2017, Syrian refugees, joined by Iraqi refugees and international supporters, marched on the Russian embassy in Thessaloniki, Greece. An article reporting on the march quotes a Syrian refugee as follows:

“They are trying to kill all the flowers in Syria, but they cannot kill the Spring. The Spring is coming. We are here, they cannot kill all the Syrian people.”

(“Syrian refugees in Greece despair over Aleppo,” reported by Marianna Karakoulaki and Dimitiris Tosidis, DW, January 3, 2017 (../../http//

The Fall of Aleppo

The brave people of Aleppo are dispersed or detained or fallen in their thousands. Their city and their homes are destroyed. The dictator, Assad, the butcher of Aleppo, moves to reassert control with the bombs and backing of Putin and the Russian Air Force and with the support of the armed militias of the government of Iran.

The Arab Spring began six years ago in Tunisia. From Tunisia to Egypt to Libya to Syria and beyond the working classes and anti-imperialists and fighters for freedom rose up. They rose up against dictators, against U.S. imperialism and against oppression. The fighting people of the region brought down dictators in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. They inspired people who yearn for freedom throughout the world from the Occupy movements to anti-austerity struggles to the Movement for Black Lives to prisoner struggles and beyond. But now, in Egypt, a new military dictator, Sisi, with the support of U.S. imperialism, is in power. The revolution is in retreat. U.S. imperialism and Russian imperialism and the local capitalists throughout the region attempt to reassert control and maintain control by smashing or diverting the struggles of the working people for freedom.

In Syria, where the people had risen against Assad and had established local formations, Local Coordination Committees, to take control of their lives and their communities, hundreds of thousands are dead and millions are refugees. The people of Syria had Assad on the defensive and retreating, but the Russian imperialists, assisted by the government of Iran, stepped in to “save” the Assad dictatorship and to attack the revolution of the peoples of Syria.

In the region and internationally, revolutionary forces and the working classes are in disarray and under attack. The diaspora of people forced to flee Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan and North Africa and beyond continues. Refugees are in border camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan and fleeing to Europe and in detainment camps in Europe. Thousands are drowned. Reactionary nationalist forces, fascist forces are on the rise in Europe and the United States. The U.S. imperialists, European imperialists, Russian imperialists and the regional powers and local dictators are responsible for this disaster. The Capitalist Class and Capitalism are responsible for this disaster and have worse coming in the future. Working people everywhere, people who yearn for freedom, must organize and fight.

The Arab Spring is in retreat and has suffered terrible defeats, but it is not defeated. The international working class is on the defensive and in disarray, but we are not defeated. “The Spring is coming.”

People of Syria continue to fight and to demonstrate and to struggle against Assad. Working people of all countries must unite to support their struggle. Assad continues in power because of the support of the governments of Russia and Iran. He must be overthrown.

The imperialists from the United States and from Russia must be driven from Syria, from Iraq, from the Middle East and from every country and region where they try to rule or assert their control. The regional powers and authoritarian governments from Iran and Turkey and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States must be driven from Syria, and those governments must be overthrown by the working and oppressed people of those countries and their allies.

The dictators from Assad in Syria to Sisi in Egypt and their imperialist partners would have us believe that there are only two alternatives: rule of the dictators backed by Russian imperialism as in Syria or U.S. imperialism as in Egypt, or the rule and dictatorship of ISIS or other reactionary fundamentalists. This is not true. There is another way: the revolution of the people, the revolution of the working classes, the international revolution against capitalism and imperialism and reaction in all its forms.

The lesson of Egypt is that it is not enough to bring down a government or a dictator; it is not enough to change the regime. Capitalism and the state must be overthrown and replaced by the direct rule and direct control of the working people. There is no other way.

Solidarity shows the way forward. We are not on the ground in Syria; we do not know the country. But the peoples of Syria have the right to determine their own futures, free of Assad and the Russians and the U.S. and the Iranians and Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The peoples of Syria have the right to self determination; as revolutionary anarchists we support that right.

The Kurdish people and others in Rojava also have the right to self determination. We support that right. What is needed now is solidarity among the peoples of Syria, the people of Rojava and among Kurdish people and Arabs and all working and oppressed people. What is needed now is a united fight against Assad and the imperialists and for freedom and self determination, respecting the rights of all the peoples of Syria and the region.

