Promote gender equality and empower women                     United Nations Development Programme  Romania          Home About  UN System in Romania UNDP in the World UNDP in Romania Legal Framework and Management   Focus Areas  Social Inclusion Promotion and Protection of Global Public Goods International Development Cooperation   Our Work  Projects Database Partners and Donors   Operations  IPSAS Employment Opportunities Tender Announcements Human Resources Finance Procurement   MDGs  MDGs in Romania Basic Facts about MDGs   Rio+20 Media Room  News Newsletters Press releases Publications Press Clips Movie Clips   Contact            Millennium Development Goals for Romania  Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger   Achieve universal primary education   Promote gender equality and empower women   Reduce child mortality   Improve maternal health   Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases   Ensure environmental sustainability   Develop a global partnership for development  Related UN Links   UN Romania UN Information Center Bucharest UN Global UNDP Global UNDP Europe and CIS MDG Monitor UN Global Compact UN Correspondents Association        More information  United Kingdom's Gender Fact Sheet

 Denmark's MDG 3 Global Call to Action

 Millennium Project Report Taking action: achieving gender equality and empowering women


 Millennium Campaign's page on Goal 3

  Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Target 1:  Halve the severe poverty rate by 2009, as compared to 2002  Indicator 1: Severe poverty rateAchieved in 2005Last updated: 05.11.2007  Target 2:  Halve the consumption deficit of the severely poor population  by 2009, as compared to 2002, and reduce social polarization  Indicator 2: Consumption deficit of the severely poor population  Target 3:  Increase the level of employment of people between 15  and 24 years of age  Indicator 3: Unemployment rate of 15-to-24-year olds  Target 4:  Support agricultural producers and processors  Indicator 4: Domestic and export agricultural subsidies  Target 5:  Significantly reduce the prevalence of low height for age in  children between 2001 and 2015, especially in rural areas  Indicator 5: Prevalence of low height for age   Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Target 6:  Ensure that at least 95% of children in rural areas  complete a full course of primary and secondary education  as of 2012  Indicator 6: Net / gross enrolment ratio in compulsory education  Indicator 7: Dropout ratio  Target 7:  Increase the literacy rate of the Rroma population  Indicator 8: Literacy rate of the Rroma population   Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Target 8:  Increase women’s level of employment  Indicator 9: Women’s employment rateWomen’s employment level has decreased. (The level of employment of both men and women has decreased, the decrease in the employment level of men being larger than the decrease in the employment level of women.)Last updated: 05.11.2007   Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Target 9:  Halve the mortality rate in children aged 1-4 years between 2002 and 2015  Indicator 10: Mortality rate in children aged 1-4 years  Target 10:  Reduce infant mortality by 40% between 2002 and 2015  Indicator 11: Infant mortality rate  Target 11:  Eliminate measles by 2007  Indicator 12: Proportion of 1-year-old children immunized against  measlesAnti-measles immunization coverage decreasedLast updated: 05.11.2007   Goal 5: Improve maternal health Target 12:  Halve the maternal mortality rate, between 2001 and 2009  Indicator 13: Maternal mortality rate  Indicator 14: Proportion of births attended by skilled health  personnel   Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Target 13:  Maintain, by 2007, the incidence of HIV/ AIDS at the level of 2002  Indicator 15: Incidence of HIV/AIDS Indicator 16: Contraceptive prevalence rate  Target 14:  Have halted by 2005 and begun to reverse the incidence of  tuberculosis  Indicator 17: Prevalence and death rates associated with tuberculosis  Indicator 18: Proportion of TB cases detected and cured under DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short Course)AchievedLast updated: 05.11.2007  Target 15:  Provide access to affordable essential drugs   Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Target 16:  Ensure a growth of the afforestation rate, from 27% to 35%  by 2040  Indicator 19: Proportion of land area covered by forest Area covered by forests decreasedLast updated: 05.11.2007  Target 17:  Increase the proportion of protected land area from 2.56% in 1990 to 10% by 2015  Indicator 20: Land area protected to maintain biological diversity  Target 18:  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions  Indicator 21: Carbon dioxide emissions per capita  Target 19:  Double by 2015 the proportion of people with sustainable access  to drinking water  Indicator 22: Proportion of population with sustainable access to water  sources   Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development Target 20:  Double the number of subscribers to fixed telephony  networks between 2001 and 2015  Indicator 23: Telephone lines per 1,000 people  Target 21:  Increase by at least 20% yearly the number of personal computers  Indicator 24: Personal computers per 1,000 people     News08 July 2016Call for Communications and Advocacy Projects and Activities in the Field of Development Cooperation

08 June 2015Results of the EYD2015 communication and development education grant programme

02 March 2015“Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” Competition Results

29 January 2015UNDP Launches Competition: “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities”

18 November 2014ESCOs in Romania - a solution to a wider accessibility to energy efficiency measures especially in poor areas

Openings and AnnouncementsEurope & CIS VacanciesEurope & CIS Procurement NoticesNewsletters24 September 2012 CSR Newsletter September 10 - 16, 2012 Haberler

18 September 2012 CSR Newsletter September 1-9, 2012

31 August 2012  CSR Newsletter August 1-31, 2012

16 July 2012 CSR Newsletter July 9 - 15, 2012

09 July 2012 CSR Newsletter July 2 - 8, 2012

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