We need solidarity among Syrian refugees, among Iraqi refugees, among all refugees and among their international supporters and the international working classes. We need to open all borders and prepare to dispose of all borders. We need freedom. We need solidarity from the working people of every country in support of all refugees and immigrants and in defense of the refugees and immigrants from fascist, racist and government attacks.

There are political groups in the U.S. and elsewhere who support Assad and Russian imperialism and Iran against the people of Syria, but who claim to stand for working people or against imperialism or for socialism. This is a lie. Any group which supports the dictator Assad and opposes the people of Syria is an enemy of working people everywhere. Some authoritarians claiming to be Marxists and socialists support Assad; they are authoritarians and not revolutionaries. They see a dictator and a revolution to overthrow the dictator, and they side with the dictator. Some other leftists claim confusion and can’t decide.

We stand with the peoples of Syria and Aleppo and Rojava against the Assad dictatorship and all imperialists. We stand with the Syrian refugee at the demonstration in Greece: “… they cannot kill the Spring.”

Related Link:
author by Jagpublication date Wed Jan 18, 2017 05:43Report this post to the editors

The "brave" people of Aleppo were bombing the Kurdish quarters day and night. The "brave" people of Aleppo, supported by Turkey have been calling for the annihilation of Rojava. Sure, war is terrible, lots of innocent civilians died, but the FSA is no progressive alternative in any form. They are the vanguard of the Arab winter.

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Fri 27 Jan, 01:42

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150122_842113389166036_7294858716189015531_n.jpg imageVictory to the Rojava Revolution! 18:52 Sat 25 Oct by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 0 comments

Leaflet distributed today at a rally and march in Melbourne in solidarity to the Kurdish struggle.

rojava_1.png imageInternational Libertarian-Socialist Statement in Solidarity with the Kurdish Resistance 04:36 Sun 19 Oct by Johnny 2 comments

For some years now the Kurdish movement has been moving in the direction of libertarian ideas. While not an anarchist movement, this move is a sign that anarchist ideas of freedom and equality through solidarity, our ideas of horizontality and radical direct democracy and our radical critique against the State are not only valid and strong, but are also necessary for movements in order to break away from the authoritarian legacy within the left. It is our duty to express our solidarity with Rojava and the Kurdish movement, because they represent hope in this region and because they are the oppressed fighting the oppressors. Real struggles are never perfect but they carry diverse degrees of potential to being about a free society. Expressing our solidarity with the revolutionary movement in Rojava means we understand our role is to continue developing the core tenets of our ideas in order to inspire revolutions and revolutionaries all over the world. - Editorial Group [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Castellano] [Français]

daf_in_koban_10.jpg imageRevolution will win in Kobanê! 14:41 Thu 09 Oct by DAF 0 comments

It’s the 24th day of ISIS attacks on Kobanê. While people’s defending forces in all border villages are on human shield sentry for Kobanê against attacks, everyone, everywhere in the region we live, rised up not to let Kobanê fall. [Français] [Italiano]

anarchist_womendafkobane.jpg imageLatest news from Kobanê 19:35 Sat 04 Oct by DAF 3 comments

The Turkish state that is preparing to interfere to avoid the ISIS danger, is at the same time neglecting the offensive made by ISIS supporters within its borders, showing its politics of hypocrisy. [Italiano]

daf_in_kobane_3.jpg imageTurkish anarchists in Syria to support Kurdish people 14:37 Sat 27 Sep by Workers Solidarity Movement 5 comments

Istanbul anarchists along other leftists, feminists, and 'Gezi park types' have managed to cross over into Syria and the northern town of Kobane which is currently threatened by ISIS. [italiano]

daf_in_kobane.jpg imageIn Shingal, Kobane and all Rojava, ISIS is Dehak and the people are Kawa 19:35 Fri 26 Sep by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet 0 comments

In Kurdistan, people are fighting against ISIS, “the procreated violence” given birth by capitalism and the states that start wars for their own benefits. ISIS, subcontractor of the states that pursue income strategies on the region, is attacking people while yelling “islamic state!” and “holy war, jihad!”. People are suffering from hunger and thirst, getting ill, getting injured; migrating ad dying. They are still fighting in that struggle for existence. People are fighting not for the schemes and strategies around meeting tables, not for income, but for their freedom.

textPalestine-Israel: The joint struggle confront the transfer efforts of the Israeli settler colonialis... 14:49 Sun 21 Sep by Ilan S. 0 comments

Though Israel failed in its last open assault on the Gaza Strip, it still succeed in its transfer efforts. The drowning of a refugee ship with 450 mainly Gaza people reflect the partial success of Israel transfer efforts that for the never ended efforts since 1948. The siege on Gaza join the pressure on both Palestinians within the 1948 borders and that of the 1967. The big masses were driven out during the 1948 and 1967 wars, but efforts continued with all means possible. Some expelled by force some were moved within the border as pressure to "voluntary transfer". Within the 1967 borders, the Israeli efforts are targeted on the villages and Bedouins living in area C where the joint struggle to resist it is mainly focused in the South of Hebron Hills. And the joint struggle in Arkib, Dahamsh (1948 borders), and Bil'in, Ma'asara, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarah (East Jerusalem) continue "as usual". [Italiano]

oabubakralbaghdadi570.jpg imageWhat do we think about the current crisis of Iraq? 20:25 Tue 24 Jun by Kurdish Anarchists Forum 0 comments

The Iraq crisis has been continued for decades while it has been under the power of Saddam Hussein or under the “current democratic Regime” since the invasion of 2003. There were no freedom, no social justice; no equality and also little opportunity for those who were independent from the political parties who were in power. In addition to existing brutality and discrimination against women and the ordinary people a very big gap was created between the rich and poor, making the poor even poorer and the rich richer. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, History's wheels turn faster and scream as blood does not oil the axes enough* 22:23 Mon 26 Aug by Ilan S. 0 comments

The turmoil in our region expresses the melting of world history as we knew it. It accelerates before it reaches its end as the axes of the old order cannot hold it any more. The Zionist settler colonialist bridgehead of the developed imperial countries in the cradle of human culture at the east of the Mediterranean Sea is being eroded by the resistance of the indigenous inhabitants who are recruiting supporters from all over the world. The cracks in neoliberal global capitalism, which seemed to have reached its ultimate victory just a few years ago when the end of history was declared, are pointing to the real end of the history of egoistic and alienated class society. In the day-to-day struggle here, it is still hard to discern the cracks in the structure of the system, but you can already smell it in the clouds of tear gas at the weekly demos and feel the ground tremor under your feet. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, Some activities the Anarchists Against the Wall initiative involved with lately 17:23 Tue 15 Feb by Ilan S. 0 comments

There are four main areas of struggles the AAtW activists are involved with: Joint struggle with communities that invite us to join, like Bil'in and other struggles against the separation fence. Other joint struggles against occupation and settler colonialists like Nabi Salih. Joint struggles with wider coalitions like the Sheikh Jarrah coalition and South Hebron. The fourth is within Israel, like prison and jail solidarity, Al Araqeeb and Lod. It seems that our confrontational and direct-action mode of struggle is being adopted by more and more Israeli radicals.

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imageIn retaking Mosul YPG/J and the Guerrillas must be aware of the hidden agenda Aug 04 by Zaher Baher 1 comments

This article is about retaking the city of Mosul that has been under control of Isis since 09/06/2014. At the moment the Iraqi government is in talk with KRG and US forces about making plan to liberate it. In my opinion this will be one of the bloodiest battle that could happen in Iraq since 2003 after the invasion. I believe there is a hidden agenda, when Isis is defeated, it will try to run away. The liberator forces may push them to withdraw towards Jazeea in Rojava. So it is necessary for YPG/J and the Guerrillas to change their tactic.

imageNATO against the Kurds: The battle for A’zaz Feb 24 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 5 comments

NATO, represented by the Turkish State, for the last two days has been bombing the Kurdish militias of the YPG that had advanced to the north of Aleppo towards the cities of A'zaz and Such Rifaat. The bombings, which have killed at least 23 civilians, are concentrated around the military airbase of Menagh, conquered in 2013 by a coalition of “rebels”, including Al - Qaeda (Al- Nusra Front) and others that later would end up as the Islamic State. That is a key point to supply the “rebellion,” which serves the petro-theocracy and the interests of the USA and the EU. Ahmet Davutoğlu said that he has informed the vice-president of the USA Joe Biden about the bombings. Although Biden has not publicly approved Turkey’s military intervention, he has neither condemned it nor taken any action to restrain the Turkish State, which would never act without the absolute certainty that the U.S. would end up supporting them. [Castellano] [Català] [Italiano]

imageKobane’s Second Phase: Resistance and Necessities Mar 04 by KAF 3 comments

After 134 days of fierce resisting and defending. The women, men and their combatants with the support and solidarity from millions of people around the world had finally defeated the vicious attack from ISIS and liberated their town Kobane. This was not just a defeat for ISIS and it’s dream to establish an Islamic Kelifat. But it had also destroyed the ISIS’s ally the current Turkish government’s dream to resurrect a Neu-othman empire.

The attack on Kobane was a proxy war launched by ISIS on behalf of the regional regimes and others against the bravery people in Kobane and the Democratic Self administration (DSA). [Italiano] [Français]

imageWhy is the world ignoring the revolutionary Kurds in Syria? Oct 12 by David Graeber 0 comments

Amid the Syrian warzone a democratic experiment is being stamped into the ground by ISIS. That the wider world is unaware is a scandal. [Castellano] [Français] [Italiano]

imageA ‘Revolution’ under Attack – the Alternative in midst the War in Syria Oct 04 by Ulrike Flader 0 comments

The most recent pictures of thousands of refugees fleeing from heavy attacks of ISIS and making their way from Syria across the border to Turkey, come from the area of Kobani – one of three cantons of the self- proclaimed Autonomy Region Rojava in Northern Syria.

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imageVictory to the Rojava Revolution! Oct 25 Anarkismo 0 comments

Leaflet distributed today at a rally and march in Melbourne in solidarity to the Kurdish struggle.

imageInternational Libertarian-Socialist Statement in Solidarity with the Kurdish Resistance Oct 19 2 comments

For some years now the Kurdish movement has been moving in the direction of libertarian ideas. While not an anarchist movement, this move is a sign that anarchist ideas of freedom and equality through solidarity, our ideas of horizontality and radical direct democracy and our radical critique against the State are not only valid and strong, but are also necessary for movements in order to break away from the authoritarian legacy within the left. It is our duty to express our solidarity with Rojava and the Kurdish movement, because they represent hope in this region and because they are the oppressed fighting the oppressors. Real struggles are never perfect but they carry diverse degrees of potential to being about a free society. Expressing our solidarity with the revolutionary movement in Rojava means we understand our role is to continue developing the core tenets of our ideas in order to inspire revolutions and revolutionaries all over the world. - Editorial Group [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Castellano] [Français]

imageIn Shingal, Kobane and all Rojava, ISIS is Dehak and the people are Kawa Sep 26 DAF - Revolutionary Anarchist Action 0 comments

In Kurdistan, people are fighting against ISIS, “the procreated violence” given birth by capitalism and the states that start wars for their own benefits. ISIS, subcontractor of the states that pursue income strategies on the region, is attacking people while yelling “islamic state!” and “holy war, jihad!”. People are suffering from hunger and thirst, getting ill, getting injured; migrating ad dying. They are still fighting in that struggle for existence. People are fighting not for the schemes and strategies around meeting tables, not for income, but for their freedom.

imageWhat do we think about the current crisis of Iraq? Jun 24 KAF 0 comments

The Iraq crisis has been continued for decades while it has been under the power of Saddam Hussein or under the “current democratic Regime” since the invasion of 2003. There were no freedom, no social justice; no equality and also little opportunity for those who were independent from the political parties who were in power. In addition to existing brutality and discrimination against women and the ordinary people a very big gap was created between the rich and poor, making the poor even poorer and the rich richer. [Italiano]

text6 days of protests to mark 40 years of occupation Jun 05 0 comments

For six days, June 5 to 10 - corresponding to the days of the 1967 War - a wide spectrum of events will take place, including exhibitions, demonstrations, theatre plays, academic conferences etc., in order to place a the occupation and the millions suffering under its yoke on the public agenda. June 9 and 10 had been declared as International Days of Protest Against the Israeli Occupation, and we will hold The main march and rally on Saturday, June 9.

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